package; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.LineBorder; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import; import org.openlca.core.results.SimulationStatistics; /** * Draws a chart with a frequency distribution and statistic parameters. */ public class StatisticFigure extends Figure { private SimulationStatistics statistics = SimulationStatistics.empty(); private int marginLeft = 35; private int marginBottom = 35; private int marginRight = 25; private int marginTop = 25; private Label numberLabel; private Label perc5Label; private Label perc95Label; private Label medianLabel; private Label meanLabel; private Label standardDevLabel; public StatisticFigure() { setOpaque(true); setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.white); setForegroundColor(; setBorder(new LineBorder(, 1)); GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(); gl.numColumns = 12; setLayoutManager(gl); numberLabel = initLabel("results"); meanLabel = initLabel("mean"); standardDevLabel = initLabel("standard deviation"); perc5Label = initLabel("5% percentile"); perc95Label = initLabel("95% percentile"); medianLabel = initLabel("median"); } private Label initLabel(String text) { Label textLabel = new Label(text + ":"); textLabel.setForegroundColor(; Label valueLabel = new Label("0"); valueLabel.setForegroundColor(; add(textLabel); add(valueLabel); return valueLabel; } public void setData(List<Double> values) { statistics = new SimulationStatistics(values, 100); repaint(); } @Override public void paint(Graphics graphics) { super.paint(graphics); graphics.pushState(); paintParameterLabels(); paintChartFrame(graphics); Point boxSize = calcBoxSize(); paintBoxes(graphics, boxSize); paintLines(graphics, boxSize); graphics.popState(); } private void paintBoxes(Graphics graphics, Point boxSize) { graphics.setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.lightGray); int height = getSize().height - marginBottom; for (int interval = 0; interval < 100; interval++) { int frequency = statistics.getAbsoluteFrequency(interval); for (int block = 1; block <= frequency; block++) { int x = marginLeft + interval * boxSize.x; int y = height - block * boxSize.y; if (y >= marginTop) drawBox(graphics, boxSize, new Point(x, y)); } } graphics.setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.white); } private void drawBox(Graphics graphics, Point boxSize, Point topLeft) { graphics.drawRectangle(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, boxSize.x, boxSize.y); graphics.fillRectangle(topLeft.x + 1, topLeft.y + 1, boxSize.x - 1, boxSize.y - 1); } private void paintParameterLabels() { numberLabel.setText(statistics.getCount() + ""); setLabelValue(perc5Label, statistics.getPercentileValue(5)); setLabelValue(perc95Label, statistics.getPercentileValue(95)); setLabelValue(medianLabel, statistics.getMedian()); setLabelValue(meanLabel, statistics.getMean()); setLabelValue(standardDevLabel, statistics.getStandardDeviation()); } private void paintChartFrame(Graphics graphics) { graphics.drawLine(marginLeft, getSize().height - marginBottom, getSize().width - marginRight, getSize().height - marginBottom); graphics.drawLine(marginLeft, marginTop, marginLeft, getSize().height - marginBottom); graphics.drawText(Numbers.format(statistics.getMinimum(), 3), marginLeft, getSize().height - marginBottom + 10); graphics.drawText(Numbers.format(statistics.getMaximum(), 3), getSize().width - marginRight - 40, getSize().height - marginBottom + 10); graphics.drawText( Integer.toString(statistics.getMaximalAbsoluteFrequency()), 15, marginTop + 5); graphics.drawText("0", 15, getSize().height - marginBottom - 15); } private Point calcBoxSize() { Point size = new Point(); int width = getSize().width - marginLeft - marginRight; int height = getSize().height - marginTop - marginBottom; int intervalCount = 100; int maxFreq = statistics.getMaximalAbsoluteFrequency(); if (maxFreq > height) { double factor = (double) maxFreq / (double) height; maxFreq /= factor; } size.x = width / intervalCount; size.y = height / maxFreq; if (size.x < 1) size.x = 1; if (size.y < 1) size.y = 1; return size; } private void paintLines(Graphics graphics, Point boxSize) { graphics.setForegroundColor(; drawLine(graphics, statistics.getPercentileValue(5), boxSize); drawLine(graphics, statistics.getMedian(), boxSize); drawLine(graphics, statistics.getPercentileValue(95), boxSize); drawLine(graphics, statistics.getMean(), boxSize); graphics.setForegroundColor(; } private void drawLine(Graphics graphics, double val, Point boxSize) { int interval = statistics.getInterval(val); int x = boxSize.x * interval + marginLeft + boxSize.x / 2; graphics.drawLine(x, getSize().height - marginBottom, x, marginTop); } private void setLabelValue(Label label, double val) { label.setText(Numbers.format(val, 3)); } }