package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import; import; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.fluent.AdversaryBuilder; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.fluent.AttributeBuilder; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.fluent.TagBuilder; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.fluent.ThreatBuilder; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractGroupReaderAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.DataStoreReaderAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.ReaderAdapterFactory; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.TagReaderAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.response.IterableResponse; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.AbstractGroupWriterAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.DataStoreWriterAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.TagWriterAdapter; import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.WriterAdapterFactory; import com.threatconnect.sdk.config.Configuration; import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection; import com.threatconnect.sdk.exception.FailedResponseException; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Adversary; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Attribute; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Group; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Indicator; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Tag; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Threat; import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.response.entity.ApiEntitySingleResponse; import com.threatconnect.sdk.util.IndicatorUtil; import com.threatconnect.sdk.util.StringUtil; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntityEnclosingRequest; import org.apache.http.HttpRequest; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; import static com.threatconnect.sdk.util.IndicatorUtil.getUniqueId; import static com.threatconnect.sdk.util.IndicatorUtil.setUniqueId; /** * Created by dtineo on 5/15/15. */ public abstract class EnhancedApp extends App { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EnhancedApp.class); private Connection conn; private String owner; private int resultLimit = 500; private Map<Indicator.Type, AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter> indReaderMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Indicator.Type, AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter> indWriterMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Group.Type, AbstractGroupReaderAdapter> groupReaderMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Group.Type, AbstractGroupWriterAdapter> groupWriterMap = new HashMap<>(); private int maxRetries = 3; private int retrySleepMs = 5000; private int requestTimerCounter = 0; private long requestLimitResetTimeMs = 0; private Map<String, Threat> threatMap; private Map<String, Adversary> adversaryMap; private TagWriterAdapter tagWriter; private Map<String, Tag> tagMap; private TagReaderAdapter tagReader; private DataStoreReaderAdapter dataStoreReader; private DataStoreWriterAdapter dataStoreWriter; private HttpClient externalClient; private List<String> cookies = new ArrayList(); protected Integer getRateLimit() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } protected Long getRateLimitIntervalMs() { return 60 * 1000L; } public EnhancedApp() { this(new SdkAppConfig()); } public EnhancedApp(AppConfig appConfig) { Configuration config; if (appConfig.getTcToken() != null) { info("Connecting using API Token"); config = new Configuration(appConfig.getTcApiPath(), appConfig.getTcApiAccessID(), appConfig.getTcApiUserSecretKey(), appConfig.getApiDefaultOrg(), appConfig.getApiMaxResults(getResultLimit()), appConfig.getTcToken(), appConfig.getTcTokenExpires()); } else { info("Connecting using API Key"); config = new Configuration(appConfig.getTcApiPath(), appConfig.getTcApiAccessID(), appConfig.getTcApiUserSecretKey(), appConfig.getApiDefaultOrg(), appConfig.getApiMaxResults(getResultLimit())); } this.owner = appConfig.getApiDefaultOrg(); try { conn = new Connection(config); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void debug(String msg, Object... fmtArgs) { logger.debug(String.format(msg, fmtArgs)); } protected void warn(String msg, Object... fmtArgs) { logger.warn(String.format(msg, fmtArgs) ); } protected void info(String msg, Object... fmtArgs) {, fmtArgs) ); } protected void error(Exception e, String msg, Object... fmtArgs) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), msg, fmtArgs); } protected void sleep(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getOwner() { return owner; } public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner; } public Connection getConn() { return conn; } public void setConn(Connection conn) { this.conn = conn; } public AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter getReader(Indicator.Type type) { AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter reader = indReaderMap.get(type); if (reader == null) { reader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createIndicatorReader(type, getConn()); indReaderMap.put(type, reader); } return reader; } public AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter getWriter(Indicator.Type type) { AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter writer = indWriterMap.get(type); if (writer == null) { writer = WriterAdapterFactory.createIndicatorWriter(type, getConn()); indWriterMap.put(type, writer); } return writer; } public AbstractGroupReaderAdapter getReader(Group.Type type) { AbstractGroupReaderAdapter reader = groupReaderMap.get(type); if (reader == null) { reader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createGroupReader(type, getConn()); groupReaderMap.put(type, reader); } return reader; } public AbstractGroupWriterAdapter getWriter(Group.Type type) { AbstractGroupWriterAdapter writer = groupWriterMap.get(type); if (writer == null) { writer = WriterAdapterFactory.createGroupWriter(type, getConn()); groupWriterMap.put(type, writer); } return writer; } public TagReaderAdapter getTagReader() { if (this.tagReader == null) { this.tagReader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createTagReader(conn); } return this.tagReader; } public DataStoreReaderAdapter getDataStoreReader() { if (this.dataStoreReader == null) { this.dataStoreReader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createDataStoreReaderAdapter(conn); } return this.dataStoreReader; } public DataStoreWriterAdapter getDataStoreWriter() { if (this.dataStoreWriter == null) { this.dataStoreWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createDataStoreWriterAdapter(conn); } return this.dataStoreWriter; } public int getMaxRetries() { return maxRetries; } public void setMaxRetries(int maxRetries) { this.maxRetries = maxRetries; } public int getRetrySleepMs() { return retrySleepMs; } public void setRetrySleepMs(int retrySleepMs) { this.retrySleepMs = retrySleepMs; } public int getResultLimit() { return resultLimit; } public void setResultLimit(int resultLimit) { this.resultLimit = resultLimit; } public HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url) { return getHttpResponse(url, new HashMap<String, String>(), getMaxRetries(), 0); } public HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headerMap) { return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, getMaxRetries(), 0); } public HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headerMap, Object entity) { return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, getMaxRetries(), 0, entity); } public HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headerMap, int retryNum) { return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, getMaxRetries(), retryNum); } protected void addHeaders(HttpRequest request, Map<String, String> headerMap) { if (request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) { request.addHeader("Accept", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString()); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : headerMap.entrySet()) { request.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } //now add in any cookies saved from the last request for (int i = 0; i < cookies.size(); i++) { String cookie = cookies.get(i); request.setHeader("cookie", cookie); } } protected HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headerMap, int maxRetries, int retryNum) { HttpRequestBase request = new HttpGet(url); return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, maxRetries, retryNum, request); } protected HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headerMap, int maxRetries, int retryNum, Object entity) { if (entity != null) { HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request = new HttpPost(url); String jsonData; try { jsonData = StringUtil.toJSON(entity); debug("jsonEntity=%s", jsonData); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { error(e, "Failed to convert entity to JSON: %s", entity); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert entity to JSON: %s" + entity); } request.setEntity(new StringEntity(jsonData, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, maxRetries, retryNum, request); } else { return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, maxRetries, retryNum); } } private HttpResponse getHttpResponse(String url, Map<String, String> headerMap, int maxRetries, int retryNum, HttpRequestBase request) { MetricUtil.tick("getResponse"); debug("getResponse.URL=%s, retryNum=%d", url, retryNum); // debug("getResponse.headers=%s", headerMap); HttpClient client = getExternalClient(); addHeaders(request, headerMap); HttpResponse response; checkRateLimit(); try { response = client.execute(request); } catch (IOException e) { MetricUtil.tockUpdate("getResponse"); error(e, "URL Failed to return data: %s", url); throw new RuntimeException("URL failed to return data: " + url); } if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { MetricUtil.tockUpdate("getResponse"); //save any cookies that are set. Header[] headers = response.getAllHeaders(); for (Header header : headers) { if (header.getName().equals("Set-Cookie")) { cookies.add(header.getValue()); debug("Cookie to be saved: Key : " + header.getName() + " ,Value : " + header.getValue()); } } return response; } else if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { if (retryNum < maxRetries) { sleep(getRetrySleepMs()); return getHttpResponse(url, headerMap, maxRetries, retryNum + 1); } } MetricUtil.tockUpdate("getResponse"); debug("URL failed to return data: response_code=" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + " response=" + response.toString()); throw new RuntimeException( "URL failed to return data: response_code=" + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + "reason=" + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); } protected HttpClient getExternalClient() { if (externalClient == null) { externalClient = createClientBuilder(getAppConfig().isProxyExternal(), getAppConfig().isVerifySSL()).build(); } return externalClient; } private void checkRateLimit() { requestTimerCounter++; info("Request counter=%d", requestTimerCounter); if (requestTimerCounter == 1) { requestLimitResetTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + getRateLimitIntervalMs(); info("On first counter, set request expire to: %s", new Date(requestLimitResetTimeMs)); return; } if (requestTimerCounter >= getRateLimit()) { long sleepMs = requestLimitResetTimeMs - System.currentTimeMillis() + getRateLimitIntervalMs(); if (sleepMs >= 0) { info("RequestTimer hit rate limit, throttling requests. Limit=%d, Now=%s, ResetTime=%s, SleepMs=%d", getRateLimit(), new Date(), new Date(requestLimitResetTimeMs), sleepMs); sleep(sleepMs); } requestTimerCounter = 0; } } public void dissociateTags(AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter reader, AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter writer, Indicator indicator) { String uniqueId = getUniqueId(indicator); if (uniqueId == null) { return; } IterableResponse<Tag> associatedTags; try { associatedTags = reader.getAssociatedTags(uniqueId, getOwner()); } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { return; } for (Tag tag : associatedTags) { try { writer.dissociateTag(uniqueId, tag.getName()); } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void deleteAttributes(AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter reader, AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter writer, Indicator indicator) { IterableResponse<Attribute> attributes; try { attributes = reader.getAttributes(getUniqueId(indicator), this.owner); } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { return; } debug("Removing attributes for indicator %s", getUniqueId(indicator)); List<Attribute> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (Attribute a : attributes) { list.add(a); } try { writer.deleteAttributes(getUniqueId(indicator), list, this.owner); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Attribute setAttribute(AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter writer, Indicator indicator, Attribute currentAttribute, String type, String value) { if (currentAttribute == null) { info("CREATE attribute: %s=%s", type, value); return addAttribute(writer, indicator, type, value); } else { currentAttribute.setValue(value); info("UPDATE attribute: %s", currentAttribute); return updateAttribute(writer, indicator, currentAttribute); } } public Attribute setAttribute(AbstractGroupWriterAdapter writer, Group group, Attribute currentAttribute, String type, String value) { if (currentAttribute == null) { info("CREATE attribute: %s=%s", type, value); return addAttribute(writer, group, type, value); } else { currentAttribute.setValue(value); info("UPDATE attribute: %s", currentAttribute); return updateAttribute(writer, group, currentAttribute); } } public Attribute updateAttribute(AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter writer, Indicator indicator, Attribute currentAttribute) { try { String uniqueId = getUniqueId(indicator); if (uniqueId != null) { return (Attribute) writer.updateAttribute(uniqueId, currentAttribute).getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Failed to add attribute: %s, error: %s", currentAttribute.getType(), e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Attribute updateAttribute(AbstractGroupWriterAdapter writer, Group group, Attribute currentAttribute) { try { Integer uniqueId = group.getId(); if (uniqueId != null) { return (Attribute) writer.updateAttribute(uniqueId, currentAttribute).getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Failed to add attribute: %s, error: %s", currentAttribute.getType(), e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Attribute addAttribute(AbstractGroupWriterAdapter writer, Group group, String type, String value) { Attribute attribute = new AttributeBuilder() .withDisplayed(true) .withType(type) .withDateAdded(new