package; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.math.data_quality.DQResult; import org.openlca.core.model.DQSystem; import org.openlca.util.Strings; public class ProcessFigure extends Figure { public static final int HEIGHT = 120; public static final int WIDTH = 200; private ProcessNode processNode; private Font boldFont; public ProcessFigure(ProcessNode processNode) { setToolTip(new Label(Labels.getDisplayName(processNode.process))); processNode.figure = this; this.processNode = processNode; setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); processNode.setXyLayoutConstraints(getBounds()); addMouseListener(new ProcessMouseClick(processNode)); } /** Must be disposed when the edit part is deactivated */ Font getBoldFont() { return boldFont; } @Override protected void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) { graphics.pushState(); graphics.setBackgroundColor(getColor()); paintBody(graphics); graphics.popState(); } private Color getColor() { double contribution = processNode.upstreamContribution; RGB rgb = FaviColor.getForContribution(contribution); return Colors.get(rgb); } private void paintBody(Graphics g) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(getLocation(), getSize()); g.fillRoundRectangle(rect, 15, 15); String singleVal = format(processNode.directResult); String singlePerc = format(processNode.directContribution * 100); String totalVal = format(processNode.upstreamResult); String totalPerc = format(processNode.upstreamContribution * 100); String single = singleVal + " (" + singlePerc + "%)"; String total = totalVal + " (" + totalPerc + "%)"; drawTexts(g, single, total); drawDqBar(g); } private void drawTexts(Graphics g, String single, String total) { Point loc = getLocation(); Font normalFont = g.getFont(); Font boldFont = getBoldFont(normalFont); g.setFont(boldFont); Color black = g.getForegroundColor(); g.setForegroundColor(Colors.white()); String name = Strings.cut(processNode.getName(), 30); g.drawText(name, loc.x + 5, loc.y + 5); g.setFont(normalFont); g.drawText(M.DirectContribution + ":", loc.x + 5, loc.y + 35); g.drawText(single, loc.x + 5, loc.y + 50); g.drawText(M.UpstreamTotal + ":", loc.x + 5, loc.y + 80); g.drawText(total, loc.x + 5, loc.y + 95); g.setForegroundColor(black); } private void drawDqBar(Graphics g) { DQResult dqResult = ((ProductSystemNode) processNode.getParent()).getEditor().getDqResult(); if (!DQUI.displayProcessQuality(dqResult)) return; Point loc = getLocation(); Dimension size = getSize(); Color fColor = g.getForegroundColor(); Color bColor = g.getBackgroundColor(); g.setForegroundColor(Colors.white()); g.setBackgroundColor(Colors.white()); int x = loc.x + size.width - 30; int y = loc.y + 10; int w = 20; DQSystem system = dqResult.setup.processDqSystem; int h = (size.height - 20) / system.indicators.size(); double[] values = dqResult.get(processNode.process); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Color color = DQUI.getColor(values[i], system.getScoreCount(), dqResult.setup.roundingMode); g.setBackgroundColor(color); g.drawRectangle(x, y, w, h); g.fillRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, w - 1, h - 1); y += h; } g.setForegroundColor(fColor); g.setBackgroundColor(bColor); } private Font getBoldFont(Font normalFont) { if (boldFont != null) return boldFont; String fontName = normalFont.getFontData()[0].getName(); int height = normalFont.getFontData()[0].getHeight(); boldFont = new Font(Display.getCurrent(), new FontData[] { new FontData(fontName, height, SWT.BOLD) }); return boldFont; } private String format(double val) { return Numbers.format(val, 3); } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize(int hint, int hint2) { Dimension size = getSize(); if (HEIGHT > size.height || WIDTH > size.width) return new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT); return size; } public ProcessNode getProcessNode() { return processNode; } }