package com.samknows.tests;
import android.os.ConditionVariable;
import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.samknows.XCT;
import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.SKTestRunner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.samknows.tests.LatencyTest.*;
public class LatencyTestTests {
final long cMicrosecondInNanoSeconds = 1000;
final long cMillisecondInNanoSeconds = cMicrosecondInNanoSeconds * 1000;
final long cSecondInNanoSeconds = cMillisecondInNanoSeconds * 1000;
final long cTenthOfASecondInNanoSeconds = cSecondInNanoSeconds / 10;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// "Robolectric testing has been designed on the assumption that no state is preserved
// between tests & you're always starting from scratch.
// Singletons & other static state maintained by your
// application and/or test can break that assumption"
final String cFakeIpAddress = "";
public class MockSKUDPSocket implements ISKUDPSocket {
public int mSendCalledCount = 0;
public int mReceiveCalledCount = 0;
public int mSetSoTimeoutCalledCount = 0;
public int mCloseCalledCount = 0;
public void open() throws SocketException {
byte[] lastSent = null;
public void send(DatagramPacket pack) throws IOException {
// Copy the "sent" data, so we can "return" it via the next receive method call.
lastSent = pack.getData().clone();
public void receive(DatagramPacket pack) throws IOException {
// Return what we sent... BUT WITH THE SERVER MAGIC applied!
// The SamKnows server *always* sets the magic value this way - the LatencyTest implementation relies on this.
byte[] returningArrayRepresentation = pack.getData();
System.arraycopy(lastSent, 0, returningArrayRepresentation, 0, lastSent.length);
// BUT use a MAGIC value in the response (as used by the server!)
final int serverMagic = LatencyTest.UdpDatagram.SERVERTOCLIENTMAGIC;
returningArrayRepresentation[12] = (byte) (serverMagic >>> 24);
returningArrayRepresentation[13] = (byte) (serverMagic >>> 16);
returningArrayRepresentation[14] = (byte) (serverMagic >>> 8);
returningArrayRepresentation[15] = (byte) (serverMagic);
public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException {
public void close() {
public long getStartTimeNanoseconds() {
return 0;
// For purposes of testing, to give useful standard deviation etc.; ensure that the packets have a spread of timings.
long mInterpacketDelay = cTenthOfASecondInNanoSeconds;
long timeLast = 0;
public long getTimeNowNanoseconds() {
long result = timeLast;
timeLast += mInterpacketDelay;
mInterpacketDelay += cTenthOfASecondInNanoSeconds;
return result;
public InetAddress getInetAddressByName(String host) throws UnknownHostException {
// This will always work, as a dummy value.
InetAddress result = InetAddress.getByName(cFakeIpAddress);
return result;
public LatencyTestTests() {
final static Integer cPort = 80;
final static String cTarget = "TestTarget";
final static Double cInterPacketTimeSeconds = 0.1;
final static Double cDelayTimeoutSeconds = 2.0;
final static Integer cNumberOfPackets = 10;
final static Integer cPercentile = 10;
private static LatencyTest sCreateLatencyTest(Integer optionalTimeoutInMicroseconds) {
List<Param> params = new ArrayList<>();
params.add(new Param(SKAbstractBaseTest.PORT, String.valueOf(cPort)));
params.add(new Param(SKAbstractBaseTest.TARGET, cTarget));
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.INTERPACKETTIME, String.valueOf((int) (cInterPacketTimeSeconds * 1000000.0)))); // 0.1 seconds - in Microseconds!
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.DELAYTIMEOUT, String.valueOf((int) (cDelayTimeoutSeconds * 1000000.0)))); // 0.1 seconds - in Microseconds!
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.NUMBEROFPACKETS, String.valueOf(cNumberOfPackets)));
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.PERCENTILE, String.valueOf(cPercentile)));
if (optionalTimeoutInMicroseconds != null) {
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.MAXTIME, String.valueOf(optionalTimeoutInMicroseconds))); // Microseconds!
LatencyTest theTest = LatencyTest.sCreateLatencyTest(params);
return theTest;
static final String cLiveServer = "";
static final String cLivePort = "6000";
private static LatencyTest sCreateLatencyTest_Live() {
List<Param> params = new ArrayList<>();
params.add(new Param(SKAbstractBaseTest.PORT, cLivePort));
params.add(new Param(SKAbstractBaseTest.TARGET, cLiveServer));
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.INTERPACKETTIME, String.valueOf((int) (cInterPacketTimeSeconds * 1000000.0)))); // 0.1 seconds - in Microseconds!
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.DELAYTIMEOUT, String.valueOf((int) (cDelayTimeoutSeconds * 1000000.0)))); // 0.1 seconds - in Microseconds!
