/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.react.modules.debug; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.view.Choreographer; import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext; import com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIManagerModule; import com.facebook.infer.annotation.Assertions; /** * Each time a frame is drawn, records whether it should have expected any more callbacks since * the last time a frame was drawn (i.e. was a frame skipped?). Uses this plus total elapsed time * to determine FPS. Can also record total and expected frame counts, though NB, since the expected * frame rate is estimated, the expected frame count will lose accuracy over time. * * Also records the JS FPS, i.e. the frames per second with which either JS updated the UI or was * idle and not trying to update the UI. This is different from the FPS above since JS rendering is * async. * * TargetApi 16 for use of Choreographer. */ @TargetApi(16) public class FpsDebugFrameCallback implements Choreographer.FrameCallback { public static class FpsInfo { public final int totalFrames; public final int totalJsFrames; public final int totalExpectedFrames; public final int total4PlusFrameStutters; public final double fps; public final double jsFps; public final int totalTimeMs; public FpsInfo( int totalFrames, int totalJsFrames, int totalExpectedFrames, int total4PlusFrameStutters, double fps, double jsFps, int totalTimeMs) { this.totalFrames = totalFrames; this.totalJsFrames = totalJsFrames; this.totalExpectedFrames = totalExpectedFrames; this.total4PlusFrameStutters = total4PlusFrameStutters; this.fps = fps; this.jsFps = jsFps; this.totalTimeMs = totalTimeMs; } } private static final double EXPECTED_FRAME_TIME = 16.9; private final Choreographer mChoreographer; private final ReactContext mReactContext; private final UIManagerModule mUIManagerModule; private final DidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector mDidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector; private boolean mShouldStop = false; private long mFirstFrameTime = -1; private long mLastFrameTime = -1; private int mNumFrameCallbacks = 0; private int mExpectedNumFramesPrev = 0; private int m4PlusFrameStutters = 0; private int mNumFrameCallbacksWithBatchDispatches = 0; private boolean mIsRecordingFpsInfoAtEachFrame = false; private @Nullable TreeMap<Long, FpsInfo> mTimeToFps; public FpsDebugFrameCallback(Choreographer choreographer, ReactContext reactContext) { mChoreographer = choreographer; mReactContext = reactContext; mUIManagerModule = reactContext.getNativeModule(UIManagerModule.class); mDidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector = new DidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector(); } @Override public void doFrame(long l) { if (mShouldStop) { return; } if (mFirstFrameTime == -1) { mFirstFrameTime = l; } long lastFrameStartTime = mLastFrameTime; mLastFrameTime = l; if (mDidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector.getDidJSHitFrameAndCleanup( lastFrameStartTime, l)) { mNumFrameCallbacksWithBatchDispatches++; } mNumFrameCallbacks++; int expectedNumFrames = getExpectedNumFrames(); int framesDropped = expectedNumFrames - mExpectedNumFramesPrev - 1; if (framesDropped >= 4) { m4PlusFrameStutters++; } if (mIsRecordingFpsInfoAtEachFrame) { Assertions.assertNotNull(mTimeToFps); FpsInfo info = new FpsInfo( getNumFrames(), getNumJSFrames(), expectedNumFrames, m4PlusFrameStutters, getFPS(), getJSFPS(), getTotalTimeMS()); mTimeToFps.put(System.currentTimeMillis(), info); } mExpectedNumFramesPrev = expectedNumFrames; mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(this); } public void start() { mShouldStop = false; mReactContext.getCatalystInstance().addBridgeIdleDebugListener( mDidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector); mUIManagerModule.setUiManagerDebugListener(mDidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector); mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(this); } public void startAndRecordFpsAtEachFrame() { mTimeToFps = new TreeMap<Long, FpsInfo>(); mIsRecordingFpsInfoAtEachFrame = true; start(); } public void stop() { mShouldStop = true; mReactContext.getCatalystInstance().removeBridgeIdleDebugListener( mDidJSUpdateUiDuringFrameDetector); mUIManagerModule.setUiManagerDebugListener(null); } public double getFPS() { if (mLastFrameTime == mFirstFrameTime) { return 0; } return ((double) (getNumFrames()) * 1e9) / (mLastFrameTime - mFirstFrameTime); } public double getJSFPS() { if (mLastFrameTime == mFirstFrameTime) { return 0; } return ((double) (getNumJSFrames()) * 1e9) / (mLastFrameTime - mFirstFrameTime); } public int getNumFrames() { return mNumFrameCallbacks - 1; } public int getNumJSFrames() { return mNumFrameCallbacksWithBatchDispatches - 1; } public int getExpectedNumFrames() { double totalTimeMS = getTotalTimeMS(); int expectedFrames = (int) (totalTimeMS / EXPECTED_FRAME_TIME + 1); return expectedFrames; } public int get4PlusFrameStutters() { return m4PlusFrameStutters; } public int getTotalTimeMS() { return (int) ((double) mLastFrameTime - mFirstFrameTime) / 1000000; } /** * Returns the FpsInfo as if stop had been called at the given upToTimeMs. Only valid if * monitoring was started with {@link #startAndRecordFpsAtEachFrame()}. */ public @Nullable FpsInfo getFpsInfo(long upToTimeMs) { Assertions.assertNotNull(mTimeToFps, "FPS was not recorded at each frame!"); Map.Entry<Long, FpsInfo> bestEntry = mTimeToFps.floorEntry(upToTimeMs); if (bestEntry == null) { return null; } return bestEntry.getValue(); } public void reset() { mFirstFrameTime = -1; mLastFrameTime = -1; mNumFrameCallbacks = 0; m4PlusFrameStutters = 0; mNumFrameCallbacksWithBatchDispatches = 0; mIsRecordingFpsInfoAtEachFrame = false; mTimeToFps = null; } }