package com.samknows.tests; // NOTE: This code is written as Pure Java. // It is possible to modify it to have Android-specific calls. // Look at the static methods at the top of the class, for the commented-out Android-specific // code that can be re-enabled if required in import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public abstract class UploadTest extends HttpTest { // // END: code that you can make behave differently if you so wish on Android... // protected double bitrateMpbs1024Based = -1.0; /* ???? Scale coefficient */ protected byte[] buff; /* buffer to send values */ protected UploadTest(List<Param> params) { super(_UPSTREAM, params); this.init(); } public static UploadTest sCreateUploadTest(List<Param> params) { UploadStrategy uploadStrategyServerBased = UploadStrategy.PASSIVE; UploadTest result = null; for (Param param : params) { if (param.contains(TestFactory.UPLOADSTRATEGY)) { uploadStrategyServerBased = UploadStrategy.ACTIVE; break; } } if (uploadStrategyServerBased == UploadStrategy.ACTIVE) { result = ActiveServerUploadTest.sCreateActiveServerUploadTest(params); } else { result = PassiveServerUploadTest.sCreatePassiveServerUploadTest(params); } if (result != null) { if (result.isReady()) { return result; } else { SKPorting.sAssert(false); return null; } } else { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } return result; } private String[] formValuesArr() { String[] values = new String[1]; values = new String[1]; values[0] = String.format("%.2f", (Math.max(0, getTransferBytesPerSecond()) * 8d / 1000000)); return values; } private void init() { /* don't forget to check error state after this method */ /* getSocket() is a method from the parent class */ int maxSendDataChunkSize = 32768; // Generate this value in case we need it. // It is a random value from [0...2^32-1] Random sRandom = new Random(); /* Used for initialisation of upload array */ if (getUploadBufferSize() > 0 && getUploadBufferSize() <= maxSendDataChunkSize) { buff = new byte[getUploadBufferSize()]; } else { buff = new byte[maxSendDataChunkSize]; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } if (getRandomEnabled()) { /* randomEnabled comes from the parent (HTTPTest) class */ sRandom = new Random(); /* Used for initialisation of upload array */ sRandom.nextBytes(buff); } } @Override public String getStringID() { String ret = ""; if (getThreadsNum() == 1) { ret = UPSTREAMSINGLE; } else { ret = UPSTREAMMULTI; } return ret; } @Override public int getNetUsage() { return (int) (getTotalTransferBytes() + getTotalWarmUpBytes()); } @Override public boolean isReady() { super.isReady(); if (getUploadBufferSize() == 0 || getPostDataLength() == 0) { setError("Upload parameter missing"); return false; } return true; } }