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.NUMBEROFPACKETS, String.valueOf(cNumberOfPackets)));
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.PERCENTILE, "100")); // Use "all" results!
params.add(new Param(TestFactory.MAXTIME, String.valueOf((int) (10 * 1000000.0)))); // 10 seconds - in Microseconds!
LatencyTest theTest = LatencyTest.sCreateLatencyTest(params);
return theTest;
// The following test expects 0 out of 10 packets to be lost (as there is no timeout)
public void testLatencyTestWithNoTimeLimit() throws Exception{
MockSKUDPSocket mockSKUDPSocket = new MockSKUDPSocket();
// Create latency test with no time limit!
LatencyTest latencyTest = sCreateLatencyTest(null);
// Set dummy SKTestRunner instance, or the tests will give lots of assertions...
SKTestRunner.sSetRunningTestRunner(new SKTestRunner());
// We should now be able to test the test has worked as expected.
XCT.Assert(mockSKUDPSocket.mSendCalledCount > 0);
XCT.AssertEquals(mockSKUDPSocket.mReceiveCalledCount, 7); // cNumberOfPackets);
XCT.AssertEquals(mockSKUDPSocket.mSetSoTimeoutCalledCount, 7+1);
XCT.AssertEquals(mockSKUDPSocket.mCloseCalledCount, 1);
// And verify results!
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getAverageMicroseconds(), 2100000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getMinimumMicroseconds(), 300000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getMaximumMicroseconds(), 3900000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getStdDeviationMicroseconds(), 1296148);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getIpAddress(), cFakeIpAddress);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getJitter(), 1800000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getSentPackets(), cNumberOfPackets);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getReceivedPackets(), 7);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getLostPackets(), 3);
// The following test expects 3 out of 10 packets to be lost (due to timeout)
public void testLatencyTestWithTimeLimit() throws Exception{
MockSKUDPSocket mockSKUDPSocket = new MockSKUDPSocket();
// Create latency test with time limit!
final int cTimeoutAfterSecondsInMicroseconds = 3 * 1000000;
LatencyTest latencyTest = sCreateLatencyTest(Integer.valueOf(cTimeoutAfterSecondsInMicroseconds));
// Set dummy SKTestRunner instance, or the tests will give lots of assertions...
SKTestRunner.sSetRunningTestRunner(new SKTestRunner());
// We should now be able to test the test has worked as expected.
XCT.Assert(mockSKUDPSocket.mSendCalledCount > 0);
XCT.AssertEquals(mockSKUDPSocket.mReceiveCalledCount, 2);
XCT.AssertEquals(mockSKUDPSocket.mSetSoTimeoutCalledCount, 2+1);
XCT.AssertEquals(mockSKUDPSocket.mCloseCalledCount, 1);
// And verify results!
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getAverageMicroseconds(), 900000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getMinimumMicroseconds(), 500000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getMaximumMicroseconds(), 1300000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getStdDeviationMicroseconds(), 565685);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getIpAddress(), cFakeIpAddress);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getJitter(), 400000);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getSentPackets(), 2);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getReceivedPackets(), 2);
XCT.AssertEquals(latencyTest.getLostPackets(), 0);
// Include a LIVE test, to verify that basic behaviour of the non-mocked system is still fundamentally OK.
// This is less able to make specific assertions.
public void testLatencyTest_Live() throws Exception{
final boolean[] responseCalled = {false};
final ConditionVariable cv = new ConditionVariable();
final LatencyTest latencyTest = sCreateLatencyTest_Live();
// Set dummy SKTestRunner instance, or the tests will give lots of assertions...
SKTestRunner.sSetRunningTestRunner(new SKTestRunner());
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// We should now be able to test the test has worked as expected.
responseCalled[0] = true;;
// And verify results!
XCT.Assert(responseCalled[0] == true);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getAverageMicroseconds() > 0);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getMinimumMicroseconds() > 0);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getMinimumMicroseconds() <= latencyTest.getAverageMicroseconds());
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getMaximumMicroseconds() > 0);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getMaximumMicroseconds() >= latencyTest.getAverageMicroseconds());
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getStdDeviationMicroseconds() > 0);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getIpAddress().equals(cFakeIpAddress) == false);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getJitter() > 0);
// Note: in GENERAL operation, this MIGHT be less - but generally shouldn't be!
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getSentPackets() > 0);
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getSentPackets() <= cNumberOfPackets);
// Note: in GENERAL operation, this MIGHT be less - but generally shouldn't be!
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getReceivedPackets() > 0);
// Should never get back more packets than we sent!
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getReceivedPackets() <= latencyTest.getSentPackets());
// Note: in GENERAL operation, lost packets are quite common. Should never be negative, however!
XCT.Assert(latencyTest.getLostPackets() >= 0);