// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. package com.facebook.react.uimanager; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import android.view.View; import com.facebook.common.logging.FLog; import com.facebook.react.bridge.JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException; import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray; import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap; /** * This class is responsible for holding view manager property setters and is used in a process of * updating views with the new properties set in JS. */ /*package*/ class ViewManagersPropertyCache { private static final Map<Class, Map<String, PropSetter>> CLASS_PROPS_CACHE = new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<String, PropSetter> EMPTY_PROPS_MAP = new HashMap<>(); /*package*/ static abstract class PropSetter { protected final String mPropName; protected final String mPropType; protected final Method mSetter; protected final @Nullable Integer mIndex; /* non-null only for group setters */ // The following Object arrays are used to prevent extra allocations from varargs when we call // Method.invoke. It's safe for those objects to be static as we update properties in a single // thread sequentially private static final Object[] VIEW_MGR_ARGS = new Object[2]; private static final Object[] VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS = new Object[3]; private static final Object[] SHADOW_ARGS = new Object[1]; private static final Object[] SHADOW_GROUP_ARGS = new Object[2]; private PropSetter(ReactProp prop, String defaultType, Method setter) { mPropName = prop.name(); mPropType = ReactProp.USE_DEFAULT_TYPE.equals(prop.customType()) ? defaultType : prop.customType(); mSetter = setter; mIndex = null; } private PropSetter(ReactPropGroup prop, String defaultType, Method setter, int index) { mPropName = prop.names()[index]; mPropType = ReactPropGroup.USE_DEFAULT_TYPE.equals(prop.customType()) ? defaultType : prop.customType(); mSetter = setter; mIndex = index; } public String getPropName() { return mPropName; } public String getPropType() { return mPropType; } public void updateViewProp( ViewManager viewManager, View viewToUpdate, CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { try { if (mIndex == null) { VIEW_MGR_ARGS[0] = viewToUpdate; VIEW_MGR_ARGS[1] = extractProperty(props); mSetter.invoke(viewManager, VIEW_MGR_ARGS); } else { VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS[0] = viewToUpdate; VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS[1] = mIndex; VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS[2] = extractProperty(props); mSetter.invoke(viewManager, VIEW_MGR_GROUP_ARGS); } } catch (Throwable t) { FLog.e(ViewManager.class, "Error while updating prop " + mPropName, t); throw new JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException("Error while updating property '" + mPropName + "' of a view managed by: " + viewManager.getName(), t); } } public void updateShadowNodeProp( ReactShadowNode nodeToUpdate, CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { try { if (mIndex == null) { SHADOW_ARGS[0] = extractProperty(props); mSetter.invoke(nodeToUpdate, SHADOW_ARGS); } else { SHADOW_GROUP_ARGS[0] = mIndex; SHADOW_GROUP_ARGS[1] = extractProperty(props); mSetter.invoke(nodeToUpdate, SHADOW_GROUP_ARGS); } } catch (Throwable t) { FLog.e(ViewManager.class, "Error while updating prop " + mPropName, t); throw new JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException("Error while updating property '" + mPropName + "' in shadow node of type: " + nodeToUpdate.getViewClass(), t); } } protected abstract @Nullable Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props); } private static class IntPropSetter extends PropSetter { private final int mDefaultValue; public IntPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter, int defaultValue) { super(prop, "number", setter); mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } public IntPropSetter(ReactPropGroup prop, Method setter, int index, int defaultValue) { super(prop, "number", setter, index); mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } @Override protected Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getInt(mPropName, mDefaultValue); } } private static class DoublePropSetter extends PropSetter { private final double mDefaultValue; public DoublePropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter, double defaultValue) { super(prop, "number", setter); mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } @Override protected Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getDouble(mPropName, mDefaultValue); } } private static class BooleanPropSetter extends PropSetter { private final boolean mDefaultValue; public BooleanPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter, boolean defaultValue) { super(prop, "boolean", setter); mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } @Override protected Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getBoolean(mPropName, mDefaultValue) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } } private static class FloatPropSetter extends PropSetter { private final float mDefaultValue; public FloatPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter, float defaultValue) { super(prop, "number", setter); mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } public FloatPropSetter(ReactPropGroup prop, Method setter, int index, float defaultValue) { super(prop, "number", setter, index); mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } @Override protected Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getFloat(mPropName, mDefaultValue); } } private static class ArrayPropSetter extends PropSetter { public ArrayPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter) { super(prop, "Array", setter); } @Override protected @Nullable Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getArray(mPropName); } } private static class MapPropSetter extends PropSetter { public MapPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter) { super(prop, "Map", setter); } @Override protected @Nullable Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getMap(mPropName); } } private static class StringPropSetter extends PropSetter { public StringPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter) { super(prop, "String", setter); } @Override protected @Nullable Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { return props.getString(mPropName); } } private static class BoxedBooleanPropSetter extends PropSetter { public BoxedBooleanPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter) { super(prop, "boolean", setter); } @Override protected @Nullable Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { if (!props.isNull(mPropName)) { return props.getBoolean(mPropName, /* ignored */ false) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } return null; } } private static class BoxedIntPropSetter extends PropSetter { public BoxedIntPropSetter(ReactProp prop, Method setter) { super(prop, "number", setter); } public BoxedIntPropSetter(ReactPropGroup prop, Method setter, int index) { super(prop, "number", setter, index); } @Override