package com.threatconnect.plugin.pkg.mojo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.threatconnect.plugin.pkg.PackageFileFilter; import com.threatconnect.plugin.pkg.Profile; import com.threatconnect.plugin.pkg.ZipUtil; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public abstract class AbstractPackageMojo extends AbstractMojo { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractPackageMojo.class); public static final Pattern PATTERN_INSTALL_JSON = Pattern.compile("^(?:(.*)\\.)?install\\.json$"); public static final String TC_APP_FILE_EXTENSION = "zip"; public static final String TC_BUNDLED_FILE_EXTENSION = ""; /** * The base directory for the application */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "${basedir}", required = true) private String baseDirectory; /** * The directory for the generated app. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "${}", required = true) private String outputDirectory; /** * The name of the generated app name. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "${}", required = true) private String appName; /** * The version of the app */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.version}", required = true) private String version; @Parameter private String[] exclude; @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().info("Building ThreatConnect App file"); try { // retrieve the list of profiles List<Profile> profiles = getProfiles(); List<File> packagedApps = new ArrayList<File>(); // check to see if there are any profiles if (!profiles.isEmpty()) { // for each of the profiles for (Profile profile : profiles) { // package an app profile packagedApps.add(packageProfile(profile)); } //check to see if there are multiple profiles if (profiles.size() > 1) { //build a bundled archive of all the apps buildBundledArchive(packagedApps); } } else { // package a legacy app (no install.json file) packageLegacy(); } } catch (InvalidJsonFileException | ValidationException | IOException | InvalidCsvFileException e) { throw new MojoFailureException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Given a list of packed app files, this builds a bundled archive containing all of them * * @param packagedApps */ protected void buildBundledArchive(final List<File> packagedApps) throws IOException { File bundledFile = new File(getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + getAppName() + "." + TC_BUNDLED_FILE_EXTENSION); getLog().info("Packaging Bundle " + bundledFile.getName()); ZipUtil.zipFiles(packagedApps, bundledFile.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Packages a profile. A profile is determined by an install.json file. If multiple install.json * files are found, they are each built using their profile name. Otherwise, if only an * install.json file is found, the default settings are used. * * @param profile * @throws IOException */ protected File packageProfile(final Profile profile) throws IOException, ValidationException, InvalidCsvFileException { // determine what this app name will be final String appName = determineAppName(profile); getLog().info("Packaging Profile " + appName); File explodedDir = getExplodedDir(appName); explodedDir.mkdirs(); // copy the install.json file File installJsonDestination = new File(explodedDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "install.json"); FileUtils.copyFile(profile.getInstallFile(), installJsonDestination); // write the rest of the app contents out to the target folder writeAppContentsToDirectory(explodedDir); //validate that all of the files referenced in the install.json file exist validateReferencedFiles(explodedDir, profile); // zip up the app and return the file of the packaged app return ZipUtil.zipFolder(explodedDir, TC_APP_FILE_EXTENSION); } /** * Packages a legacy app which consists of an install.conf file. * * @throws IOException */ protected void packageLegacy() throws IOException { File explodedDir = getExplodedDir(determineAppName(null)); explodedDir.mkdirs(); // copy the install conf file if it exists copyFileToDirectoryIfExists(getInstallConfFile(), explodedDir); // write the rest of the app contents out to the target folder writeAppContentsToDirectory(explodedDir); // zip up the app ZipUtil.zipFolder(explodedDir, TC_APP_FILE_EXTENSION); } /** * Given a profile, the name of the app is determined here. First, if the install.json file has * an applicationName and programVersion attribute set, those are used. If not, the prefix of * the install.json file is used if it exists, otherwise the default app name is used. * * @param profile * @return */ protected String determineAppName(final Profile profile) { String appName; // first check to see if the profile is not null if (null != profile) { // retrieve the application name and program version from the install.json file final String applicationName = profile.getInstall().getApplicationName(); final String programVersion = profile.getInstall().getProgramVersion(); // make sure that both the application name and program version are valid if (null != applicationName && !applicationName.trim().isEmpty() && null != programVersion && !programVersion.trim().isEmpty()) { appName = applicationName + "_v" + programVersion; } else { // check to see if a valid profile name exists if (null != profile.getProfileName() && !profile.getProfileName().trim().isEmpty()) { appName = profile.getProfileName(); // check to see if the app name needs the version if (!appName.endsWith(getVersion())) { appName = appName + "_v" + getVersion(); } } // check to see if the app name does not already contain the version at the end