package com.samknows.ska.activity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Parcelable; //import android.os.Trace; import; import; import; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.Animation.AnimationListener; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TableLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.samknows.libcore.SKAndroidExportFileProvider; import com.samknows.libcore.SKCommon; import com.samknows.libcore.SKConstants; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import com.samknows.libcore.SKTypeface; import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.ContinuousTestRunner; import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.ManualTestRunner; import com.samknows.measurement.SK2AppSettings; import com.samknows.measurement.CachingStorage; import com.samknows.measurement.DeviceDescription; import com.samknows.measurement.MainService; import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.SKTestRunner; import com.samknows.measurement.environment.Reachability; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.TestDescription.*; import com.samknows.measurement.SKApplication; import com.samknows.measurement.SKApplication.eNetworkTypeResults; import com.samknows.libcore.R; import com.samknows.measurement.SamKnowsLoginService; import com.samknows.measurement.SamKnowsResponseHandler; import com.samknows.measurement.Storage; import com.samknows.measurement.activity.components.ButtonWithRightArrow; import com.samknows.measurement.activity.components.SKGraphForResults; import com.samknows.measurement.activity.components.SKGraphForResults.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y; import com.samknows.measurement.activity.components.StatModel; import com.samknows.measurement.activity.components.StatRecord; import com.samknows.measurement.activity.components.UpdatedTextView; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.ScheduleConfig; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.TestDescription; import; import; import*; import com.samknows.measurement.util.SKDateFormat; import com.samknows.ska.activity.components.StatView; import com.samknows.ui2.activity.SKAAboutActivity; public class SKAMainResultsActivity extends SKAPostToSocialMedia implements OnClickListener { SKGraphForResults graphHandlerDownload; SKGraphForResults graphHandlerUpload; SKGraphForResults graphHandlerLatency; SKGraphForResults graphHandlerPacketLoss; SKGraphForResults graphHandlerJitter; int download_page_index = 0; int upload_page_index = 0; int latency_page_index = 0; int packetloss_page_index = 0; int jitter_page_index = 0; // For mock testing... public SKGraphForResults getDownloadGraphHandler() { return graphHandlerDownload; } private static final String TAG = "SKAMainResultsActivity"; public static final String SETTINGS = "SamKnows"; private static final int PANEL_HEIGHT = 550; private final Context context = this; private SamKnowsLoginService service = new SamKnowsLoginService(); private StatModel statModel = new StatModel(); private String start_date; private JSONObject recentData; // private DeviceDescription device; // private boolean isCurrentDevice; public static final int RECENT = 0; public static final int WEEK = 1; public static final int MONTH = 2; public static final int THREE_MONTHS = 3; public static final int SIX_MONTHS = 4; public static final int YEAR = 5; private static final int ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 5; private boolean isDisplayingContent = false; private int[] latest; private int[] rows; private TableLayout table; private int[] buttons; private long start_dtime = 0; private long end_dtime = 0; private UpdatedTextView updated; View.OnTouchListener gestureListener; private GestureDetector gestureDetector; DeviceDescription currentDevice; private View subview; private int total_archive_records = 0; private int total_download_archive_records = 0; private int total_upload_archive_records = 0; private int total_latency_archive_records = 0; private int total_packetloss_archive_records = 0; private int total_jitter_archive_records = 0; private DBHelper dbHelper; // private DBHelper dbHelperAsync; private MyPagerAdapter adapter = null; private ViewPager viewPager; private View current_page_view; private int current_page_view_position = 0; private String last_run_test_formatted; private int target_height = 0; private boolean on_aggregate_page = true; Storage storage; ScheduleConfig config; List<TestDescription> testList; final ArrayList<String> array_spinner = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<SCHEDULE_TEST_ID> array_spinner_int = new ArrayList<>(); TextView tvHeader = null; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d(TAG, "+++++DEBUG+++++ SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity onCreate..."); /* * device = (DeviceDescription) getIntent().getSerializableExtra( * Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_DEVICE); isCurrentDevice = * getIntent().getBooleanExtra( * Constants.INTENT_EXTRA_IS_CURRENT_DEVICE, false); * * List<DeviceDescription> devices = AppSettings.getInstance() * .getDevices(); String imei = * PhoneIdentityDataCollector.getImei(this); currentDevice = new * devices); */ this.setTitle(getString(R.string.sk2_main_results_activity_title)); setContentView(R.layout.ska_main_results_activity_main_page_views); dbHelper = new DBHelper(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); //dbHelperAsync = new DBHelper(SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity.this); viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; adapter = new MyPagerAdapter(this); viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); // viewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(3); tvHeader = (TextView) findViewById(; viewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new OnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int page) { handleOnPageSelected(page); } @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { // if (state == ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING) { // // } } }); SKTypeface.sChangeChildrenToDefaultFontTypeface(findViewById(; final SK2AppSettings appSettings = SK2AppSettings.getSK2AppSettingsInstance(); final Activity ctx = this; // Make sure the service is running - that allows background processing to work. MainService.poke(this); } void handleOnPageSelected(int page) { tvHeader.setText(getString( + " " + (page + 1)); if (page == 0) { on_aggregate_page = true; boolean db_refresh = false; setContinuousTestingButton(); SKAMainResultsActivity.this.setTitle(getString(R.string.sk2_main_results_activity_title)); View v = viewPager.findViewWithTag(page); if (v == null) { // ... we should trap this where possible in the debugger... SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { TextView timestampView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; if (timestampView == null) { // ... we should trap this where possible in the debugger... SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { timestampView.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED); } } } else { View v = viewPager.findViewWithTag(page); if (v == null) { // ... we should trap this where possible in the debugger... SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { TextView timestampView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; timestampView.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.archive_result) + " " + timestampView.getText()); timestampView.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED); on_aggregate_page = false; SKAMainResultsActivity.this.setTitle(getString(R.string.archive_result)); String caption = getString(R.string.archive_result) + " " + page + " " + getString(R.string.archive_result_of) + " " + total_archive_records; // Following line was used for testing that the text will fit... //caption = getString(R.string.archive_result) + " " + 9999 + " " + getString(R.string.archive_result_of) + " " + 9999; TextView captionView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; captionView.setText(caption); } } } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Log.d(TAG, "+++++DEBUG+++++ SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity onDestroy..."); } /* // Example of async processing using Bolt... we should look to use this sort of approach in a future implementation. // private void onResumeDoAsyncQueryToHandleResult() { // Handle this delayed, so we don't mess-up the transition. final boolean uiResult = setTotalArchiveRecords(); Task.callInBackground(new Callable<MyPagerAdapter>() { // This is called in the background thread... @Override public MyPagerAdapter call() throws Exception { // TODO Put-in the background work here! if (uiResult == true) { MyPagerAdapter theAdapter = new MyPagerAdapter(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); return theAdapter; //viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; //SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), viewPager == (ViewPager) findViewById(; } return null; } }).onSuccess(new Continuation<MyPagerAdapter, Void>() { public Void then(Task<MyPagerAdapter> task) throws Exception { // This is called in the main UI Thread...! MyPagerAdapter theAdapter = task.getResult(); SKAMainResultsActivity.this.postResumeOnMainThreadUseAdapter(theAdapter); // All done! return null; } }, Task.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR); } */ boolean mbHandlingOnActivityResult = false; @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); // Always call the superclass method first Log.d(TAG, "+++++DEBUG+++++ SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity onResume..."); if (mbHandlingOnActivityResult == true) { // Already handled on the activity result... which has taken us to the archived results screen. mbHandlingOnActivityResult = false; } else { // Resuming from e.g. T&C screen, or About screen. if (setTotalArchiveRecords()) { adapter = new MyPagerAdapter(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); //viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; //SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), viewPager == (ViewPager) findViewById(; viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); } } setContinuousTestingButton(); //handling of the continuous testing /*if(mContinuous.isRunning() == true){ connectToMainService(); ((Button)findViewById(; }else if(mMainService != null){ ((Button)findViewById(; } */ if (SKApplication.sGetUpdateAllDataOnScreen() == true) { updateAllDataOnScreen(); } } private void setContinuousTestingButton() { // // Should the button be visible at all? // View continuousTestingButton = findViewById(; if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().supportContinuousTesting() == false) { // Might not yet be attached to the main view (this is attached via a view pager, remember!) if (continuousTestingButton != null) { continuousTestingButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } return; } if (continuousTestingButton == null) { // Not yet attached to the main view (this is attached via a view pager, remember!) return; } // // The button should be visible and active! // continuousTestingButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Button b = (Button) findViewById(; if (b != null) { int b_id = R.string.start_continuous; switch (mContinuousState) { case STOPPED: b_id = R.string.start_continuous; break; case STARTING: b_id = R.string.starting_continuous; break; case STOPPING: b_id = R.string.stopping_continuous; break; case EXECUTING: b_id = R.string.stop_continuous; break; } b.setText(b_id); } } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == cRequestCodeForFacebookResult) { // Handled by the super class... } else if (requestCode == cRunTestActivityRequestCode) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { mbHandlingOnActivityResult = true; // The returned result might be a mobile result, or a network result. // We must update the filter to match, and then show that result screen...! String activeNetworkType = data.getStringExtra("activeneworktype"); if (activeNetworkType == null) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else if (activeNetworkType.equals("mobile")) { if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() == eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_WiFi) { SKApplication.setNetworkTypeResults(eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Any); } } else if (activeNetworkType.equals("WiFi")) { if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() == eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Mobile) { SKApplication.setNetworkTypeResults(eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Any); } } else { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } setNetworkTypeToggleButton(); updateAllDataOnScreen(); } } else { // Unexpected! //SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), false); } /* * if (resultCode>0){ * * //adapter.instantiateItem(viewPager, resultCode); * //adapter.instantiateItem(viewPager, resultCode-1); * * viewPager.setCurrentItem(resultCode, false); * adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } */ } private void updateAllDataOnScreen() { SKApplication.sSetUpdateAllDataOnScreen(false); // refresh data adapter = new MyPagerAdapter(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); setTotalArchiveRecords(); //viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), viewPager == findViewById(; viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); viewPager.setCurrentItem(1, true); // true means - perform a smooth scroll! //overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } private void lookBackwardInTime(Calendar fromCal) { switch (mDateRange) { case DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_DAY: fromCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); break; case DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_WEEK: fromCal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -1); break; case DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_MONTH: fromCal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -4); break; case DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_THREE_MONTHS: fromCal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -12); break; case DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_YEAR: fromCal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -52); break; } } private Pair<String, String> getAverageDownloadAndUpload() { Calendar fromCalNow = Calendar.getInstance(); long current_dtime = fromCalNow.getTimeInMillis(); lookBackwardInTime(fromCalNow); long starting_dtime = fromCalNow.getTimeInMillis(); JSONArray jsonResult = dbHelper.getAverageResults(starting_dtime, current_dtime); String upload = ""; String download = ""; for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject json_data; json_data = jsonResult.getJSONObject(i); String value = json_data.getString("value"); String type = json_data.getString("type"); if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { download = "" + value; } if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { upload = "" + value; } } catch (JSONException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } } return new Pair<>(download, upload); } private void loadAverage() { //Trace.beginSection("loadAverage"); Calendar fromCalNow = Calendar.getInstance(); long current_dtime = fromCalNow.getTimeInMillis(); lookBackwardInTime(fromCalNow); long starting_dtime = fromCalNow.getTimeInMillis(); JSONArray jsonResult = dbHelper.getAverageResults(starting_dtime, current_dtime); // Clear out the results, as there might be no results on first // use, when toggling mobile results <-> network results. ((TextView) subview.findViewById(""); ((TextView) subview.findViewById(""); ((TextView) subview.findViewById(""); ((TextView) subview.findViewById(""); ((TextView) subview.findViewById(""); String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject json_data = jsonResult.getJSONObject(i); String value = json_data.getString("value"); String type = json_data.getString("type"); if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { ((TextView) subview.findViewById( .setText("" + value); } if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { ((TextView) subview.findViewById( .setText("" + value); } if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { ((TextView) subview.findViewById( .setText("" + value); } if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { ((TextView) subview.findViewById( .setText("" + value); } if (type.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { ((TextView) subview.findViewById( .setText("" + value); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //Trace.endSection(); } public boolean setTotalArchiveRecords() { boolean result = false; total_archive_records = 0; total_download_archive_records = 0; total_upload_archive_records = 0; total_latency_archive_records = 0; total_packetloss_archive_records = 0; total_jitter_archive_records = 0; JSONObject summary = dbHelper.getArchiveDataSummary(); JSONObject results = null; try { results = summary.getJSONObject("test_counter"); } catch (JSONException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return false; } try { if (results.has("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { total_download_archive_records = results.getInt("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt()); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mShowArchivedResultsButton != null) { mShowArchivedResultsButton.setVisibility((total_download_archive_records > 0) ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); } try { if (results.has("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { total_upload_archive_records = results.getInt("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt()); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (results.has("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { total_latency_archive_records = results.getInt("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt()); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (results.has("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { total_jitter_archive_records = results.getInt("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt()); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (results.has("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { total_packetloss_archive_records = results.getInt("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt()); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { int records = summary.getInt("counter"); if (total_archive_records != records) { total_archive_records = records; result = true; } String last_run_test = summary.getString("enddate"); long last_run_test_l = Long.parseLong(last_run_test); if (last_run_test_l != 0) { last_run_test_formatted = new SKDateFormat(context) .UIDate(last_run_test_l); } else { last_run_test_formatted = this.getString(R.string.last_run_never); } } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return result; } private void loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID testnumber, int grid, int offset, int rowsPerPage) { //Trace.beginSection("loadDownloadGrid"); Calendar fromCalNow = Calendar.getInstance(); long current_dtime = fromCalNow.getTimeInMillis(); lookBackwardInTime(fromCalNow); long starting_dtime = fromCalNow.getTimeInMillis(); //Trace.beginSection("jsonObjectIfNotPaged"); JSONObject jsonObjectIfNotPaged = dbHelper.getGridData(testnumber, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, starting_dtime, current_dtime); //Trace.endSection(); //Trace.beginSection("jsonObject"); JSONObject jsonObject = dbHelper.getGridData(testnumber, offset, rowsPerPage, starting_dtime, current_dtime); //Trace.endSection(); // jsonObject=dbHelper.getGridData(1, offset, limit); //Trace.beginSection("theRest"); double availableRowsForThisGrid = (double) total_archive_records; JSONArray resultsIfNotPaged = null; JSONArray results = null; try { resultsIfNotPaged = jsonObjectIfNotPaged.getJSONArray("results"); results = jsonObject.getJSONArray("results"); } catch (JSONException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } if (resultsIfNotPaged != null) { availableRowsForThisGrid = resultsIfNotPaged.length(); } else { switch (testnumber) { case DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID: availableRowsForThisGrid = (double) total_download_archive_records; break; case UPLOAD_TEST_ID: availableRowsForThisGrid = (double) total_upload_archive_records; break; case LATENCY_TEST_ID: availableRowsForThisGrid = (double) total_latency_archive_records; break; case PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID: availableRowsForThisGrid = (double) total_packetloss_archive_records; break; case JITTER_TEST_ID: availableRowsForThisGrid = (double) total_jitter_archive_records; break; default: SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); break; } } if (offset >= availableRowsForThisGrid) { offset = 0; } int pages = (int) Math.ceil(availableRowsForThisGrid / rowsPerPage); if (pages == 0) { pages = 1; } int page_number = (offset + rowsPerPage) / rowsPerPage; TextView tv; switch (testnumber) { case DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID: tv = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; tv.setText(getString( + " " + page_number + " " + getString(R.string.of) + " " + pages); break; case UPLOAD_TEST_ID: tv = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; tv.setText(getString( + " " + page_number + " " + getString(R.string.of) + " " + pages); break; case LATENCY_TEST_ID: tv = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; tv.setText(getString( + " " + page_number + " " + getString(R.string.of) + " " + pages); break; case PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID: tv = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; tv.setText(getString( + " " + page_number + " " + getString(R.string.of) + " " + pages); break; case JITTER_TEST_ID: tv = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; tv.setText(getString( + " " + page_number + " " + getString(R.string.of) + " " + pages); break; default: SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); break; } String location; String dtime; String dtime_formatted = null; String result; String success; int addedRowCount = 0; if (results != null) { for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) { location = ""; dtime = ""; result = ""; success = ""; String networkType = ""; JSONObject user = null; try { user = results.getJSONObject(i); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (user != null) { try { success = user.getString(DBHelper.GRIDDATA_RESULTS_SUCCESS); location = user.getString(DBHelper.GRIDDATA_RESULTS_LOCATION); dtime = user.getString(DBHelper.GRIDDATA_RESULTS_DTIME); networkType = user.getString(DBHelper.GRIDDATA_RESULTS_NETWORK_TYPE); if (dtime.equals("") == false) { long datelong = Long.parseLong(dtime); if (datelong != 0) { //dtime_formatted = new SKDateFormat(context).UIDate(datelong); dtime_formatted = new SKDateFormat(context).getGraphMilliAsDateTimeString(datelong); } } else { dtime_formatted = ""; } result = user.getString("hrresult"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (addedRowCount == 0) { // Add the header, just before adding the first row! addGridItemHeader(getString(R.string.results_table_header_datetime), getString(R.string.results_table_header_location), getString(R.string.results_table_header_result), grid); } if (success.equals("1")) { addGridItem(dtime_formatted, location, result, networkType, grid); } else { result = getString(R.string.failed); addGridItemFailed(dtime_formatted, location, result, networkType, grid); } addedRowCount++; } } TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(grid); if (addedRowCount > 0) { // LayoutParams x = new TableLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // table.setLayoutParams(x); table.