protected @Nullable Object extractProperty(CatalystStylesDiffMap props) { if (!props.isNull(mPropName)) { return props.getInt(mPropName, /* ignored */ 0); } return null; } } /*package*/ static Map<String, String> getNativePropsForView( Class<? extends ViewManager> viewManagerTopClass, Class<? extends ReactShadowNode> shadowNodeTopClass) { Map<String, String> nativeProps = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, PropSetter> viewManagerProps = getNativePropSettersForViewManagerClass(viewManagerTopClass); for (PropSetter setter : viewManagerProps.values()) { nativeProps.put(setter.getPropName(), setter.getPropType()); } Map<String, PropSetter> shadowNodeProps = getNativePropSettersForShadowNodeClass(shadowNodeTopClass); for (PropSetter setter : shadowNodeProps.values()) { nativeProps.put(setter.getPropName(), setter.getPropType()); } return nativeProps; } /** * Returns map from property name to setter instances for all the property setters annotated with * {@link ReactProp} in the given {@link ViewManager} class plus all the setter declared by its * parent classes. */ /*package*/ static Map<String, PropSetter> getNativePropSettersForViewManagerClass( Class<? extends ViewManager> cls) { if (cls == ViewManager.class) { return EMPTY_PROPS_MAP; } Map<String, PropSetter> props = CLASS_PROPS_CACHE.get(cls); if (props != null) { return props; } // This is to include all the setters from parent classes. Once calculated the result will be // stored in CLASS_PROPS_CACHE so that we only scan for @ReactProp annotations once per class. props = new HashMap<>( getNativePropSettersForViewManagerClass( (Class<? extends ViewManager>) cls.getSuperclass())); extractPropSettersFromViewManagerClassDefinition(cls, props); CLASS_PROPS_CACHE.put(cls, props); return props; } /** * Returns map from property name to setter instances for all the property setters annotated with * {@link ReactProp} (or {@link ReactPropGroup} in the given {@link ReactShadowNode} subclass plus * all the setters declared by its parent classes up to {@link ReactShadowNode} which is treated * as a base class. */ /*package*/ static Map<String, PropSetter> getNativePropSettersForShadowNodeClass( Class<? extends ReactShadowNode> cls) { if (cls == ReactShadowNode.class) { return EMPTY_PROPS_MAP; } Map<String, PropSetter> props = CLASS_PROPS_CACHE.get(cls); if (props != null) { return props; } // This is to include all the setters from parent classes up to ReactShadowNode class props = new HashMap<>( getNativePropSettersForShadowNodeClass( (Class<? extends ReactShadowNode>) cls.getSuperclass())); extractPropSettersFromShadowNodeClassDefinition(cls, props); CLASS_PROPS_CACHE.put(cls, props); return props; } private static PropSetter createPropSetter( ReactProp annotation, Method method, Class<?> propTypeClass) { if (propTypeClass == boolean.class) { return new BooleanPropSetter(annotation, method, annotation.defaultBoolean()); } else if (propTypeClass == int.class) { return new IntPropSetter(annotation, method, annotation.defaultInt()); } else if (propTypeClass == float.class) { return new FloatPropSetter(annotation, method, annotation.defaultFloat()); } else if (propTypeClass == double.class) { return new DoublePropSetter(annotation, method, annotation.defaultDouble()); } else if (propTypeClass == String.class) { return new StringPropSetter(annotation, method); } else if (propTypeClass == Boolean.class) { return new BoxedBooleanPropSetter(annotation, method); } else if (propTypeClass == Integer.class) { return new BoxedIntPropSetter(annotation, method); } else if (propTypeClass == ReadableArray.class) { return new ArrayPropSetter(annotation, method); } else if (propTypeClass == ReadableMap.class) { return new MapPropSetter(annotation, method); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type: " + propTypeClass + " for method: " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } } private static void createPropSetters( ReactPropGroup annotation, Method method, Class<?> propTypeClass, Map<String, PropSetter> props) { String[] names = annotation.names(); if (propTypeClass == int.class) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { props.put( names[i], new IntPropSetter(annotation, method, i, annotation.defaultInt())); } } else if (propTypeClass == float.class) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { props.put( names[i], new FloatPropSetter(annotation, method, i, annotation.defaultFloat())); } } else if (propTypeClass == Integer.class) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { props.put( names[i], new BoxedIntPropSetter(annotation, method, i)); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type: " + propTypeClass + " for method: " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } } private static void extractPropSettersFromViewManagerClassDefinition( Class<? extends ViewManager> cls, Map<String, PropSetter> props) { Method[] declaredMethods = cls.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < declaredMethods.length; i++) { Method method = declaredMethods[i]; ReactProp annotation = method.getAnnotation(ReactProp.class); if (annotation != null) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } if (!View.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[0])) { throw new RuntimeException("First param should be a view subclass to be updated: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } props.put(annotation.name(), createPropSetter(annotation, method, paramTypes[1])); } ReactPropGroup groupAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(ReactPropGroup.class); if (groupAnnotation != null) { Class<?> [] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length != 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for group prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } if (!View.class.isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[0])) { throw new RuntimeException("First param should be a view subclass to be updated: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } if (paramTypes[1] != int.class) { throw new RuntimeException("Second argument should be property index: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } createPropSetters(groupAnnotation, method, paramTypes[2], props); } } } private static void extractPropSettersFromShadowNodeClassDefinition( Class<? extends ReactShadowNode> cls, Map<String, PropSetter> props) { for (Method method : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) { ReactProp annotation = method.getAnnotation(ReactProp.class); if (annotation != null) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } props.put(annotation.name(), createPropSetter(annotation, method, paramTypes[0])); } ReactPropGroup groupAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(ReactPropGroup.class); if (groupAnnotation != null) { Class<?> [] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of args for group prop setter: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } if (paramTypes[0] != int.class) { throw new RuntimeException("Second argument should be property index: " + cls.getName() + "#" + method.getName()); } createPropSetters(groupAnnotation, method, paramTypes[1], props); } } } }