Date()) .withLastModified(new Date()) .withValue(value) .createAttribute(); try { Integer uniqueId = group.getId(); if (uniqueId != null) { return (Attribute) writer.addAttribute(uniqueId, attribute, getOwner()).getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Failed to add attribute: %s, error: %s", attribute.getType(), e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Attribute addAttribute(AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter writer, Indicator indicator, String type, String value) { Attribute attribute = new AttributeBuilder() .withDisplayed(true) .withType(type) .withDateAdded(new Date()) .withLastModified(new Date()) .withValue(value) .createAttribute(); try { String uniqueId = getUniqueId(indicator); if (uniqueId != null) { return (Attribute) writer.addAttribute(uniqueId, attribute, getOwner()).getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Failed to add attribute: %s, error: %s", attribute.getType(), e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Indicator getIndicator(AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter reader, String indText) { try { Indicator indicator = (Indicator) reader.getById(indText, getOwner()); info("Found indicator: text=%s, ind=%s", indText, indicator); return indicator; } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Indicator createIndicator(Indicator.Type type, String indText, double rating) { Indicator ind = IndicatorUtil.createIndicator(type); setUniqueId(ind, indText); ind.setType(type.toString()); ind.setRating(rating); ind.setSummary(indText); return ind; } public void addTags(AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Group> writer, Integer groupId, List<String> tagLabels) { List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); for (String label : tagLabels) { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(label); tags.add(tag); } addFullTags(writer, groupId, tags); } public void addFullTags(AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Group> writer, Integer groupId, List<Tag> tags) { if (tagMap == null) { loadTagMap(); } for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.getName().toLowerCase().contains("unknown")) { continue; } tag.setName(tag.getName().replace("/", "-")); Tag oldTag = tagMap.get(tag.getName()); if (oldTag == null) { createTag(tag); tagMap.put(tag.getName(), tag); } try { writer.associateTag(groupId, tag.getName(), getOwner()); } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Failed to associate tag %s to group id %d", tag.getName(), groupId); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void addTags(AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<Indicator> writer, Indicator indicator, List<String> tagLabels) { if (tagMap == null) { loadTagMap(); } String uniqueId = getUniqueId(indicator); for (String tagLabel : tagLabels) { if (tagLabel.toLowerCase().contains("unknown")) { continue; } tagLabel = tagLabel.replace("/", "-"); Tag tag = tagMap.get(tagLabel); if (tag == null) { createTag(tagLabel); tagMap.put(tagLabel, tag); } try { if (uniqueId != null) { debug("Associating uniqueId " + uniqueId + " to tag: " + tagLabel); writer.associateTag(uniqueId, tagLabel, getOwner()); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Failed to associate tag %s to indicator %s", tagLabel, uniqueId); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public boolean deleteTag(String tagLabel) { try { ApiEntitySingleResponse response = getTagWriter().delete(tagLabel, getOwner()); if (response.isSuccess()) { return true; } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { // ignore } return false; } public Tag createTag(String tagLabel) { Tag tag = new TagBuilder().withName(tagLabel).createTag(); return createTag(tag); } public TagWriterAdapter getTagWriter() { if (tagWriter == null) { tagWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createTagWriter(getConn()); } return tagWriter; } public Tag createTag(Tag tag) { ApiEntitySingleResponse response; try { if (getTagMap().containsKey(tag.getName())) { response = getTagWriter().update(tag, getOwner()); } else { response = getTagWriter().create(tag, getOwner()); } if (response.isSuccess()) { getTagMap().put(tag.getName(), tag); return (Tag) response.getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private void loadTagMap() { tagMap = new HashMap<>(); TagReaderAdapter tagReader = getTagReader(); try { for (Tag t : tagReader.getAll(getOwner())) { tagMap.put(t.getName(), t); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to cache tagMap"); } } protected void associateThreat(AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<Indicator> reader, AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<Indicator> writer, Indicator indicator, List<String> actors) { if (threatMap == null) { loadThreatMap(); } String uniqueId = getUniqueId(indicator); for (String actor : actors) { if (actor == null || actor.equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) { continue; } Threat