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { // LayoutParams x = new TableLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 1); // table.setLayoutParams(x); // table.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); table.setVisibility(View.GONE); table.getLayoutParams().height = 0; } table.getParent().requestLayout(); SKTypeface.sChangeChildrenToDefaultFontTypeface(findViewById(; //Trace.endSection(); // theRest //Trace.endSection(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); // // Checks the orientation of the screen // if (newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { // Toast.makeText(this, "landscape", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // } else if (newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT){ // Toast.makeText(this, "portrait", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // } } Button mNetworkTypeToggleButton = null; // TextView mNetworkTypeToggleTextView = null; ButtonWithRightArrow mShowArchivedResultsButton = null; void setNetworkTypeToggleButton() { mNetworkTypeToggleButton = (Button) findViewById(; if (mNetworkTypeToggleButton == null) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() == eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_WiFi) { mNetworkTypeToggleButton.setText(R.string.network_type_wifi_results); } else if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() == eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Mobile) { mNetworkTypeToggleButton.setText(R.string.network_type_mobile_results); } else { mNetworkTypeToggleButton.setText(R.string.network_type_all_results); } } } private void buttonSetup() { // button setup // Button execute_button; // execute_button = (Button) subview.findViewById(; // execute_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { // @Override // public void onClick(View v) { // //// // Force an exception, for test purposes! //// Log.d(this.getClass().toString(), "Forcing exception in the Android app, to test Crittercism!"); //// String[] strings = { "a", "b", "c" }; //// for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { //// String x = strings[i]; //// } // // Intent intent = new Intent( // SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity.this, // SamKnowsTestViewerActivity.class); // // startActivityForResult(intent, cRunTestActivityRequestCode); // overridePendingTransition(R.anim.transition_in, // R.anim.transition_out); // // } // }); Button run_now_choice_button; run_now_choice_button = (Button) findViewById(; run_now_choice_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { RunChoice(); } }); Button continuous_start_stop_toggle; continuous_start_stop_toggle = (Button) findViewById(; continuous_start_stop_toggle.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { ContinuousToggle(v); } }); Button timeperiod_button; timeperiod_button = (Button) findViewById(; timeperiod_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { //// This can be used to prove crash reporting... //throw new RuntimeException("Deliberate test of crash reporting - do not put in live code!"); SingleChoice(); } }); String caption = getString(R.string.time_period_1week); if (mDateRange == DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_WEEK) { caption = getString(R.string.time_period_1week); timeperiod_button.setText(R.string.results_for_1_week); } else if (mDateRange == DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_MONTH) { caption = getString(R.string.time_period_1month); timeperiod_button.setText(R.string.results_for_1_month); } else if (mDateRange == DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_THREE_MONTHS) { caption = getString(R.string.time_period_3months); timeperiod_button.setText(R.string.results_for_3_months); } else if (mDateRange == DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_YEAR) { caption = getString(R.string.time_period_1year); timeperiod_button.setText(R.string.results_for_1_year); } else if (mDateRange == DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_DAY) { caption = getString(R.string.time_period_1day); timeperiod_button.setText(R.string.results_for_1_day); } else { timeperiod_button.setText(R.string.results_for_1_week); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } // LinearLayout timeperiod_button2; // timeperiod_button2 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; // // timeperiod_button2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { // @Override // public void onClick(View v) { // SingleChoice(); // } // }); // page turn navigation button mShowArchivedResultsButton = (ButtonWithRightArrow) findViewById(; mShowArchivedResultsButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // This is how you scroll "right" to the next page (we always // start on page "zero"...) viewPager.setCurrentItem(1); } }); // When we start-up, the button might be hidden or shown! mShowArchivedResultsButton.setVisibility((total_download_archive_records > 0) ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); // Network type results button, and associated text label. setNetworkTypeToggleButton(); // Set-up the button listener. mNetworkTypeToggleButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { String the_array_spinner[]; the_array_spinner = new String[3]; the_array_spinner[0] = getString(R.string.network_type_choose_mobile_results); the_array_spinner[1] = getString(R.string.network_type_choose_wifi_results); the_array_spinner[2] = getString(R.string.network_type_choose_all_results); Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); builder.setTitle(getString(R.string.network_type_choose)); builder.setItems(the_array_spinner, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); //Trace.beginSection("processNetworkTypeButton"); boolean bChanged = false; if (which == 0) { if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() != eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Mobile) { SKApplication.setNetworkTypeResults(eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Mobile); bChanged = true; } } else if (which == 1) { if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() != eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_WiFi) { SKApplication.setNetworkTypeResults(eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_WiFi); bChanged = true; } } else { // if (which == 2) { if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() != eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Any) { SKApplication.setNetworkTypeResults(eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_Any); bChanged = true; } } if (bChanged) { setNetworkTypeToggleButton(); //Trace.beginSection("setTotalArchiveRecords"); // Update all the graphs etc.!!! // Query average data, and update charts - this might make them invisible, if there is no data! setTotalArchiveRecords(); //Trace.endSection(); //Trace.beginSection("pagerAdapter"); adapter = new MyPagerAdapter(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); //viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), viewPager == findViewById(; //Trace.beginSection("setAdapter"); viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); //Trace.endSection(); //Trace.endSection(); //Trace.beginSection("queryAverageDataAndUpdateTheCharts"); queryAverageDataAndUpdateTheCharts(); //Trace.endSection(); // // Do NOT reload the grids, as this has been done already by the previous code. // clearGrid(; // clearGrid(; // clearGrid(; // clearGrid(; // clearGrid(; // adapter.loadGrids(); //Trace.beginSection("setContinuousTestingButton"); setContinuousTestingButton(); //Trace.endSection(); } //Trace.endSection(); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } }); // grid navigation buttons Button download_grid_right_button; download_grid_right_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; download_grid_right_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (download_page_index < total_download_archive_records - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { download_page_index = download_page_index + ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID,, download_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); // And force a relayout, otherwise we get a huge chunk of white space on the screen! findViewById(; } }); Button download_grid_left_button; download_grid_left_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; download_grid_left_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (download_page_index > 0) { download_page_index = download_page_index - ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID,, download_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button upload_grid_right_button; upload_grid_right_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; upload_grid_right_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (upload_page_index < total_upload_archive_records - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { upload_page_index = upload_page_index + ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID,, upload_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button upload_grid_left_button; upload_grid_left_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; upload_grid_left_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (upload_page_index > 0) { upload_page_index = upload_page_index - ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID,, upload_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button latency_grid_right_button; latency_grid_right_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; latency_grid_right_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (latency_page_index < total_latency_archive_records - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { latency_page_index = latency_page_index + ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID,, latency_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button latency_grid_left_button; latency_grid_left_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; latency_grid_left_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (latency_page_index > 