package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import org.openlca.core.model.AllocationFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.AllocationMethod; import org.openlca.core.model.Exchange; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowProperty; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyType; import org.openlca.core.model.Process; class AllocationSync { private final Process process; private boolean firstInit; private AllocationSync(Process process) { this.process = process; } /** * Adds or removes allocation factors if required. New allocation factors * are initialized with a default value. Values of existing allocation * factors are not changed. */ public static void updateFactors(Process process) { if (process == null) return; new AllocationSync(process).doUpdate(); } /** * Calculates default allocation factors from the flow properties or costs * of the exchanges. It also calls updateFactors internally. */ public static void calculateDefaults(Process process) { if (process == null) return; new AllocationSync(process).doCalc(); } private void doCalc() { doUpdate(); List<Exchange> products = Processes.getOutputProducts(process); if (products.size() < 2) return; List<F> physFactors = calcFactors(AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL, products); List<F> ecoFactors; if (canCalculateFromCosts(products)) ecoFactors = calculateFromCosts(products); else ecoFactors = calcFactors(AllocationMethod.ECONOMIC, products); setNewValues(physFactors, AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL); setNewValues(ecoFactors, AllocationMethod.ECONOMIC); setNewCausalValues(physFactors); } private void setNewValues(List<F> factors, AllocationMethod method) { for (F f : factors) { AllocationFactor factor = getFactor(f.product, method); if (factor == null) continue; factor.setValue(f.value); } } private void setNewCausalValues(List<F> factors) { for (F f : factors) { for (Exchange e : Processes.getNonOutputProducts(process)) { AllocationFactor factor = getCausalFactor(f.product, e); if (factor == null) continue; factor.setValue(f.value); } } } private void doUpdate() { List<Exchange> products = Processes.getOutputProducts(process); if (products.size() < 2) { process.getAllocationFactors().clear(); return; } firstInit = process.getAllocationFactors().isEmpty(); removeUnusedFactors(products); addNewFactors(products); } private void removeUnusedFactors(List<Exchange> products) { List<AllocationFactor> removals = new ArrayList<>(); for (AllocationFactor factor : process.getAllocationFactors()) { long productId = factor.getProductId(); boolean remove = true; for (Exchange product : products) { if (productId == product.getFlow().getId()) { remove = false; break; } } if (remove) removals.add(factor); } process.getAllocationFactors().removeAll(removals); } private void addNewFactors(List<Exchange> products) { for (Exchange product : products) { createIfAbsent(product, AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL); createIfAbsent(product, AllocationMethod.ECONOMIC); for (Exchange exchange : Processes.getNonOutputProducts(process)) { createCausalIfAbsent(product, exchange); } } } /** For physical and economic allocation. */ private void createIfAbsent(Exchange product, AllocationMethod method) { AllocationFactor factor = getFactor(product, method); if (factor != null) return; factor = new AllocationFactor(); factor.setAllocationType(method); factor.setProductId(product.getFlow().getId()); factor.setValue(getInitialValue(product)); process.getAllocationFactors().add(factor); } private double getInitialValue(Exchange product) { if (firstInit && Objects.equals(product, process.getQuantitativeReference())) return 1; else return 0d; } /** For physical and economic allocation. */ private AllocationFactor getFactor(Exchange product, AllocationMethod method) { for (AllocationFactor factor : process.getAllocationFactors()) { if (factor.getAllocationType() != method) continue; if (factor.getProductId() == product.getFlow().getId()) return factor; } return null; } /** For causal allocation. */ private void createCausalIfAbsent(Exchange product, Exchange exchange) { AllocationFactor factor = getCausalFactor(product, exchange); if (factor != null) return; factor = new AllocationFactor(); factor.setAllocationType(AllocationMethod.CAUSAL); factor.setExchange(exchange); factor.setProductId(product.getFlow().getId()); factor.setValue(getInitialValue(product)); process.getAllocationFactors().add(factor); } private AllocationFactor getCausalFactor(Exchange product, Exchange exchange) { for (AllocationFactor factor : process.getAllocationFactors()) { if (factor.getAllocationType() != AllocationMethod.CAUSAL) continue; if (factor.getProductId() == product.getFlow().getId() && Objects.equals(exchange, factor.getExchange())) return factor; } return null; } private List<F> calcFactors(AllocationMethod method, List<Exchange> products) { FlowProperty commonProp = getCommonProperty(products, method); if (commonProp == null && method != AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL) commonProp = getCommonProperty(products, AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL); List<F> factors = new ArrayList<>(); double totalAmount = 0; for (Exchange product : products) { double refAmount = getRefAmount(product); double amount = 0; if (commonProp != null) { Flow flow = product.getFlow(); FlowPropertyFactor factor = flow.getFactor(commonProp); if (factor != null) amount = refAmount * factor.getConversionFactor(); } totalAmount += amount; factors.add(new F(product, amount)); } if (totalAmount == 0) return factors; for (F f : factors) f.value = f.value / totalAmount; return factors; } private double getRefAmount(Exchange exchange) { if (exchange.getUnit() == null || exchange.getFlowPropertyFactor() == null) return 0; double amount = exchange.getAmountValue(); double unitFactor = exchange.getUnit().getConversionFactor(); double propFactor = exchange.getFlowPropertyFactor() .getConversionFactor(); if (propFactor == 0) return 0; return amount * unitFactor / propFactor; } private FlowProperty getCommonProperty(List<Exchange> products, AllocationMethod method) { List<FlowProperty> candidates = null; for (Exchange product : products) { Flow flow = product.getFlow(); List<FlowProperty> props = getProperties(flow, method); if (candidates == null) candidates = props; else candidates.retainAll(props); } if (candidates == null || candidates.isEmpty()) return null; return candidates.get(0); } private List<FlowProperty> getProperties(Flow flow, AllocationMethod method) { List<FlowProperty> properties = new ArrayList<>(); for (FlowPropertyFactor factor : flow.getFlowPropertyFactors()) { FlowProperty prop = factor.getFlowProperty(); if (match(prop.getFlowPropertyType(), method)) properties.add(prop); } return properties; } private boolean match(FlowPropertyType propertyType, AllocationMethod method) { if (propertyType == null || method == null) return false; else if (propertyType == FlowPropertyType.ECONOMIC && method == AllocationMethod.ECONOMIC) return true; else if (propertyType == FlowPropertyType.PHYSICAL && method == AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL) return true; else return false; } private boolean canCalculateFromCosts(List<Exchange> products) { for (Exchange product : products) { if (product.costValue == null) return false; } return true; } private List<F> calculateFromCosts(List<Exchange> products) { List<F> factors = new ArrayList<>(); double total = 0; for (Exchange product : products) { double val = product.costValue == null ? 0 : product.costValue; if (product.currency != null) { val *= product.currency.conversionFactor; } factors.add(new F(product, val)); total += val; } if (total == 0) return factors; for (F f : factors) f.value = f.value / total; return factors; } /** Simple internal class that represents an allocation factor. */ private class F { final Exchange product; double value; F(Exchange product, double value) { this.product = product; this.value = value; } } }