else if (!getAppName().endsWith(getVersion())) { appName = getAppName() + "_v" + getVersion(); } else { appName = getAppName(); } } } // there is not profile object else { appName = getAppName(); } return appName; } /** * Returns the list of profiles for this app packager * * @return */ protected List<Profile> getProfiles() throws InvalidJsonFileException, IOException, ValidationException { // holds the list of install List<Profile> profiles = new ArrayList<Profile>(); // retrieve the base directory file File root = new File(baseDirectory); // for each file in the root for (File file : root.listFiles()) { // make sure this is a file (not a directory) if (file.isFile()) { // retrieve the matcher for this filename Matcher matcher = PATTERN_INSTALL_JSON.matcher(file.getName()); // make sure this is an install file if (matcher.matches()) { // retrieve the profile name for this install file final String profileName =; // create the install json object Install install = InstallUtil.load(file); // create a new profile Profile profile = new Profile(profileName, file, install); profiles.add(profile); } } } return profiles; } protected void validateReferencedFiles(File explodedDir, final Profile profile) throws ValidationException, InvalidCsvFileException { //for each of the feeds in the install object for (Feed feed : profile.getInstall().getFeeds()) { //check to see if there is an attribute file if (null != feed.getAttributesFile()) { //make sure this file exists or throw an exception File file = new File(explodedDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + feed.getAttributesFile()); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ValidationException(generateReferencedFileMissingMessage(feed.getAttributesFile())); } else { //load the attributes file and validate it; } } //check to see if there is a job file if (null != feed.getJobFile()) { //make sure this file exists or throw an exception File file = new File(explodedDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + feed.getJobFile()); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ValidationException(generateReferencedFileMissingMessage(feed.getJobFile())); } } } } protected String generateReferencedFileMissingMessage(final String fileName) { return "Referenced file \"" + fileName + " does not exist. Make sure it is in the correct directory."; } protected File getInstallConfFile() { return new File(baseDirectory + File.separator + "install.conf"); } protected File getExplodedDir(final String appName) { return new File(getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + appName); } /** * Copies a file to a destination directory if the source file exists * * @param source * @param destinationDirectory * @throws IOException */ protected void copyFileToDirectoryIfExists(final File source, final File destinationDirectory) throws IOException { // check to see if the source file exists if (source.exists()) { // check to see if this is a directory if (source.isDirectory()) { // for each of the files for (File file : source.listFiles(createPackageFileFilter().createFilenameFilter())) { // check to see if this file is a directory if (file.isDirectory()) { // create the new destination folder final File destination = new File(destinationDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + file.getName()); // recursively copy this file copyFileToDirectoryIfExists(file, destination); } else { // recursively copy this file copyFileToDirectoryIfExists(file, destinationDirectory); } } } else { // check to see if the destination directory does not exist if (!destinationDirectory.exists()) { // make all the directories as needed destinationDirectory.mkdirs(); } // copy this file to the destination directory copyFileToDirectory(source, destinationDirectory); } } } protected PackageFileFilter createPackageFileFilter() { return new PackageFileFilter(getExclude()); } public String getOutputDirectory() { return outputDirectory; } public String getAppName() { return appName; } public String getBaseDirectory() { return baseDirectory; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public List<String> getExclude() { List<String> excludeList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (null != exclude) { //add all of the custom excludes to the list excludeList.addAll(Arrays.asList(exclude)); } return excludeList; } protected final void copyFileToDirectory(final File source, final File destinationDirectory) throws IOException { // copy this file to the destination directory"\tAdding file \"{}\" to package.", source.getName()); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(source, destinationDirectory); } /** * Called when the app packager is ready to begin writing the files needed for building an app * * @param targetDirectory * @throws IOException */ protected void writeAppContentsToDirectory(File targetDirectory) throws IOException { // retrieve the base directory folder File baseDirectory = new File(getBaseDirectory()); File outputDirectory = new File(getOutputDirectory()); // loop through each of the files for (File child : baseDirectory.listFiles(createPackageFileFilter().createFilenameFilter())) { // make sure that this file is not hidden and that it is not the output folder if (!child.isHidden() && !child.equals(outputDirectory)) { // copy this directory to the target folder final File target; //check to see if this child is a directory if (child.isDirectory()) { target = new File(targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + child.getName()); } else { target = targetDirectory; } copyFileToDirectoryIfExists(child, target); } } } }