0) { latency_page_index = latency_page_index - ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID,, latency_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button packetloss_grid_right_button; packetloss_grid_right_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; packetloss_grid_right_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (packetloss_page_index < total_packetloss_archive_records - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { packetloss_page_index = packetloss_page_index + ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID,, packetloss_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button packetloss_grid_left_button; packetloss_grid_left_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; packetloss_grid_left_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (packetloss_page_index > 0) { packetloss_page_index = packetloss_page_index - ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID,, packetloss_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button jitter_grid_right_button; jitter_grid_right_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; jitter_grid_right_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (jitter_page_index < total_jitter_archive_records - ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { jitter_page_index = jitter_page_index + ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID,, jitter_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); Button jitter_grid_left_button; jitter_grid_left_button = (Button) subview .findViewById(; jitter_grid_left_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (jitter_page_index > 0) { jitter_page_index = jitter_page_index - ITEMS_PER_PAGE; } clearGrid(; loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID,, jitter_page_index, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); } }); // toggle buttons View button = findViewById(; ImageView button_iv = (ImageView) findViewById(; button.setOnClickListener(this); button_iv.setOnClickListener(this); View button2 = subview.findViewById(; ImageView button2_iv = (ImageView) findViewById(; button2.setOnClickListener(this); button2_iv.setOnClickListener(this); View button3 = subview.findViewById(; ImageView button3_iv = (ImageView) findViewById(; button3.setOnClickListener(this); button3_iv.setOnClickListener(this); View button4 = subview.findViewById(; ImageView button4_iv = (ImageView) findViewById(; button4.setOnClickListener(this); button4_iv.setOnClickListener(this); View button5 = subview.findViewById(; ImageView button5_iv = (ImageView) findViewById(; button5.setOnClickListener(this); button5_iv.setOnClickListener(this); } private void addGridItemHeader(String timestamp, String location, String result, int grid) { TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(grid); TableLayout row = (TableLayout) LayoutInflater.from( SKAMainResultsActivity.this).inflate( R.layout.ska_main_results_activity_stat_grid_header, null); ((TextView) row.findViewById(; ((TextView) row.findViewById(; ((TextView) row.findViewById(; table.addView(row); } private void addGridItem(String timestamp, String location, String result, String networkType, int grid) { TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(grid); TableLayout row = (TableLayout) LayoutInflater.from( SKAMainResultsActivity.this).inflate( R.layout.ska_main_results_activity_stat_grid, null); ((TextView) row.findViewById(; ((TextView) row.findViewById(; ((TextView) row.findViewById(; switch (networkType) { case "mobile": ((ImageView) row.findViewById(; row.findViewById(; break; case "WiFi": ((ImageView) row.findViewById(; row.findViewById(; break; default: row.findViewById(; break; } table.addView(row); } private void addGridItemFailed(String timestamp, String location, String result, String networkType, int grid) { TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(grid); TableLayout row = (TableLayout) LayoutInflater.from( SKAMainResultsActivity.this).inflate( R.layout.ska_main_results_activity_stat_grid_fail, null); ((TextView) row.findViewById(; ((TextView) row.findViewById(; ((TextView) row.findViewById(; switch (networkType) { case "mobile": ((ImageView) row.findViewById(; row.findViewById(; break; case "WiFi": ((ImageView) row.findViewById(; row.findViewById(; break; default: row.findViewById(; break; } table.addView(row); } private void clearGrid(int grid) { TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(grid); // table.setVisibility(View.GONE); // table.getLayoutParams().height = 0; int count = table.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = table.getChildAt(i); ((ViewGroup) child).removeAllViews(); } } private void graphsSetup() { //Trace.beginSection("graphsSetup"); WebView graphDownload = (WebView) subview.findViewById(; // // disable scroll on touch graphDownload.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE); } }); TextView downloadCaption = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; // disable scroll on touch WebView graphUpload = (WebView) subview.findViewById(; // disable scroll on touch graphUpload.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE); } }); TextView uploadCaption = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; WebView graphLatency = (WebView) subview.findViewById(; // disable scroll on touch graphLatency.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE); } }); TextView latencyCaption = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; WebView graphPacketLoss = (WebView) subview.findViewById(; // disable scroll on touch graphPacketLoss.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE); } }); TextView packetlossCaption = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; WebView graphJitter = (WebView) subview.findViewById(; // disable scroll on touch graphJitter.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE); } }); TextView jitterCaption = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; graphHandlerDownload = new SKGraphForResults(context, graphDownload, downloadCaption, "download"); graphHandlerUpload = new SKGraphForResults(context, graphUpload, uploadCaption, "upload"); graphHandlerLatency = new SKGraphForResults(context, graphLatency, latencyCaption, "latency"); graphHandlerPacketLoss = new SKGraphForResults(context, graphPacketLoss, packetlossCaption, "packetloss"); graphHandlerJitter = new SKGraphForResults(context, graphJitter, jitterCaption, "jitter"); //Trace.endSection(); } /** * Create the options menu that displays the refresh and about options */ @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; // postponeEnterTransition(); return true; } private static Intent getEmailAttachmentIntent(Context context, File zipFile, String formattedDate) { final Intent intent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE); // // The only way to get this to work, was to use a custom ContentProvider! // So, this gets the file from the cache - which is might be called Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://" + SKAndroidExportFileProvider.sGetAUTHORITY() + "/" + zipFile.getName()); ArrayList<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<>(); uris.add(uri); intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uris); // need this to prompts email clients only intent.setType("message/rfc822"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, context.getString(R.string.menu_export_mail_subject) + " - " + formattedDate); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, SKApplication.getAppInstance().getAppName() + " - " + context.getString(R.string.menu_export_mail_body) + "\n\n" + zipFile.getName()); return intent; } /** * Handle menu options */ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // Handle item selection boolean ret = false; int itemId = item.getItemId(); if ( == itemId) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, SKAAboutActivity.class); startActivity(intent); ret = true; } else if ( == itemId) { startActivity(new Intent(this, SKASettingsActivity.class)); ret = true; // } else if ( == itemId) { // // startActivity(new Intent(this, SamKnowsMapActivity.class)); // startActivityForResult(new Intent(this, SKAMapActivity.class), // cRunTestActivityRequestCode); // ret = true; } else if ( == itemId) { SKApplication.getAppInstance().showTermsAndConditions(this); ret = true; } else if ( == itemId) { sExportMenuItemSelected(this, getCacheDir()); ret = true; } else if ( == itemId) { if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().isSocialMediaExportSupported() == false) { // Invalid request! SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { if (on_aggregate_page == true) { // On main page! if (!mNetworkTypeToggleButton.getText().equals(getString(R.string.network_type_mobile_results))) { Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.social_media_Title_ShareUsingSocialMediaMobile); builder.setMessage(R.string.social_media_Message_ShareUsingSocialMediaMobile); builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.ok_dialog), null); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; return false; } String last_run_test = null; try { JSONObject summary = dbHelper.getArchiveDataSummary(); last_run_test = summary.getString("enddate"); } catch (JSONException e1) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } if (last_run_test == null) { last_run_test = "0"; } long theTimeMilli = Long.parseLong(last_run_test); if (theTimeMilli == 0) { //initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Title_ShareUsingSocialMediaInfo",nil) //message:NSLocalizedString(@"RESULTS_Label_Data",nil) Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.social_media_Title_ShareUsingSocialMediaMobile); builder.setMessage(R.string.no_data_message); builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.ok_dialog), null); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; return false; } // Export average data! // Call this method in the base class (SKAPostToSocialMedia) TelephonyManager telManager = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String carrier = telManager.getNetworkOperatorName(); SocialStrings socialStrings = getTextForSocialMediaAverage(carrier); promptUserToSelectSocialMediaAndThenPost(socialStrings); } else { // We're NOT on an aggregate page! int position = viewPager.getCurrentItem(); StatRecord sr = adapter.statRecords.get(position); Log.d(getClass().getName(), "sr.active_network_type=(" + sr.active_network_type + ")"); if ((SKApplication.getAppInstance().isSocialMediaExportSupported() == true) && (sr.active_network_type.equals("(Mobile)")) ) { // Call this method in the base class (SKAPostToSocialMedia) promptUserToSelectSocialMediaAndThenPost(adapter.getTextForSocialMedia(current_page_view_position)); } else { Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.social_media_Title_ShareUsingSocialMediaMobile); builder.setMessage(R.string.social_media_Message_ShareUsingSocialMediaMobile); builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.ok_dialog), null); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; return false; } } } } else { ret = super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } return ret; } public static void sExportMenuItemSelected(final Activity fromActivity, final File cacheDir) { // getCacheDir() File[] files = ExportFile.getAllFiles(); if (files.length == 0) { // No files to export! new AlertDialog.Builder(fromActivity) .setTitle(R.string.menu_export_nothing_to_export) .setMessage(R.string.menu_export_there_is_no_data) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).show(); return; } try { Date now = new Date(); java.text.DateFormat df = android.text.format.DateFormat.getLongDateFormat(fromActivity); java.text.DateFormat df2 = android.text.format.DateFormat.getTimeFormat(fromActivity); final String formattedDate = df.format(now) + " " + df2.format(now); String candidateZipFileName = fromActivity.getString(R.string.menu_export_default_file_name_no_extension) + "_" + formattedDate + ".zip"; // Ensure that there are no :/, characters in the name! final String zipFileName = candidateZipFileName.replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_').replace(',', '_').replace(' ', '_').replace("__", "_"); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(fromActivity); builder.setMessage(R.string.menu_export_dialog_message) .setCancelable(true) .setPositiveButton(R.string.menu_export_dialog_email, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Extract to mail! // Write the file temporarily to cache folder, so it can be auto-purged... File zipFile = ExportFile.getZipOfAllExportJsonFilesToThisFolderFile(cacheDir, zipFileName); Intent intent = getEmailAttachmentIntent(fromActivity, zipFile, formattedDate); try { // Try to launch the email intent. // Note that this *might* throw an exception - on some systems - if the intent could not be found... fromActivity.