package com.threatconnect.apps.playbooks.test.config; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author Greg Marut */ public class PlaybookConfig { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlaybookConfig.class); //holds the counter for the playbook app id private static final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(); private final int appID; private final Class<? extends PlaybooksApp> playbookAppClass; //holds the maps to index the params and variables private final Map<String, Param> playbookParams; private final Map<String, PlaybookOutputVariable> playbookOutputVariables; public PlaybookConfig(final Class<? extends PlaybooksApp> playbookAppClass) { this.appID = counter.getAndIncrement(); this.playbookAppClass = playbookAppClass; this.playbookParams = new HashMap<String, Param>(); this.playbookOutputVariables = new HashMap<String, PlaybookOutputVariable>(); } public PlaybookConfig(final Class<? extends PlaybooksApp> playbookAppClass, final Install install) { this(playbookAppClass, install.getPlaybookParams(), install.getPlaybook().getOutputVariables()); } public PlaybookConfig(final Class<? extends PlaybooksApp> playbookAppClass, final List<Param> playbookParamList, final List<PlaybookOutputVariable> playbookOutputVariableList) { this(playbookAppClass); logger.debug("Found {} playbook params for \"{}\"", playbookParamList.size(), playbookAppClass.getName()); logger.debug("Found {} playbook output variables for \"{}\"", playbookOutputVariableList.size(), playbookAppClass.getName()); //for each of the playbook params for (Param param : playbookParamList) { //make sure this param does not already exist if (!playbookParams.containsKey(param.getName())) { //add this param to the map playbookParams.put(param.getName(), param); } else { //warn that this param was already added logger.warn("Duplicate playbook param found: {}", param.getName()); } } //for each of the output variables for (PlaybookOutputVariable playbookOutputVariable : playbookOutputVariableList) { final String key = buildPlaybookOutputVariableKey(playbookOutputVariable.getName(), playbookOutputVariable.getType()); //make sure this variable does not already exist if (!playbookOutputVariables.containsKey(key)) { //add this variable to the map playbookOutputVariables.put(key, playbookOutputVariable); } else { //warn that this variable was already added logger.warn("Duplicate playbook param found: {}", key); } } } public int getAppID() { return appID; } public Class<? extends PlaybooksApp> getPlaybookAppClass() { return playbookAppClass; } public String[] createVariablesForInputParam(final String paramName) { //holds the list of strings List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); Param param = getInputParam(paramName); //for each of the playbook types for (PlaybookVariableType playbookVariableType : param.getPlaybookDataType()) { String variable = buildParam(this.appID, param.getName(), playbookVariableType); results.add(variable); } return results.toArray(new String[] {}); } public String createVariableForInputParam(final String paramName, final PlaybookVariableType type) { Param param = getInputParam(paramName); //:TODO: this logic should be revisited. Do we want to handle this as a special case? //check to see if the param type is a KeyValueList as it requires special handling if (ParamDataType.KeyValueList.equals(param.getType())) { //check to see if this datatype matches if (type.equals(PlaybookVariableType.KeyValueArray)) { return buildParam(this.appID, param.getName(), type); } } else { //for each of the playbook types for (PlaybookVariableType playbookVariableType : param.getPlaybookDataType()) { //check to see if this datatype matches if (type.equals(playbookVariableType)) { return buildParam(this.appID, param.getName(), type); } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create input param variable. Invalid combination of paramName and type"); } public String createVariableForOutputVariable(final String outputVariable, final PlaybookVariableType type) { PlaybookOutputVariable playbookOutputVariable = getOutputVariable(outputVariable, type); return buildParam(this.appID, playbookOutputVariable.getName(), playbookOutputVariable.getType()); } public Param getInputParam(final String paramName) { //make sure this param name exists if (isValidInputParam(paramName)) { return playbookParams.get(paramName); } else { throw new InvalidParamException( "\"" + paramName + "\" is not a valid input parameter for playbook app \"" + getPlaybookAppClass() .getName() + "\""); } } public PlaybookOutputVariable getOutputVariable(final String outputVariable, final PlaybookVariableType type) { //make sure this output param name exists if (isValidOutputVariable(outputVariable, type)) { return playbookOutputVariables.get(buildPlaybookOutputVariableKey(outputVariable, type)); } else { throw new InvalidParamException( "\"" + outputVariable + "\" of type " + type.toString() + " is not a valid output variable for playbook app \"" + getPlaybookAppClass() .getName() + "\""); } } public Collection<Param> getPlaybookParams() { return playbookParams.values(); } public Collection<PlaybookOutputVariable> getAllOutputVariables() { return playbookOutputVariables.values(); } public boolean isValidInputParam(final String paramName) { return playbookParams.containsKey(paramName); } public boolean isValidOutputVariable(final String outputVariable, final PlaybookVariableType type) { return playbookOutputVariables.containsKey(buildPlaybookOutputVariableKey(outputVariable, type)); } private String buildPlaybookOutputVariableKey(final String outputVariable, final PlaybookVariableType type) { return outputVariable + "!" + type.toString(); } private String buildParam(final int appID, final String paramName, final PlaybookVariableType paramType) { return "#App:" + appID + ":" + paramName + "!" + paramType.toString(); } }