threat = threatMap.get(actor); if (threat == null) { threat = createThreat(actor); if (threat == null) { continue; } threatMap.put(threat.getName(), threat); } try { if (uniqueId != null) { info("Associating threat %s [id=%d] to indicator %s", threat.getName(), threat.getId(), uniqueId); writer.associateGroupThreat(uniqueId, threat.getId()); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to associate threat %s to indicator %s", threat.getName(), uniqueId); } } } protected Threat createThreat(String actor) { AbstractGroupWriterAdapter threatWriter = getWriter(Group.Type.Threat); if (threatWriter == null) { threatWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createThreatGroupWriter(getConn()); } Threat threat = new ThreatBuilder().withOwnerName(getOwner()).withName(actor).withDateAdded(new Date()).createThreat(); try { ApiEntitySingleResponse response = threatWriter.create(threat, getOwner()); threat = null; if (response.isSuccess()) { threat = (Threat) response.getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to create threat %s", actor); return null; } return threat; } private void loadThreatMap() { threatMap = new HashMap<>(); AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Threat> threatReader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createThreatGroupReader(getConn()); try { for (Threat t : threatReader.getAll(getOwner())) { threatMap.put(t.getName(), t); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to cache threatMap"); } } protected void associateThreat(AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Group> reader, AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Group> writer, Integer groupId, List<String> actors) { if (threatMap == null) { loadThreatMap(); } for (String actor : actors) { if (actor == null || actor.equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) { continue; } Threat threat = threatMap.get(actor); if (threat == null) { threat = createThreat(actor); if (threat == null) { continue; } threatMap.put(threat.getName(), threat); } try { info("Associating threat %s [id=%d] to group id %d", threat.getName(), threat.getId(), groupId); writer.associateGroupThreat(groupId, threat.getId()); } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to associate threat %s to group id %d", threat.getName(), groupId); } } } protected Adversary createAdversary(String actor) { AbstractGroupWriterAdapter adversaryWriter = getWriter(Group.Type.Adversary); if (adversaryWriter == null) { adversaryWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupWriter(getConn()); } Adversary adversary = new AdversaryBuilder() .withOwnerName(getOwner()) .withName(actor) .withDateAdded(new Date()) .createAdversary(); try { ApiEntitySingleResponse response = adversaryWriter.create(adversary, getOwner()); adversary = null; if (response.isSuccess()) { adversary = (Adversary) response.getItem(); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to create adversary %s", actor); return null; } return adversary; } private void loadAdversaryMap() { adversaryMap = new HashMap<>(); AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Adversary> adversaryReader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupReader(getConn()); try { for (Adversary a : adversaryReader.getAll(getOwner())) { adversaryMap.put(a.getName(), a); } } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to cache adversaryMap"); } } protected void associateAdversary(AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Group> reader, AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Group> writer, Integer groupId, List<String> actors) { if (adversaryMap == null) { loadAdversaryMap(); } for (String actor : actors) { if (actor == null || actor.equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) { continue; } Adversary adversary = adversaryMap.get(actor); if (adversary == null) { adversary = createAdversary(actor); if (adversary == null) { continue; } adversaryMap.put(adversary.getName(), adversary); } try { info("Associating adversary %s [id=%d] to group id %d", adversary.getName(), adversary.getId(), groupId); writer.associateGroupAdversary(groupId, adversary.getId()); } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException e) { warn("Unable to associate adversary %s to group id %d", adversary.getName(), groupId); } } } public Map<String, Threat> getThreatMap() { if (threatMap == null) { loadThreatMap(); } return threatMap; } public void setThreatMap(Map<String, Threat> threatMap) { this.threatMap = threatMap; } public Map<String, Adversary> getAdversaryMap() { if (adversaryMap == null) { loadAdversaryMap(); } return adversaryMap; } public void setAdversaryMap(Map<String, Adversary> adversaryMap) { this.adversaryMap = adversaryMap; } public String basicEncoded(String user, String password) { String encoded = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(String.format("%s:%s", user, password).getBytes()); return "Basic " + encoded; } public Map<String, Tag> getTagMap() { return tagMap; } }