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, fromActivity.getString(R.string.menu_export_send_file_chooser_title))); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) { new AlertDialog.Builder(fromActivity) .setTitle(R.string.menu_export_emailapp_notfound_title) .setMessage(R.string.menu_export_emailapp_notfound_body) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).show(); } } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Nothing to do! } }); if (android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) { // Storage card available - ask use if they want to export there, or not! builder.setNeutralButton(R.string.menu_export_dialog_storage, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // TODO - export to file system! userRequestedZipExportToFileSystem(fromActivity, zipFileName); } }); } AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } catch (Exception e) { // All we can do is catch, and prevent the app crashing! SKPorting.sAssert(SKAMainResultsActivity.class, false); } } static public void sCopyFileFromTo(File src, File dst) throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst); // Transfer bytes from in to out byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); } private static void userRequestedZipExportToThisFileNameOnFileSystem(Activity fromActivity, String fileName) { File storage = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); String subFolderName = SKApplication.getAppInstance().getAppName(); File storageSubFolder = new File(storage, subFolderName); //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored storageSubFolder.mkdir(); File writeHere = new File(storageSubFolder, fileName); if (writeHere.exists()) { if (writeHere.delete() == false) { new AlertDialog.Builder(fromActivity) .setTitle(R.string.menu_export_file_save_failed_title) .setMessage(R.string.menu_export_file_could_not_be_overwritten) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).show(); return; } } // Extract the file! File file = ExportFile.getZipOfAllExportJsonFilesToThisFolderFile(storageSubFolder, fileName); if (file != null) { new AlertDialog.Builder(fromActivity) .setTitle(fromActivity.getString(R.string.menu_export_file_saved_title) + " (" + subFolderName + "/" + fileName + ")") .setMessage(R.string.menu_export_saved_ok) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).show(); } else { new AlertDialog.Builder(fromActivity) .setTitle(R.string.menu_export_file_save_failed_title) .setMessage(R.string.menu_export_file_failed_to_save) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).show(); } } private static void userRequestedZipExportToFileSystem(Activity fromActivity, String fileNameToUse) { userRequestedZipExportToThisFileNameOnFileSystem(fromActivity, fileNameToUse); } /** * Returns a response handler that displays a loading message * * @return SamKnowsResponseHandler */ private SamKnowsResponseHandler getLoadingResponseHandler(String message) { final ProgressDialog dialog = getProgressDialog(message); return new SamKnowsResponseHandler() { public void onSuccess(JSONObject result, Date date, String start_date) { dialog.dismiss(); // setStartDate(start_date); // setData(result); // setDate(date); } public void onFailure(Throwable error) { SKPorting.sAssertE(SKAMainResultsActivity.class, "failed to get data", error); dialog.dismiss(); } }; } private ProgressDialog getProgressDialog(String message) { return, "", message, true, true); } SocialStrings getStringsForSocialMediaForCarrierDownloadUpload(String carrier, String download_result, String upload_result, boolean inThisDataIsAveraged) { SocialStrings result = new SocialStrings(); result.twitterString = getTextForSocialMediaForCarrierDownloadUpload(false, carrier, download_result, upload_result, inThisDataIsAveraged); result.facebookString = getTextForSocialMediaForCarrierDownloadUpload(true, carrier, download_result, upload_result, inThisDataIsAveraged); return result; } String getTextForSocialMediaForCarrierDownloadUpload(boolean longString, String carrier, String download_result, String upload_result, boolean inThisDataIsAveraged) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (carrier.length() > 0) { String withCarrier; if (inThisDataIsAveraged) { if (longString) { withCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_long_carrier_average); } else { withCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_short_carrier_average); } } else { if (longString) { withCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_long_carrier); } else { withCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_short_carrier); } } // Social media posting: // - Change e.g. "My-Network-Operator" to "MyNetworkOperator" // - Change e.g. "Network&Operator" to "NetworkOperator" // - Change e.g. "Network - Operator" to "Network Operator" builder.append(withCarrier); builder.append(carrier.replace("-", "").replace("&", "").replace(" ", " ")); } else { String noCarrier; if (inThisDataIsAveraged) { if (longString) { noCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_long_nocarrier_average); } else { noCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_short_nocarrier_average); } } else { if (longString) { noCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_long_nocarrier); } else { noCarrier = getString(R.string.socialmedia_header_short_nocarrier); } } builder.append(noCarrier); } boolean gotSomethingYet = false; if (download_result.length() > 0) { gotSomethingYet = true; String download = getString(R.string.socialmedia_download); builder.append(download); builder.append(download_result); } if (upload_result.length() > 0) { if (gotSomethingYet == true) { builder.append(","); } String upload = getString(R.string.socialmedia_upload); builder.append(upload); builder.append(upload_result); } String footer; if (longString) { footer = getString(R.string.socialmedia_footer_long); } else { footer = getString(R.string.socialmedia_footer_short); } builder.append(footer); String result = builder.toString(); Log.d(getClass().getName(), "String:(" + result + ")"); return result; } SocialStrings getTextForSocialMediaAverage(String carrier) { //"Now testing my actual #mobilebroadband speed Up:2, Down=3 using..."; Pair<String, String> uploadDownload = getAverageDownloadAndUpload(); String download_result = uploadDownload.first; String upload_result = uploadDownload.second; // The true means that this data is averaged! SocialStrings result = getStringsForSocialMediaForCarrierDownloadUpload(carrier, download_result, upload_result, true); return result; } /** * Returns a response handler that displays a loading message for the RECENT * api * * @return SamKnowsResponseHandler */ private SamKnowsResponseHandler getRecentLoadingResponseHandler( String message) { final ProgressDialog dialog = getProgressDialog(message); return new SamKnowsResponseHandler() { public void onSuccess(JSONObject result, Date date, String start_date) { dialog.dismiss(); // setRecentData(result); } public void onFailure(Throwable error) { dialog.dismiss(); } }; } public class MyPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { private final ArrayList<StatRecord> statRecords; @Override public void setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { current_page_view = (View) object; current_page_view_position = position; } final SKAMainResultsActivity mMainResultsActivity; public MyPagerAdapter(SKAMainResultsActivity inMainResultsActivity) { mMainResultsActivity = inMainResultsActivity; statRecords = new ArrayList<>(); statRecords.add(new StatRecord()); // views.get(0) is the aggregate view JSONObject summary = dbHelper.getArchiveDataSummary(); try { total_archive_records = summary.getInt("counter"); String last_run_test = summary.getString("enddate"); long theTimeMilli = Long.parseLong(last_run_test); if (theTimeMilli != 0) { last_run_test_formatted = new SKDateFormat(context).UITime(theTimeMilli); } else { last_run_test_formatted = ""; } } catch (JSONException e1) { SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Error in reading from JSONObject.", e1); } //Trace.beginSection("addRecords"); for (int i = 0; i < total_archive_records; i++) { statRecords.add(new StatRecord()); // load blank records ready for populating } //Trace.endSection(); } public void readArchiveItem(int archiveItemIndex) { //Trace.beginSection("readArchiveItem"); JSONObject archiveItem; try { archiveItem = dbHelper.getSingleArchiveDataItemAtIndex(archiveItemIndex); } catch (Exception e) { //Trace.endSection(); SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Error in reading archive item " + archiveItemIndex, e); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return; } if (archiveItem == null) { //Trace.endSection(); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return; } // read headers of json String datetime = ""; String dtime_formatted; try { datetime = archiveItem.getString("dtime"); dtime_formatted = new SKDateFormat(context).UITime(Long .parseLong(datetime)); statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).time_stamp = dtime_formatted; } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // unpack activemetrics JSONArray results = null; try { results = archiveItem.getJSONArray("activemetrics"); } catch (JSONException je) { SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Exception in reading active metrics array: " + je.getMessage()); } if (results != null) { int itemcount = 0; for (itemcount = 0; itemcount < results.length(); itemcount++) { JSONObject user = null; try { user = results.getJSONObject(itemcount); } catch (JSONException je) { SKPorting.sAssertE( this, "Exception in reading JSONObject: " + je.getMessage()); } if (user != null) { try { String testnumber = user.getString("test"); String location = user.getString("location"); String success = user.getString("success"); String hrresult = user.getString("hrresult"); if (success.equals("0")) { hrresult = getString(R.string.failed); } if (testnumber.