/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.react.uimanager; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import android.view.View; import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray; import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap; /** * Wrapper for {@link ReadableMap} which should be used for styles property map. It extends * some of the accessor methods of {@link ReadableMap} by adding a default value property * such that caller is enforced to provide a default value for a style property. * * Instances of this class are used to update {@link View} or {@link CSSNode} style properties. * Since properties are generated by React framework based on what has been updated each value * in this map should either be interpreted as a new value set for a style property or as a "reset * this property to default" command in case when value is null (this is a way React communicates * change in which the style key that was previously present in a map has been removed). * * NOTE: Accessor method with default value will throw an exception when the key is not present in * the map. Style applicator logic should verify whether the key exists in the map using * {@link #hasKey} before fetching the value. The motivation behind this is that in case when the * updated style diff map doesn't contain a certain style key it means that the corresponding view * property shouldn't be updated (whereas in all other cases it should be updated to the new value * or the property should be reset). */ public class CatalystStylesDiffMap { /* package */ final ReadableMap mBackingMap; public CatalystStylesDiffMap(ReadableMap props) { mBackingMap = props; } public boolean hasKey(String name) { return mBackingMap.hasKey(name); } public boolean isNull(String name) { return mBackingMap.isNull(name); } public boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean restoreNullToDefaultValue) { return mBackingMap.isNull(name) ? restoreNullToDefaultValue : mBackingMap.getBoolean(name); } public double getDouble(String name, double restoreNullToDefaultValue) { return mBackingMap.isNull(name) ? restoreNullToDefaultValue : mBackingMap.getDouble(name); } public float getFloat(String name, float restoreNullToDefaultValue) { return mBackingMap.isNull(name) ? restoreNullToDefaultValue : (float) mBackingMap.getDouble(name); } public int getInt(String name, int restoreNullToDefaultValue) { return mBackingMap.isNull(name) ? restoreNullToDefaultValue : mBackingMap.getInt(name); } @Nullable public String getString(String name) { return mBackingMap.getString(name); } @Nullable public ReadableArray getArray(String key) { return mBackingMap.getArray(key); } @Nullable public ReadableMap getMap(String key) { return mBackingMap.getMap(key); } @Override public String toString() { return "{ " + getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + mBackingMap.toString() + " }"; } }