package; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect; import; public class ItemNaturaEdibleSoup extends ItemNaturaEdible { protected TIntObjectHashMap<ItemStack> bowlsList; public ItemNaturaEdibleSoup() { super(); this.bowlsList = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); } public ItemStack addFood(int meta, int food, float saturation, int duration, String name, ItemStack bowl, PotionEffect... effects) { return this.addFood(meta, food, saturation, duration, name, bowl, effects.length > 0, effects); } public ItemStack addFood(int meta, int food, float saturation, int duration, String name, ItemStack bowl, boolean alwaysEdible, PotionEffect... effects) { this.bowlsList.put(meta, bowl); return super.addFood(meta, food, saturation, duration, name, alwaysEdible, effects); } /** * Called when the player finishes using this Item (E.g. finishes eating.). Not called when the player stops using * the Item before the action is complete. */ @Override @Nullable public ItemStack onItemUseFinish(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, EntityLivingBase entityLiving) { super.onItemUseFinish(stack, worldIn, entityLiving); ItemStack bowl = this.bowlsList.get(stack.getMetadata()).copy(); if (entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (!((EntityPlayer) entityLiving).inventory.addItemStackToInventory(bowl)) { ((EntityPlayer) entityLiving).dropItem(bowl, false, false); } } return stack.stackSize <= 0 ? null : stack; } }