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).tests_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).upload_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).upload_result = hrresult; } if (testnumber.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).tests_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).download_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).download_result = hrresult; } if (testnumber.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).tests_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).latency_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).latency_result = hrresult; } if (testnumber.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).tests_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).packetloss_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).packetloss_result = hrresult; } if (testnumber.equals("" + DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID.getValueAsInt())) { statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).tests_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).jitter_location = location; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).jitter_result = hrresult; } } catch (JSONException je) { SKPorting.sAssertE( this, "Exception in reading JSONObject: " + je.getMessage()); } } } } // Log.d(this.getClass().toString(), "*** SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity:UNPACK PASSIVE METRICS!!"); // unpack passivemetrics results = null; try { results = archiveItem.getJSONArray("passivemetrics"); } catch (JSONException je) { SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Exception in reading JSONObject: " + je.getMessage()); } if (results != null) { int itemcount = 0; for (itemcount = 0; itemcount < results.length(); itemcount++) { JSONObject user = null; try { user = results.getJSONObject(itemcount); } catch (JSONException je) { SKPorting.sAssertE( this, "Exception in reading JSONObject: " + je.getMessage()); user = null; } if (user == null) { continue; } captureUserMetricAtArchiveItemIndex(archiveItemIndex, user); } } //Trace.endSection(); } private void captureUserMetricAtArchiveItemIndex(int archiveItemIndex, JSONObject user) { if (user == null) { Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "captureUserMetricAtArchiveItemIndex - user == null"); return; } try { String metric = user.getString("metric"); String value = user.getString("value"); String type = user.getString("type"); //Log.d("*** SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity:MyPagerAdapter", "INFO - metric (" + metric +"), type=(" + type + "), value=(" + value + ")"); // There is a completed disconnect between the integer metric value // as considered by the PassiveMetric class, and the layout "passive metric" // identifiers, such as // The only safe thing to do, is to use as String value to determine // which resource id to use. switch (metric) { case "connected": // connected statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric1 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric1_type = type; break; case "connectivitytype": // connectivity // type statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric2 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric2_type = type; break; case "gsmcelltowerid": // cell tower id // TODO - Giancarlo says this isn't displayed in SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity - "Archived Result" (archive_result) // METRIC_TYPE.GSMCID("gsmcelltowerid") statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric3 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric3_type = type; break; case "gsmlocationareacode": // cell tower // location area statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric4 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric4_type = type; break; case "gsmsignalstrength": // signal strength statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric5 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric5_type = type; break; case "networktype": // bearer statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric6 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric6_type = type; break; case "networkoperatorname": // network // operator statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric7_networkoperatorname = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric7_networkoperatorname_type = type; break; case "latitude": // latitude statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric8 = SKCommon.sGetDecimalStringAnyLocaleAs1Pt5LocalisedString(value); statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric8_type = type; break; case "longitude": // longitude statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric9 = SKCommon.sGetDecimalStringAnyLocaleAs1Pt5LocalisedString(value); statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric9_type = type; break; case "accuracy": // accuracy statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric10 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric10_type = type; break; case "locationprovider": // location // provider statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric11 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric11_type = type; break; case "simoperatorcode": // sim operator code statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric12 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric12_type = type; break; case "simoperatorname": // sim operator name statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric13 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric13_type = type; break; case "imei": // imei statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric14 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric14_type = type; break; case "imsi": // imsi statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric15 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric15_type = type; break; case "manufactor": // manufacturer statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric16 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric16_type = type; break; case "model": // model statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric17 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric17_type = type; break; case "ostype": // os type statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric18 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric18_type = type; break; case "osversion": // os version statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric19 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric19_type = type; break; case "gsmbiterrorrate": // gsmbiterrorrate statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric20 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric20_type = type; break; case "cdmaecio": // cdmaecio statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric21 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric21_type = type; break; case "phonetype": // phone type statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric22 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric22_type = type; break; case "activenetworktype": // active network // type if (value.length() > 0) { String new_value = value.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + value.substring(1); statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).active_network_type = "(" + new_value + ")"; } //views.get(i + 1).passivemetric23 = value; //views.get(i + 1).passivemetric23_type = type; break; case "connectionstatus": // connection // status statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric24 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric24_type = type; break; case "roamingstatus": // roaming status statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric25 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric25_type = type; break; case "networkoperatorcode": // network // operator code statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric26 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric26_type = type; break; case "cdmasignalstrength": // cdmasignalstrength statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric27 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric27_type = type; break; case "cdmabasestationid": // cdmabasestationid statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric28 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric28_type = type; break; case "cdmabasestationlatitude": // cdmabasestationlatitude statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric29 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric29_type = type; break; case "cdmabasestationlongitude": // cdmabasestationlongitude statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric30 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric30_type = type; break; case "cdmanetworkid": // cdmanetworkid statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric31 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric31_type = type; break; case "cdmasystemid": // cdmasystemid statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric32 = value; statRecords.get(archiveItemIndex + 1).passivemetric32_type = type; break; default: Log.d("SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity:MyPagerAdapter", "WARNING - unsupported metric (" + metric + ")"); break; } } catch (JSONException je) { Log.d("SamKnowsAggregateStatViewerActivity:MyPagerAdapter", "ERROR - exception reading JSON object (" + je.getMessage() + ")"); SKPorting.sAssertE( this, "Exception in reading JSONObject: " + je.getMessage()); } } @Override public void destroyItem(View view, int arg1, Object object) { ((ViewPager) view).removeView((StatView) object); } @Override public void finishUpdate(View arg0) { } @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { return POSITION_NONE; } @Override public int getCount() { return statRecords.size(); } public SocialStrings getTextForSocialMedia(int position) { //"Now testing my actual #mobilebroadband speed Up:2, Down=3 using..."; StatRecord sr = statRecords.get(position); String carrier = sr.passivemetric7_networkoperatorname; String download_result = sr.download_result; String upload_result = sr.upload_result; // The false means that this data is NOT averaged! return getStringsForSocialMediaForCarrierDownloadUpload(carrier, download_result, upload_result, false); } @Override public Object instantiateItem(View view, final int position) { //Trace.beginSection("instantiateItem"); StatView sc = new StatView(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); sc.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); sc.setFillViewport(true); LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) SKAMainResultsActivity.this .