package com.samknows.measurement.statemachine; import; import; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import com.samknows.libcore.SKConstants; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import com.samknows.measurement.SK2AppSettings; import com.samknows.measurement.SKApplication; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.TestGroup; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.condition.ConditionGroupResult; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.condition.DatacapCondition; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.failaction.RetryFailAction; import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.TestContext; import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.TestExecutor; import com.samknows.measurement.util.SKDateFormat; import com.samknows.measurement.util.TimeUtils; public class ScheduledTestExecutionQueue implements Serializable{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private long startTime; private long endTime; //end time for the queue private final PriorityQueue<QueueEntry> entries = new PriorityQueue<>(); private transient TestContext tc; private long accumulatedTestBytes = 0L; private ScheduledTestExecutionQueue() {} public ScheduledTestExecutionQueue(TestContext tc) { = tc; accumulatedTestBytes = 0L; startTime = endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long daysDiff = TimeUtils.daysToMillis(SKConstants.TEST_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE_IN_DAYS); long newEndTime = startTime + daysDiff; populate(newEndTime); } private void extendSize() { long minSize = TimeUtils.daysToMillis(SKConstants.TEST_QUEUE_NORMAL_SIZE_IN_DAYS); long currentSize = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentSize < minSize) { SKPorting.sLogD(this, "extending queue"); long maxSize = TimeUtils.daysToMillis(SKConstants.TEST_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE_IN_DAYS); long newEndSize = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxSize; populate(newEndSize); } else { SKPorting.sLogD(this, "no need to extend queue, endTime: " + TimeUtils.logString(endTime)); } } private synchronized void populate(long newEndTime) { long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); startTime = endTime >= timeNow ? endTime : timeNow; endTime = newEndTime; SKPorting.sLogD(this, "populating test queue from: " + TimeUtils.logString(startTime) + " to " + TimeUtils.logString(endTime)); for(TestGroup tg: tc.config.backgroundTestGroups){ for(Long t:tg.getTimesInInterval(startTime, endTime)){ SKPorting.sLogD(this, "Add test group id "+ +" at time: "+TimeUtils.logString(t) ); addEntry(t, tg); } } SKPorting.sLogD(this, "queue populated with: " + entries.size()); } public void addEntry(long time, TestGroup tg){ entries.add(new QueueEntry(time,, tc.config.backgroundTestGroups.indexOf(tg))); SKPorting.sLogD(this, "scheduling test group at: "+TimeUtils.logString(time)); } /* public void addEntry(long time, TestDescription td) { entries.add(new QueueEntry(time,, tc.config.tests.indexOf(td))); Logger.d(this, "scheduling test at: " + new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date(time))); } */ public void setTestContext(TestContext tc) { = tc; } public long getAccumulatedTestBytes() { return accumulatedTestBytes; } /** * @return reschedule time duration in milliseconds */ public long executeReturnRescheduleDurationMilliseconds() { // TODO - is the following assertion something that should be re-activated? //SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), (accumulatedTestBytes == 0L)); TestExecutor scheduledTestExecutor = new TestExecutor(tc); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // The events in the queue are run through, until all are processed. // So, we must start by clearing-out all tests that pre-date the current time. while (true){ QueueEntry entry = entries.peek(); if (entry != null && !canExecute(entry, time) && entry.getSystemTimeMilliseconds() < time) { entries.remove(); SKPorting.sLogD(this, "removing test scheduled at: " + entry.getSystemTimeAsDebugString()); } else { break; } } boolean result = true; boolean fail = false; if (canExecute(time)) { scheduledTestExecutor.start(); while (canExecute(time)) { QueueEntry entry = entries.remove(); long maximumTestUsage = tc.config == null ? 0: tc.config.maximumTestUsage; //if data cap is going to be breached do not run test //the datacap condition is successful if the datacap is not reached boolean dataCapLikelyToBeReachedFlag = SK2AppSettings.getSK2AppSettingsInstance().isDataCapLikelyToBeReached(maximumTestUsage); // If we're not going to reach the limit, then success is true. // If we're going to reach the limit, then success is false. boolean dataCapSuccessFlag = !dataCapLikelyToBeReachedFlag; DatacapCondition dc = new DatacapCondition(dataCapSuccessFlag); if (dc.isSuccess()) { ConditionGroupResult tr = scheduledTestExecutor.executeBackgroundTestGroup(entry.groupId); accumulatedTestBytes += scheduledTestExecutor.getAccumulatedTestBytes(); result = tr.isSuccess; } else { SKPorting.sLogD(this, "Active metrics won't be collected due to potential datacap breach"); scheduledTestExecutor.getResultsContainer().addFailedCondition(DatacapCondition.JSON_DATACAP); } scheduledTestExecutor.getResultsContainer().addCondition(dc.getCondition()); } scheduledTestExecutor.stop();"scheduled_tests", -1); } extendSize(); if (fail) { RetryFailAction failAction = tc.config.retryFailAction; if (failAction != null) { return tc.config.retryFailAction.delay; //reschedule } else { SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "can't find on test fail action, just skipping the test."); entries.remove(); } } return getSleepTimeDurationMilliseconds(); } private boolean canExecute(long time) { QueueEntry entry = entries.peek(); if (entry == null) { return false; } else { return canExecute(entry, time); } } // The queue is populated with all events for a given day. // The events in the queue are run through, until all are processed. public boolean canExecute(QueueEntry entry, long time) { long timeUntilEntry = Math.abs(entry.getSystemTimeMilliseconds() - time); long timeWindow = SK2AppSettings.getSK2AppSettingsInstance().getTestStartWindow(); if (timeWindow == 60000) { if (timeUntilEntry < timeWindow) { return true; } } timeWindow /= 2; if (timeUntilEntry < timeWindow) { return true; } // This allows us to override the value in the debugger... return false; } private long getSleepTimeDurationMilliseconds() { if (entries.isEmpty()) { return TimeUtils.daysToMillis(SKConstants.TEST_QUEUE_NORMAL_SIZE_IN_DAYS); } else { QueueEntry entry = entries.peek(); long value = entry.getSystemTimeMilliseconds() - System.currentTimeMillis(); return value; } } public int size() { return entries.size(); } class QueueEntry implements Serializable, Comparable<QueueEntry>{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final long systemTimeMilliseconds; private final String systemTimeAsDebugString; final long groupId; final int orderIdx; public long getSystemTimeMilliseconds() { return systemTimeMilliseconds; } public String getSystemTimeAsDebugString() { return systemTimeAsDebugString; } public QueueEntry(long time, long groupId, int orderIdx) { super(); this.systemTimeMilliseconds = time; this.systemTimeAsDebugString = new SKDateFormat(SKApplication.getAppInstance()).UITime(systemTimeMilliseconds); this.groupId = groupId; this.orderIdx = orderIdx; } @Override public int compareTo(@NonNull QueueEntry another) { if (systemTimeMilliseconds == another.getSystemTimeMilliseconds()) { //if time is the same we want to the save original order from config return Integer.valueOf(orderIdx).compareTo(another.orderIdx); } return Long.valueOf(systemTimeMilliseconds).compareTo(another.getSystemTimeMilliseconds()); } @Override public String toString() { return groupId + " : " + getSystemTimeAsDebugString(); } } }