package com.samknows; import com.samknows.SKKit.SKKitTestClosestTarget; import com.samknows.SKKit.SKKitTestDownload; import com.samknows.SKKit.SKKitTestLatency; import com.samknows.SKKit.SKKitTestUpload; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import com.samknows.tests.DownloadTest; import com.samknows.tests.Param; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class Main { public static void doClosestTargetTest() { System.out.println("Start ClosestTarget Test"); ArrayList<SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor> targetList = new ArrayList<>(); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "Dallas, USA")); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "New York, USA")); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "New York, USA")); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "San Jose, USA")); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "Washington D.C., USA")); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "Chicago, USA")); targetList.add(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ClosestTargetHostDescriptor("", "Los Angeles, USA")); SKKitTestClosestTarget.SKKitTestDescriptor_ClosestTarget closestTargetTestDescriptor; closestTargetTestDescriptor = new SKKitTestClosestTarget.SKKitTestDescriptor_ClosestTarget(targetList); final SKKitTestClosestTarget closestTargetTest = new SKKitTestClosestTarget(closestTargetTestDescriptor); // // Use a Condition/Lock to allow this method to block until the test completes. // final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition cv = lock.newCondition(); lock.lock(); // // Kick-off the background test thread. // closestTargetTest.start(new SKKitTestClosestTarget.ISKClosestTargetTestProgressUpdate() { @Override public void onTestProgress_OnMainThread(int progress0To100) { } @Override public void onTestCompleted_OnMainThread(String closestTarget) { System.out.println("ClosestTarget test result: " + closestTarget); // We arrive here with the mutex unlocked (the await() causes the unlock to happen). // We must grab the lock, call signal, and then unlock. // The await() will then unblock and continue. lock.lock(); cv.signal(); lock.unlock(); } }); // // Wait for the background test to complete. // try { // The call to await releases the lock, and we then wait for the condition to be signalled (and the mutex unlocked) cv.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } System.out.println("Completed ClosestTarget Test"); } public static void doDownloadTest() { System.out.println("Start Download Test"); SKKitTestDownload.SKKitTestDescriptor_Download downloadTestDescriptor; downloadTestDescriptor = new SKKitTestDownload.SKKitTestDescriptor_Download(""); downloadTestDescriptor.mWarmupMaxTimeSeconds = 2.0; downloadTestDescriptor.mTransferMaxTimeSeconds = 5.0; downloadTestDescriptor.mNumberOfThreads = 16; downloadTestDescriptor.mBufferSizeBytes = 4096*4; final SKKitTestDownload downloadTest = new SKKitTestDownload(downloadTestDescriptor); // // Use a Condition/Lock to allow this method to block until the test completes. // final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition cv = lock.newCondition(); lock.lock(); // // Kick-off the background test thread. // downloadTest.start(new SKKitTestDownload.ISKDownloadTestProgressUpdate() { @Override public void onTestCompleted_OnMainThread(double mbpsPerSecond1024Based) { System.out.println("Download test result: " + mbpsPerSecond1024Based + " Mbps"); // We arrive here with the mutex unlocked (the await() causes the unlock to happen). // We must grab the lock, call signal, and then unlock. // The await() will then unblock and continue. lock.lock(); cv.signal(); lock.unlock(); } }); // // Wait for the background test to complete. // try { // The call to await releases the lock, and we then wait for the condition to be signalled (and the mutex unlocked) cv.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } System.out.println("Completed Download Test"); } public static void doUploadTest() { System.out.println("Start Upload Test"); SKKitTestUpload.SKKitTestDescriptor_Upload uploadTestDescriptor; uploadTestDescriptor = new SKKitTestUpload.SKKitTestDescriptor_Upload(""); uploadTestDescriptor.mPort = 80; uploadTestDescriptor.mWarmupMaxTimeSeconds = 2.0; uploadTestDescriptor.mTransferMaxTimeSeconds = 5.0; uploadTestDescriptor.mNumberOfThreads = 16; uploadTestDescriptor.mSendDataChunkSizeBytes = 512; // 4096*4; // 16K! SKKitTestUpload uploadTest = new SKKitTestUpload(uploadTestDescriptor); // // Use a Condition/Lock to allow this method to block until the test completes. // Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition cv = lock.newCondition(); lock.lock(); // // Kick-off the background test thread. // uploadTest.start(new SKKitTestUpload.ISKUploadTestProgressUpdate() { @Override public void onTestCompleted_OnMainThread(double mbpsPerSecond1024Based) { System.out.println("Upload test result: " + mbpsPerSecond1024Based + " Mbps"); // Note that on desktop Java, this will not be on the main thread. // We arrive here with the mutex unlocked (the await() causes the unlock to happen). // We must grab the lock, call signal, and then unlock. // The await() will then unblock and continue. lock.lock(); cv.signal(); lock.unlock(); } }); // // Wait for the background test to complete. // try { // The call to await releases the lock, and we then wait for the condition to be signalled (and the mutex unlocked) cv.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } System.out.println("Completed Upload Test"); } public static void doLatencyTest() { System.out.println("Start Latency Test"); SKKitTestLatency.SKKitTestDescriptor_Latency latencyTestDescriptor; latencyTestDescriptor = new SKKitTestLatency.SKKitTestDescriptor_Latency(""); latencyTestDescriptor.mMaxTimeSeconds = 5.0; latencyTestDescriptor.mNumberOfPackets = 10; final SKKitTestLatency latencyTest = new SKKitTestLatency(latencyTestDescriptor); // // Use a Condition/Lock to allow this method to block until the test completes. // final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); final Condition cv = lock.newCondition(); lock.lock(); // // Kick-off the background test thread. // latencyTest.start(new SKKitTestLatency.ISKLatencyTestProgressUpdate() { @Override public void onTestProgress_OnMainThread(int progress0To100, double latency) { } @Override public void onTestCompleted_OnMainThread(double latency, double loss, double jitterMilliseconds) { System.out.println("Latency test result: latency=" + latency + ", loss=" + loss + ", jitter=" + jitterMilliseconds + " ms"); // We arrive here with the mutex unlocked (the await() causes the unlock to happen). // We must grab the lock, call signal, and then unlock. // The await() will then unblock and continue. lock.lock(); cv.signal(); lock.unlock(); } }); // // Wait for the background test to complete. // try { // The call to await releases the lock, and we then wait for the condition to be signalled (and the mutex unlocked) cv.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } System.out.println("Completed Latency Test"); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Start Tests...!"); doClosestTargetTest(); doDownloadTest(); doUploadTest(); doLatencyTest(); System.out.println("Tests completed!"); } }