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View subview_archive; // If position is zero take care of the visibility of the messages if (position == 0) { //Trace.beginSection("ska_main_results_activity_runnow_and_graphs"); subview = inflater.inflate(R.layout.ska_main_results_activity_runnow_and_graphs, null); //Trace.endSection(); subview.setTag(position); if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().hideJitter() == true) { // Hide some elements! subview.findViewById(; } if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().hideJitterLatencyAndPacketLoss() == true) { // Hide some elements! subview.findViewById(; subview.findViewById(; subview.findViewById(; } sc.addView(subview); ((ViewPager) view).addView(sc); //if there is a problem with with the Test Maagner, display the //appropriate message setContinuousTestingButton(); if (total_archive_records == 0) { // No data! mMainResultsActivity.findViewById(; } else { // Data! TextView tv = (TextView) subview.findViewById(; ImageView iv = (ImageView) subview.findViewById(; tv.setVisibility(View.GONE); iv.setVisibility(View.GONE); // data icon // & message mMainResultsActivity.findViewById(; } // If we have at least one test result, load the first item. if (total_archive_records > 0) { adapter.readArchiveItem(0); } String caption = getString(R.string.last_run) + " " + last_run_test_formatted; ((TextView) findViewById(; if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().hideJitter() == true) { // Hide some elements! subview.findViewById(; } if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().hideJitterLatencyAndPacketLoss() == true) { // Hide some elements! subview.findViewById(; subview.findViewById(; subview.findViewById(; } buttonSetup(); loadAverage(); graphsSetup(); loadGrids(); } //Trace.beginSection("ska_main_results_activity_single_result"); subview_archive = inflater.inflate(R.layout.ska_main_results_activity_single_result, null); //Trace.endSection(); if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().hideJitter() == true) { // Hide some elements! subview_archive.findViewById(; } if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().hideJitterLatencyAndPacketLoss() == true) { // Hide some elements! subview_archive.findViewById(; subview_archive.findViewById(; subview_archive.findViewById(; } // // Show or hide the passive results, depending on whether // we're looking at mobile (show) or WiFi (hide!) // LinearLayout passiveResultsLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) subview_archive.findViewById(; if (SKApplication.getNetworkTypeResults() == eNetworkTypeResults.eNetworkTypeResults_WiFi) { // Hide for WiFi results! passiveResultsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { // Show for Mobile results! passiveResultsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } // // Prepare left/right buttons etc. .. // Button leftButton = (Button) subview_archive.findViewById(; Button rightButton = (Button) subview_archive.findViewById(; if (position == total_archive_records) { rightButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { rightButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } leftButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { int currentPage = viewPager.getCurrentItem(); //mMainResultsActivity.handleOnPageSelected(currentPage - 1); // This is how you scroll "left" to the previous page (we always // start on page "zero"...) viewPager.setCurrentItem(currentPage - 1); } }); rightButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { int currentPage = viewPager.getCurrentItem(); // mMainResultsActivity.handleOnPageSelected(currentPage + 1); // This is how you scroll "right" to the previous page (we always // start on page "zero"...) // int targetPage = currentPage + 1; int pageCount = viewPager.getChildCount(); //SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), pageCount >= currentPage); viewPager.setCurrentItem(targetPage); //int testCurrentPage = viewPager.getCurrentItem(); //SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), testCurrentPage == (currentPage+1)); } }); if (position > 0) { subview_archive.setTag(position); sc.addView(subview_archive); StatRecord sr = statRecords.get(position); sc.setData(sr); ((ViewPager) view).addView(sc); if (position == total_archive_records) { sc.setRightPageIndicator(false); } // // Inside of instantiateItem, the position parameter is the position that is in need of rendering. // It is NOT the position of the currently focused item that the user would see. // The pages to the left and right of the currently displayed view need to be pre rendered in memory // so that the animations to those screens will be smooth. if (position < total_archive_records) { // Position (page number) is: // 0, 1, 2 // Archive item index is: // NA 0 1 // It looks like we should pass (position-1) here, but if we do that, we get un-populated // archived results pages! // TODO - figure out why that is the case. adapter.readArchiveItem(position); } } SKTypeface.sChangeChildrenToDefaultFontTypeface(sc); //Trace.endSection(); return sc; } public void loadGrids() { loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID,, 0, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID,, 0, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID,, 0, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID,, 0, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); loadDownloadGrid(DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID,, 0, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); LinearLayout l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; l.setVisibility(View.GONE); l.getLayoutParams().height = 0; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; l.setVisibility(View.GONE); l.getLayoutParams().height = 0; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; l.setVisibility(View.GONE); l.getLayoutParams().height = 0; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; l.setVisibility(View.GONE); l.getLayoutParams().height = 0; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; l.setVisibility(View.GONE); l.getLayoutParams().height = 0; } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) { return view == object; } @Override public void restoreState(Parcelable arg0, ClassLoader arg1) { } @Override public Parcelable saveState() { return null; } @Override public void startUpdate(View arg0) { } } //private int mWeeks = 1; private DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y mDateRange = DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_WEEK; private void SingleChoice() { Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(getString(R.string.choose_time)); // dropdown setup final String array_spinner[]; if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().supportOneDayResultView() == true) { array_spinner = new String[5]; array_spinner[0] = getString(R.string.time_period_1day); array_spinner[1] = getString(R.string.time_period_1week); array_spinner[2] = getString(R.string.time_period_1month); array_spinner[3] = getString(R.string.time_period_3months); array_spinner[4] = getString(R.string.time_period_1year); } else { array_spinner = new String[4]; array_spinner[0] = getString(R.string.time_period_1week); array_spinner[1] = getString(R.string.time_period_1month); array_spinner[2] = getString(R.string.time_period_3months); array_spinner[3] = getString(R.string.time_period_1year); } builder.setItems(array_spinner, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { String value = array_spinner[which]; Button tvHeader = (Button) findViewById(; if (value.equals(getString(R.string.time_period_1week))) { tvHeader.setText(R.string.results_for_1_week); mDateRange = DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_WEEK; } else if (value.equals(getString(R.string.time_period_1month))) { tvHeader.setText(R.string.results_for_1_month); mDateRange = DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_MONTH; } else if (value.equals(getString(R.string.time_period_3months))) { tvHeader.setText(R.string.results_for_3_months); mDateRange = DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_THREE_MONTHS; } else if (value.equals(getString(R.string.time_period_1year))) { tvHeader.setText(R.string.results_for_1_year); mDateRange = DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_YEAR; } else if (value.equals(getString(R.string.time_period_1day))) { tvHeader.setText(R.string.results_for_1_day); mDateRange = DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y.DATERANGE_1w1m3m1y_ONE_DAY; } else { tvHeader.setText(R.string.results_for_1_week); Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "onClick - value out of range=" + value); } // Query average data, and update charts - this might make them invisible, if there is no data! queryAverageDataAndUpdateTheCharts(); dialog.dismiss(); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } // Query average data, and update charts - this might make them invisible, if there is no data! void queryAverageDataAndUpdateTheCharts() { loadAverage(); // Update charts - this might make them invisible, if there is no data! setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID); setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID); setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID); setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID); setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID); } final int cRunTestActivityRequestCode = 99999999; private void RunChoice() { storage = CachingStorage.getInstance(); config = storage.loadScheduleConfig(); // if config == null the app is not been activated and // no test can be run if (config == null) { // TODO Add an alert that the app has not been initialised yet config = new ScheduleConfig(); } // Only allow this to continue, if we're connected! if (Reachability.sCheckIfIsConnectedAndIfNotShowAnAlert(this) == false) { return; } if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().allowUserToSelectTestToRun() == false) { // // Many app variants - always run all tests. // This is identified by setting testID to -1 ...! // Intent intent = new Intent(SKAMainResultsActivity.this, SKARunningTestActivity.class); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt(SKARunningTestActivity.cTestIdToRunMinusOneMeansAll, -1); intent.putExtras(b); startActivityForResult(intent, cRunTestActivityRequestCode); overridePendingTransition(R.anim.transition_in, R.anim.transition_out); return; } // // User must select the test to run /// testList = config.manual_tests; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), testList.size() > 0); array_spinner.clear(); array_spinner_int.clear(); // Do NOT include a 'closest target' test in the list! int i; for (i = 0; i < testList.size(); i++) { if (testList.get(i).type.equals(SKConstants.TEST_TYPE_CLOSEST_TARGET)) { // Ignore it! } else { TestDescription td = testList.get(i); Log.d(TAG, "TEST NAME=" + td.displayName + ", testID=" + td.testId.getValueAsInt()); array_spinner.add(td.displayName); array_spinner_int.add(td.testId); } } SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), array_spinner.size() > 0); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), array_spinner_int.size() == array_spinner.size()); Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(getString(R.string.choose_test)); // dropdown setup array_spinner.add(getString(R.string.all)); array_spinner_int.add(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID.ALL_TESTS); String theItems[] = new String[array_spinner.size()]; i = 0; for (String value : array_spinner) { theItems[i] = value; i++; } builder.setItems(theItems, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); Intent intent = new