package com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.service.writer; import; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractGroupReaderAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.ReaderAdapterFactory; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.response.IterableResponse; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.AbstractGroupWriterAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.WriterAdapterFactory; import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection; import com.threatconnect.sdk.exception.FailedResponseException; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Address; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Attribute; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.EmailAddress; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.File; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Group; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.GroupType; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Host; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Indicator; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Url; import; import; import; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Group.Type; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.response.entity.ApiEntitySingleResponse; import com.threatconnect.sdk.util.ApiFilterType; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public abstract class GroupWriter<E extends Group, T extends com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Group> extends Writer { protected final E groupSource; private final Class<T> tcModelClass; private final Type tcGroupType; private T savedGroup; public GroupWriter(final Connection connection, final E source, final Class<T> tcModelClass, final Type tcGroupType) { super(connection); this.groupSource = source; this.tcModelClass = tcModelClass; this.tcGroupType = tcGroupType; } /** * Saves the group with the associated owner * * @param ownerName * the owner name of the group * @return the saved group * @throws SaveItemFailedException * if there was an issue saving this item * @throws IOException * if there was an exception communicating with the server */ public T saveGroup(final String ownerName) throws SaveItemFailedException, IOException { try { // create the writer AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<T> writer = createWriterAdapter(); // map the object T group =, tcModelClass); // attempt to lookup the indicator by the id T readGroup = lookupGroup(groupSource.getName(), ownerName); // check to see if the indicator was found on the server if (null != readGroup) { // use this group as the saved group savedGroup = readGroup; return savedGroup; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Gson gson = new Gson();"Saving group: {}", gson.toJson(group)); } // save the object ApiEntitySingleResponse<T, ?> response = writer.create(group); // check to see if this call was successful if (response.isSuccess()) { savedGroup = response.getItem(); // make sure the list of attributes is not empty if (!groupSource.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { // for each of the attributes of this group for (Attribute attribute : groupSource.getAttributes()) { // map the attribute to a server entity com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Attribute attr =, com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Attribute.class); // save the attributes for this group ApiEntitySingleResponse<?, ?> attrResponse = writer.addAttribute(getSavedGroupID(), attr); // check to see if this was not successful if (!attrResponse.isSuccess()) { logger.warn("Failed to save attribute \"{}\" for group id: {}", attribute.getType(), getSavedGroupID()); logger.warn(attrResponse.getMessage()); logger.warn(attribute.getValue()); } } } // make sure the list of tags is not empty if (!groupSource.getTags().isEmpty()) { // for each of the tags for (String tag : groupSource.getTags()) { // make sure this tag is not empty if (null != tag && !tag.isEmpty()) { // save the tag for this group ApiEntitySingleResponse<?, ?> tagResponse = writer.associateTag(getSavedGroupID(), tag); // check to see if this was not successful if (!tagResponse.isSuccess()) { logger.warn("Failed to save tag \"{}\" for group id: {}", tag, getSavedGroupID()); logger.warn(tagResponse.getMessage()); } } else { logger.warn("Skipping blank tag for: {}", getSavedGroupID()); } } } return getSavedGroup(); } else { throw new SaveItemFailedException(groupSource, response.getMessage()); } } catch (FailedResponseException e) { throw new SaveItemFailedException(groupSource, e); } } /** * Associates an indicator with the saved group object of this writer class * * @param indicator * the indicator to associate to this group * @throws AssociateFailedException * if there as an issue associating the indicator to this group * @throws IOException * if there was an exception communicating with the server */ public void associateIndicator(final Indicator indicator) throws AssociateFailedException, IOException { try { // create a new group writer to do the association AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<T> writer = createWriterAdapter(); ApiEntitySingleResponse<?, ?