package com.threatconnect.sdk.log; import; import; import; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.LogWriterAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.config.Configuration; import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection; import; import java.util.AbstractQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; /** * This singleton maintains the logic needed for recording and reporting log entries to the server. * 2 queues which are used to accomplish this task. The first queue is used to store log entries * until a threshold is reached. Once this occurs, a task is created which will be responsible for * making a batch API call to the server with all of the log entries. The second queue is used to * track the actual executing api calls. In the event that multiple batch requests are created * before the previous can finish executing, this queue helps maintain the order of all log entries * as well as track actively executing api calls. * * @author Greg Marut */ public class ServerLogger { // holds the default threshold for when the log entries will be flushed to the server as a batch public static final int DEFAULT_BATCH_THRESHOLD = 100; // holds the instance of this singleton private static ServerLogger instance; private static final Object lock = new Object(); // holds the executor service for flushing the logs to the server private final ExecutorService taskExecutorService; // holds the queue of server log entries that are pending submit private final AbstractQueue<LogEntry> logEntryQueue; private final AbstractQueue<LogWriterTask> logWriterTasks; // determines whether or not server logging is enabled private volatile boolean enabled; // holds the configuration object for connecting to the api private Configuration configuration; // holds the batch threshold for how many log entries are needed before they are flushed to the // server private int batchLogEntryThreshold; private ServerLogger() { logEntryQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LogEntry>(); logWriterTasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LogWriterTask>(); taskExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); setBatchLogEntryThreshold(DEFAULT_BATCH_THRESHOLD); setConfiguration(createConfiguration()); setEnabled(true); } public void addLogEntry(final LogEntry logEntry) { // ensure that server logging is enabled if (isEnabled()) { // adds a log entry to the queue logEntryQueue.add(logEntry); // check to see if the log entries need to be flushed flushToServerIfNeeded(); } } public int getBatchLogEntryThreshold() { return batchLogEntryThreshold; } public void setBatchLogEntryThreshold(int batchLogEntryThreshold) { this.batchLogEntryThreshold = batchLogEntryThreshold; } /** * Writes all remaining log entries to the server. This method blocks until all entries have * been uploaded to the server */ public void flushToServer() { // ensure that server logging is enabled if (isEnabled()) { // prepare any remaining log entries from the queue prepareLogWriterTask(); // acquire a thread lock on the queue synchronized (logWriterTasks) { // while there are more tasks to write while (!logWriterTasks.isEmpty()) { // execute the next pending task logWriterTasks.poll().run(); } } } } /** * First checks to see if the log entry queue has reached the required threshold, if so, it is * flushed to the server */ private void flushToServerIfNeeded() { // ensure that server logging is enabled if (isEnabled()) { // check to see if the size of the queue exceeds the threshold if (logEntryQueue.size() >= getBatchLogEntryThreshold()) { // run this inside of a new thread taskExecutorService.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flushToServer(); } }); } } } /** * Converts the queue of log entries into a task that is ready to be sent to the server */ private void prepareLogWriterTask() { // ensure that server logging is enabled if (isEnabled()) { // acquire a thread lock on the queue synchronized (logEntryQueue) { // convert the queue to an array final LogEntry[] logEntryArray = logEntryQueue.toArray(new LogEntry[logEntryQueue.size()]); // make sure there are log entries if (logEntryArray.length > 0) { // clear the queue logEntryQueue.clear(); try { // create the runnable task that will send the batch of log entries to the // server LogWriterTask task = new LogWriterTask(new LogWriterAdapter(createConnection()), logEntryArray); logWriterTasks.add(task); } catch (IOException e) { LoggerUtil.logErr(e, e.getMessage()); } } } } } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { // make sure the configuration object is not null if (null == configuration) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration cannot be null"); } this.configuration = configuration; } private Connection createConnection() throws IOException { return new Connection(getConfiguration()); } private Configuration createConfiguration() { // create the configuration for the threatconnect server AppConfig appConfig = SdkAppConfig.getInstance(); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(appConfig.getTcApiPath(), appConfig.getTcApiAccessID(), appConfig.getTcApiUserSecretKey(), appConfig.getApiDefaultOrg(), appConfig.getTcToken(), appConfig.getTcTokenExpires()); return configuration; } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } public static ServerLogger getInstance() { // check to see if the instance is null if (null == instance) { // acquire a lock on the lock object for thread synchronization synchronized (lock) { // now that a lock is in place, check again to see if the instance is still null if (null == instance) { // create the new instance instance = new ServerLogger(); } } } return instance; } }