package; import; import; import; import; import com.threatconnect.sdk.config.Configuration; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.Parser; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.ParserException; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.Item; import com.threatconnect.sdk.parser.model.ItemType; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public abstract class ParserApp extends App { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParserApp.class); @Override public ExitStatus execute(AppConfig appConfig) throws Exception { // holds the map of all the counts Map<String, Count> parserCountMap = new HashMap<String, Count>(); // holds the results of each feed Map<String, SaveResults> parserSaveResults = new HashMap<String, SaveResults>(); // holds the number of indicators and groups that were found int totalIndicatorsFound = 0; int totalGroupsFound = 0; // holds the number of indicators and groups that were saved int totalIndicatorsSaved = 0; int totalGroupsSaved = 0; // create the parser List<Parser<? extends Item>> parsers = createParsers(appConfig); try { // make sure there are parsers if (null != parsers && !parsers.isEmpty()) { // for each of the parsers for (Parser<? extends Item> parser : parsers) { // make sure that this parser is not null if (null != parser) { try { // parse the data List<? extends Item> items = parser.parseData();"Successfully parsed {} records", items.size()); // allow child classes to do something with the parsed data onParsingFinished(items, parser); // add up all of the indicators and groups Count count = new Count(count(items, ItemType.INDICATOR, true), count(items, ItemType.GROUP, true)); parserCountMap.put(parser.getUniqueName(), count); // add up the total groups and indicators that were found totalIndicatorsFound += count.getIndicators(); totalGroupsFound += count.getGroups(); // create a save service that to write the data SaveService saveService = getSaveService(appConfig); // save the list of items SaveResults saveResults = saveService.saveItems(items); parserSaveResults.put(parser.getUniqueName(), saveResults); // add up the total groups and indicators that were saved totalIndicatorsSaved += count.getIndicators() - saveResults.countFailedItems(ItemType.INDICATOR); totalGroupsSaved += count.getGroups() - saveResults.countFailedItems(ItemType.GROUP); } catch (ParserException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } // determine the exit status for this app if (parserSaveResults.isEmpty()) { // no parsers have failed return ExitStatus.Failure; } else if (parserSaveResults.size() == parsers.size()) { // add parsers have failed return ExitStatus.Success; } else { // some of the parsers have failed return ExitStatus.Partial_Failure; } } else { LoggerUtil.logErr("No parsers were created. Expecting at least 1 or more parsers."); // there are no parsers return ExitStatus.Failure; } } finally { writeParserResults(parserCountMap, parserSaveResults, totalIndicatorsFound, totalGroupsFound, totalIndicatorsSaved, totalGroupsSaved); } } protected void writeParserResults(final Map<String, Count> parserCountMap, final Map<String, SaveResults> parserSaveResults, final int totalIndicatorsFound, final int totalGroupsFound, final int totalIndicatorsSaved, final int totalGroupsSaved) { // for each entry for (Map.Entry<String, Count> entry : parserCountMap.entrySet()) { // retrieve the save results for this parser SaveResults saveResults = parserSaveResults.get(entry.getKey()); // build and log a message for what this parser found StringBuilder foundMessage = new StringBuilder(); foundMessage.append(entry.getKey()); foundMessage.append(" / "); foundMessage.append("Indicators Found: "); foundMessage.append(entry.getValue().getIndicators()); foundMessage.append(" / "); foundMessage.append("Groups Found: "); foundMessage.append(entry.getValue().getGroups());; // make sure that the save results is not null if (null != saveResults) { // build and log a message for what this parser saved StringBuilder savedMessage = new StringBuilder(); savedMessage.append(entry.getKey()); savedMessage.append(" / "); savedMessage.append("Indicators Saved: "); savedMessage .append(entry.getValue().getIndicators() - saveResults.countFailedItems(ItemType.INDICATOR)); savedMessage.append(" / "); savedMessage.append("Groups Found: "); savedMessage.append(entry.getValue().getGroups() - saveResults.countFailedItems(ItemType.GROUP));; } else { // nothing was saved for this parser StringBuilder savedMessage = new StringBuilder(); savedMessage.append(entry.getKey()); savedMessage.append(" No indicators or groups saved!"); logger.warn(savedMessage.toString()); } } // build the message for total indicators/groups found StringBuilder foundMessage = new StringBuilder(); foundMessage.append("Total Indicators Found: "); foundMessage.append(totalIndicatorsFound); foundMessage.append(" / "); foundMessage.append("Total Groups Found: "); foundMessage.append(totalGroupsFound); // build the message for total indicators/groups saved StringBuilder savedMessage = new StringBuilder(); savedMessage.append("Total Indicators Saved: "); savedMessage.append(totalIndicatorsSaved); savedMessage.append(" / "); savedMessage.append("Total Groups Saved: "); savedMessage.append(totalGroupsSaved); // log the messages for the app;; // write the final message out to the file writeMessageTc(foundMessage.toString() + " | " + savedMessage.toString()); } /** * Creates the configuration object * * @param appConfig * @return */ protected Configuration getConfiguration(final AppConfig appConfig) { // create the configuration for the threatconnect server Configuration configuration = new Configuration(appConfig.getTcApiPath(), appConfig.getTcApiAccessID(), appConfig.getTcApiUserSecretKey(), appConfig.getApiDefaultOrg(), appConfig.getTcToken(), appConfig.getTcTokenExpires()); return configuration; } /** * Creates the save service that is used to save the data once parsing has completed * * @param appConfig * @return */ protected SaveService getSaveService(final AppConfig appConfig) { return new BatchApiSaveService(getConfiguration(appConfig), appConfig.getApiDefaultOrg()); } /** * Creates the parsers for this app to use * * @param appConfig * @return */ protected abstract List<Parser<? extends Item>> createParsers(final AppConfig appConfig); /** * Called once parsing has completed * * @param items */ protected void onParsingFinished(final List<? extends Item> items, final Parser<? extends Item> parser) { } /** * Counts all of the items of a specific type. * * @param items * the list of all items * @param itemType * the type of item to count * @param recursive * whether or not the associated items should be counted as well * @return */ private int count(final Collection<? extends Item> items, final ItemType itemType, final boolean recursive) { int count = 0; // for each of the items for (Item item : items) { // check to see if this item is of the correct type if (item.getItemType().equals(itemType)) { // increment the count count++; } // check to see if this is recursive if (recursive) { // count all of the associated items as well count += count(item.getAssociatedItems(), itemType, recursive); } } return count; } protected class Count { private final int indicators; private final int groups; public Count(final int indicators, final int groups) { this.indicators = indicators; this.groups = groups; } public int getIndicators() { return indicators; } public int getGroups() { return groups; } } }