package com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner;
import android.content.Context;
import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting;
import com.samknows.measurement.SK2AppSettings;
import com.samknows.measurement.SKApplication;
import com.samknows.measurement.statemachine.state.StateEnum;
import com.samknows.measurement.statemachine.StateResponseCode;
import com.samknows.measurement.statemachine.Transition;
import com.samknows.measurement.statemachine.state.BaseState;
import com.samknows.measurement.util.OtherUtils;
public class BackgroundTestRunner extends SKTestRunner {
private final Context mContext;
public BackgroundTestRunner(SKTestRunnerObserver observer) {
// if this is NOT null, then we will need to put in place code that prevents us emitting
// lots of unwanted latency observer calls; we'd also want any such calls not to be made
// in the main user interface thread (via the private Handler instance owned by the
// SKTestRunner superclass)...
SKPorting.sAssert(observer == null);
mContext = SKApplication.getAppInstance().getApplicationContext();
// Returns the number of test bytes!
public long startTestRunning_RunToEndBlocking_ReturnNumberOfTestBytes() {
SK2AppSettings appSettings = SK2AppSettings.getSK2AppSettingsInstance();
Transition t = Transition.create(appSettings);
StateEnum state = appSettings.getState();
SKPorting.sLogD(this, "starting routine from state: " + state);
long accumulatedTestBytes = 0;
while (state != StateEnum.SHUTDOWN) {
SKPorting.sLogD(this, "executing state: " + state);
StateResponseCode code;
try {
//code = Transition.createState(state, mContext).executeState();
BaseState baseState = Transition.createState(state, mContext);
code = baseState.executeState();
accumulatedTestBytes += baseState.getAccumulatedTestBytes();
} catch (Exception e) {
SKPorting.sLogD(this, "+++++DEBUG+++++ error calling executeState !" + e.toString());
// do NOT rethrow the exception!
code = StateResponseCode.FAIL;
SKPorting.sLogD(this, "finished state, code: " + code);
if (code == StateResponseCode.FAIL) {
SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "fail to startTestRunning_RunToEndBlocking state: " + state + ", reschedule");
OtherUtils.rescheduleRTC(mContext, appSettings.rescheduleTime);
return accumulatedTestBytes;
} else {
state = t.getNextState(state, code);
SKPorting.sLogD(this, "change service state to: " + state);
state = t.getNextState(state, StateResponseCode.OK);
SKPorting.sLogD(this, "shutdown state, stop execution and setup state for next time: " + state);
return accumulatedTestBytes;