* SDR Trunk
* Copyright (C) 2014 Dennis Sheirer
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package edac;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import bits.BinaryMessage;
public class CRCUtil
private final static Logger mLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CRCUtil.class );
public static long[] generate( int messageSize,
int crcSize,
long polynomial,
long initialFill,
boolean includeCRCBitErrors )
long[] crcTable = new long[ messageSize +
( includeCRCBitErrors ? crcSize : 0 ) ];
int[] checksumIndexes = new int[ crcSize ];
for( int x = 0; x < crcSize; x++ )
checksumIndexes[ x ] = messageSize + x;
for( int x = 0; x < messageSize; x++ )
BinaryMessage message = new BinaryMessage( messageSize + crcSize );
message.load( messageSize, crcSize, initialFill );
message.set( x );
message = decode( message, 0, messageSize, polynomial, crcSize );
long checksum = message.getLong( checksumIndexes );
crcTable[ x ] = checksum;
if( includeCRCBitErrors )
for( int x = 0; x < crcSize; x++ )
crcTable[ messageSize + x ] = Long.rotateLeft( 1, x );
return crcTable;
* Generates the checksum table and treats the final bit of each check value
* as a parity bit that complies with the request parity argument.
public static long[] generate( int messageSize,
int crcSize,
long polynomial,
long initialFill,
boolean includeCRCBitErrors,
Parity parity )
long[] table = generate( messageSize, crcSize, polynomial, initialFill,
includeCRCBitErrors );
if( parity == Parity.NONE )
return table;
for( int x = 0; x < table.length; x++ )
table[ x ] <<= 1;
if( parity( table[ x ] ) != parity )
table[ x ] ^= 0x1;
return table;
public enum Parity{ EVEN, ODD, NONE };
/* Determines the parity (number of 1 bits) for the value */
public static Parity parity( long value )
return Long.bitCount( value ) % 2 == 0 ? Parity.EVEN : Parity.ODD;
* Performs binary division of the polynomial into the message for bits
* in index 0 to index messageLength - 1, leaving the results in the
* checksum filed following the message.
* OUT: 0000000000000000RRRRRRRRRRR
* M: Message
* C: Checksum
* R: Remainder
* @param message - message and crc
* @param polynomial - crc polynomial - must be 1 bit longer than the crc width
* @param messageSize - message length and start of the checksum
* @return message with all message bits zeroed out, and the remainder
* placed in the crc field which starts at index messageLength
public static BinaryMessage decode( BinaryMessage message,
int messageStart,
int messageSize,
long polynomial,
int crcSize )
for (int i = message.nextSetBit( messageStart );
i >= messageStart && i < messageSize;
i = message.nextSetBit( i+1 ) )
BinaryMessage polySet = new BinaryMessage( crcSize + i + 1 );
polySet.load( i, crcSize + 1, polynomial );
message.xor( polySet );
return message;
public static void main( String[] args )
mLog.debug( "Starting" );
// String raw = "000000001010001000000000100010100000000000000000010000000011001001011100000000000000000011111110001000101001011100101110000101000110011101101001";
// BitSetBuffer message = BitSetBuffer.load( raw );
// long polynomial = 0x259l;
// decode( message, 0, 135, polynomial, 9 );
// mLog.debug( message.toString() );
long[] table = generate( 135, 9, 0x259l, 0, false, Parity.NONE );
mLog.debug( toCodeArray( table ) );
mLog.debug( "Finished" );
public static String toCodeArray( long[] values )
boolean integerArray = true;
/* Determine the correct primitive type: int or long */
for( long value: values )
if( value > Integer.MAX_VALUE || value < Integer.MIN_VALUE )
integerArray = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if( integerArray )
sb.append( "\npublic static final int[] CHECKSUMS = new int[]\n" );
sb.append( "\npublic static final long[] CHECKSUMS = new long[]\n" );
sb.append( "{\n" );
StringBuilder row = new StringBuilder();
row.append( " " );
for( long value: values )
StringBuilder element = new StringBuilder();
element.append( "0x" );
element.append( Long.toHexString( value ).toUpperCase() );
if( !integerArray )
element.append( "l" );
element.append( ", " );
if( row.length() + element.length() <= 80 )
row.append( element.toString() );
sb.append( row.toString() );
sb.append( "\n" );
row = new StringBuilder();
row.append( " " );
row.append( element.toString() );
if( row.length() > 4 )
sb.append( row.toString() );
sb.append( "\n" );
sb.append( "};\n" );
return sb.toString();