Intent( SKAMainResultsActivity.this, SKARunningTestActivity.class); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt(SKARunningTestActivity.cTestIdToRunMinusOneMeansAll, array_spinner_int.get(which).getValueAsInt()); intent.putExtras(b); startActivityForResult(intent, cRunTestActivityRequestCode); overridePendingTransition(R.anim.transition_in, R.anim.transition_out); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } private ContinuousTestRunner mContinuousTestRunner = null; private ContinuousTestRunner.TestRunnerState mContinuousState = ContinuousTestRunner.TestRunnerState.STOPPED; private Handler mContinuousHandler; private void continuousStateChanged(ContinuousTestRunner.TestRunnerState newState) { mContinuousState=newState; setContinuousTestingButton(); if(mContinuousState== ContinuousTestRunner.TestRunnerState.STOPPED) { adapter = new MyPagerAdapter(SKAMainResultsActivity.this); setTotalArchiveRecords(); //viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), viewPager == findViewById(; viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); } } void startContinuousTestAfterCheckingForDataCap() { Button b = (Button) findViewById(; SKTestRunner.SKTestRunnerObserver observer = new SKTestRunner.SKTestRunnerObserver() { @Override public void onTestProgress(JSONObject pm) { } @Override public void onTestResult(JSONObject pm) { } @Override public void onPassiveMetric(JSONObject o) { } @Override public void OnChangedStateTo(SKTestRunner.TestRunnerState state) { SKAMainResultsActivity.this.continuousStateChanged(state); } @Override public void OnUDPFailedSkipTests() { } @Override public void OnClosestTargetSelected(String closestTarget) { } @Override public void OnCurrentLatencyCalculated(long latencyMilli) { } }; mContinuousTestRunner = new ContinuousTestRunner(observer); mContinuousTestRunner.startTestRunning_RunInBackground(); b.setText(R.string.starting_continuous); } private void ContinuousToggle(View v){ //CONTINUOUS TESTING if (mContinuousState == ContinuousTestRunner.TestRunnerState.STOPPED) { // Only allow this to continue, if we're connected! if (Reachability.sCheckIfIsConnectedAndIfNotShowAnAlert(this) == false) { return; } String showWithMessage = ""; if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().getIsDataCapEnabled() == true) { if (SK2AppSettings.getSK2AppSettingsInstance().isDataCapReached()) { Log.d(TAG, "Data cap exceeded"); showWithMessage = getString(R.string.data_cap_exceeded); } else { // Create a manual test (which we do NOT run!), to allow us to measure if we might // exceed the test limit! StringBuilder errorDescription = new StringBuilder(); SKTestRunner.SKTestRunnerObserver observerNull = null; ManualTestRunner mt = ManualTestRunner.create(observerNull, errorDescription); if (mt == null) { String theErrorString = errorDescription.toString(); if (theErrorString.length() == 0) { theErrorString = getString(R.string.unexpected_error); } Log.d(TAG, "Impossible to run continuous tests"); new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage(theErrorString) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok_dialog, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } }).show(); return; } if (SK2AppSettings.getSK2AppSettingsInstance().isDataCapLikelyToBeReached(mt.getNetUsage())) { // Data cap exceeded - but only ask the user if they want to continue, if the app is configured // to work like that... Log.d(TAG, "Data cap likely to be exceeded"); showWithMessage = getString(R.string.data_cap_might_be_exceeded); } } } if (showWithMessage.length() > 0) { // Data cap exceeded limit hit, or will be hit! Log.d(TAG, "Data cap exceeded"); new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage(showWithMessage) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok_dialog, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { startContinuousTestAfterCheckingForDataCap(); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.no_dialog, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } }).show(); } else { startContinuousTestAfterCheckingForDataCap(); } } else if (mContinuousState == ContinuousTestRunner.TestRunnerState.EXECUTING) { if (mContinuousTestRunner == null) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } else { mContinuousTestRunner.stopTestRunning(); mContinuousTestRunner = null; } ((Button) v).setText(R.string.stopping_continuous); } } // private boolean mContinuousRequested = false; // private MainService mMainService = null; // private ServiceConnection mConnection; public boolean forceBackToAllowClose() { return on_aggregate_page; } @Override public void onBackPressed() { // This screen has strange behaviour on the "Back" button being pressed. // It is the task root - so, normally, pressing back would terminate the application. // However, pressing back actually "changes page" until we reach the "aggregate page"; // at which point, we can try to close the app if required. if (on_aggregate_page) { // The app can be closed from this page - we expect to be the task root. if (this.wouldBackButtonReturnMeToTheHomeScreen()) { super.onBackPressed(); } } else { // The app must NOT be closed from this page - change "viewed page" instead. //viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; // viewPager.setAdapter(adapter); viewPager.setCurrentItem(0, true); // The true means to perform a smooth scroll! // overridePendingTransition(0, 0); on_aggregate_page = true; } } // This method will query the data synchronously, for the specified column. private JSONObject fetchGraphDataForColumnId(DETAIL_TEST_ID PColumnId) { Calendar fromCal = Calendar.getInstance(); lookBackwardInTime(fromCal); long startTime = fromCal.getTimeInMillis(); Calendar upToCal = Calendar.getInstance(); long upToTime = upToCal.getTimeInMillis(); if (!(startTime < upToTime)) { Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "getDataForColumnId - startTime/upToTime out of range mis-matched"); } JSONObject data = dbHelper.fetchGraphData(PColumnId, startTime, upToTime, mDateRange); return data; } // This method will set the graph data and update, based on the specified column; // and will make the container layout invisible if there are no results in that data. // // GIVEN: the response data has been queried synchronously from the local database for the specified column // WHEN: there are NO results in the response data // THEN: the graph layout will be made invisible (GONE) private boolean setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(DETAIL_TEST_ID PColumnId) { boolean buttonFound = false; JSONObject data = null; try { data = fetchGraphDataForColumnId(PColumnId); if (data.getJSONArray("results").length() > 0) { buttonFound = true; } } catch (JSONException e1) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } LinearLayout l = null; switch (PColumnId) { case DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID: l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; graphHandlerDownload.updateGraphWithTheseResults(data, mDateRange); break; case UPLOAD_TEST_ID: l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; graphHandlerUpload.updateGraphWithTheseResults(data, mDateRange); break; case LATENCY_TEST_ID: l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; graphHandlerLatency.updateGraphWithTheseResults(data, mDateRange); break; case PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID: l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; graphHandlerPacketLoss.updateGraphWithTheseResults(data, mDateRange); break; case JITTER_TEST_ID: l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; graphHandlerJitter.updateGraphWithTheseResults(data, mDateRange); break; default: Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound - unexpected result"); return buttonFound; } if (l == null) { Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound - l == null"); } // Changed to NO LONGER HIDE if not visible; as that is unhelpful // behaviour now that we have a network type results toggle! // if (buttonFound) { //// if (PForceVisibleIfThereIsData == false) { //// // Button found, but do NOT set visibility to VISIBLE. //// } else { //// // Set button visibility to VISIBLE. //// l.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //// } // } else { // // Not found! // l.setVisibility(View.GONE); // } return buttonFound; } @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Toast.makeText(this,"clicked ..."+v.getId(),3000).show(); int grid = 0; boolean buttonfound = false; ImageView button = null; LinearLayout l = null; DETAIL_TEST_ID testid = DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID; int id = v.getId(); if (id == || id == { testid = DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID; buttonfound = setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(testid); button = (ImageView) findViewById(; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; grid =; } if (id == || id == { testid = DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID; buttonfound = setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(testid); button = (ImageView) findViewById(; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; grid =; } if (id == || id == { testid = DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID; buttonfound = setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(testid); button = (ImageView) findViewById(; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; grid =; } if (id == || id == { testid = DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID; buttonfound = setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(testid); button = (ImageView) findViewById(; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; grid =; } if (id == || id == { testid = DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID; buttonfound = setGraphDataForColumnIdAndHideIfNoResultsFound(testid); button = (ImageView) findViewById(; l = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; grid =; } // actions if (l.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { button.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.btn_open_selector); button.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.close_panel)); // graphHandler1.update(); clearGrid(grid); loadDownloadGrid(testid, grid, 0, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); l.getLayoutParams().height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; l.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { l.setVisibility(View.GONE); button.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.btn_closed_selector); button.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.open_panel)); } } public class MyAnimationListener implements AnimationListener { View view; public void setView(View view) { this.view = view; } public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { } public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { } } // private static final AlphaAnimation buttonClick = new AlphaAnimation(1F, 0.7F); public static void sSetButtonEffect(View button){ button.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() { public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: { buttonClick.setDuration(500); v.startAnimation(buttonClick); //v.getBackground().setColorFilter(0xe0f47521,; v.invalidate(); break; } // case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: { // //v.getBackground().clearColorFilter(); // v.invalidate(); // break; // } } return false; } }); } }