> response = null; String indicatorID = indicator.getIdentifier(); // switch based on the indicator type switch (indicator.getIndicatorType()) { case Address.INDICATOR_TYPE: response = writer.associateIndicatorAddress(getSavedGroupID(), indicatorID); break; case EmailAddress.INDICATOR_TYPE: response = writer.associateIndicatorEmailAddress(getSavedGroupID(), indicatorID); break; case File.INDICATOR_TYPE: File file = (File) indicator; List<String> hashes = Arrays.asList(file.getMd5(), file.getSha1(), file.getSha256()); // :TODO: the plural version of this method throws an internal sdk error so we // have to use the single method and loop through the hashes for each of the // hashes for (String hash : hashes) { // make sure the hash is not null or empty if (null != hash && !hash.isEmpty()) { indicatorID = hash; response = writer.associateIndicatorFile(getSavedGroupID(), indicatorID); } } break; case Host.INDICATOR_TYPE: response = writer.associateIndicatorHost(getSavedGroupID(), indicatorID); break; case Url.INDICATOR_TYPE: response = writer.associateIndicatorUrl(getSavedGroupID(), indicatorID); break; default: response = null; //:FIXME: associate custom indicator to group? This method does not yet exist //response = writer.associateIndicatorCustom(getSavedGroupID(), indicatorID); break; } // check to see if this was not successful if (null != response && !response.isSuccess()) { logger.warn("Failed to associate indicator \"{}\" with group id: {}", indicatorID, getSavedGroupID()); logger.warn(response.getMessage()); } } catch (FailedResponseException e) { throw new AssociateFailedException(e); } } public void associateGroup(final GroupType groupType, final Integer savedID) throws AssociateFailedException, IOException { try { // create a new indicator writer to do the association AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<T> writer = createWriterAdapter(); ApiEntitySingleResponse<?, ?> response = null; // switch based on the group type switch (groupType) { case ADVERSARY: response = writer.associateGroupAdversary(getSavedGroupID(), savedID); break; case DOCUMENT: response = writer.associateGroupDocument(getSavedGroupID(), savedID); break; case EMAIL: response = writer.associateGroupEmail(getSavedGroupID(), savedID); break; case INCIDENT: response = writer.associateGroupIncident(getSavedGroupID(), savedID); break; case SIGNATURE: response = writer.associateGroupSignature(getSavedGroupID(), savedID); break; case THREAT: response = writer.associateGroupThreat(getSavedGroupID(), savedID); break; default: response = null; break; } // check to see if this was not successful if (null != response && !response.isSuccess()) { logger.warn("Failed to associate group id \"{}\" with group: {}", savedID, getSavedGroupID()); logger.warn(response.getMessage()); } } catch (FailedResponseException e) { throw new AssociateFailedException(e); } } /** * Deletes the group from the server if it exists * * @param ownerName * the owner name of the group * @throws DeleteItemFailedException * if there was any reason the group could not be deleted */ public void deleteGroup(final String ownerName) throws DeleteItemFailedException { try { // create the writer AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<T> writer = createWriterAdapter(); // look up the group from the server T readGroup = lookupGroup(groupSource.getName(), ownerName); // make sure the group is not null if (null != readGroup) { // lookup the indicator from the server ApiEntitySingleResponse<?, ?> response = writer.delete(readGroup.getId(), ownerName); // check to see if this was not successful if (!response.isSuccess()) { throw new DeleteItemFailedException(response.getMessage()); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DeleteItemFailedException(e); } } /** * Looks up a group by the group name * * @param groupName * the name of the group to look up * @return the existing indicator * @throws FailedResponseException * if the server returned an invalid response * @throws IOException * if there was an exception communicating with the server */ protected T lookupGroup(final String groupName, final String ownerName) { AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<T> reader = createReaderAdapter(); // make sure the group name is not null if (null != groupName) { try { // lookup the group by the group name IterableResponse<T> readGroups = reader.getForFilters(ownerName, false, ApiFilterType.filterName().equal(groupName)); // check to see if the read groups is not null if (null != readGroups) { // for each of the indicators for (T group : readGroups) { // need to perform another lookup on the server to get all of the // information for this group and not just the summary return reader.getById(group.getId()); } } } catch (FailedResponseException | IOException e) { logger.trace("Failed to lookup group name \"{}\"", groupName); logger.trace(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } return null; } /** * Retrieves the id of the saved group * * @return the id of the saved group */ protected Integer getSavedGroupID() { com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Group savedGroup = getSavedGroup(); // make sure the saved group is not null if (null != savedGroup) { return savedGroup.getId(); } throw new IllegalStateException("group is not saved"); } /** * Creates a reader adapter for this class * * @return the reader adapter for this indicator */ protected AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<T> createReaderAdapter() { return ReaderAdapterFactory.createGroupReader(tcGroupType, connection); } /** * A convenience method for creating a writer adapter for this class * * @return the group writer adapter */ protected AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<T> createWriterAdapter() { return WriterAdapterFactory.createGroupWriter(tcGroupType, connection); } public T getSavedGroup() { return savedGroup; } }