package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.matrix.ProcessLinkSearchMap; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessLink; import org.openlca.core.model.ProductSystem; public class TreeLayout { /** * set of process keys that have been added to a node already (important in * case of loops, so no process is added twice) */ private final Set<Long> containing = new HashSet<>(); /** * XY location in grid -> process key */ private final Map<Point, Long> locations = new HashMap<>(); /** * The processes painted as process nodes */ private final Set<Long> paintedProcesses = new HashSet<>(); private ProcessLinkSearchMap linkSearchMap; public void layout(final ProductSystemNode productSystemNode) { linkSearchMap = productSystemNode.getEditor().getLinkSearchMap(); prepare(productSystemNode); final List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); final Node mainNode = build(productSystemNode.getProductSystem()); mainNode.sort(); nodes.add(mainNode); for (final Object o : productSystemNode.getChildrenArray()) { if (o instanceof ProcessNode) { final ProcessNode processNode = (ProcessNode) o; if (!containing.contains(processNode.process.getId())) { final Node node = new Node(); node.processId = processNode.process.getId(); build(productSystemNode.getProductSystem(), new Node[] { node }); node.sort(); nodes.add(node); } } } int additionalHeight = 0; for (final Node node : nodes) { int newAdditionalHeight = 0; locations.clear(); applyLayout(node, 0, node.getLeftDepth(), mainNode.getLeftDepth()); int minimumX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maximumX = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int minimumY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maximumY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (final Point p : locations.keySet()) { if (p.x < minimumX) { minimumX = p.x; } if (p.x > maximumX) { maximumX = p.x; } if (p.y < minimumY) { minimumY = p.y; } if (p.y > maximumY) { maximumY = p.y; } } final Map<Long, ProcessFigure> figures = new HashMap<>(); for (final Object n : productSystemNode.getChildrenArray()) { if (n instanceof ProcessNode) { final ProcessFigure figure = ((ProcessNode) n).figure; figures.put(figure.getProcessNode().process.getId(), figure); } } // apply layout int xPosition = GraphLayoutManager.horizontalSpacing; for (int x = minimumX; x <= maximumX; x++) { if (x > minimumX) { xPosition += ProcessFigure.WIDTH + GraphLayoutManager.horizontalSpacing; } int yPosition = GraphLayoutManager.verticalSpacing; for (int y = minimumY; y <= maximumY; y++) { final Long processKey = locations.get(new Point(x, y)); if (y > minimumY) { yPosition += ProcessFigure.HEIGHT + GraphLayoutManager.verticalSpacing; } if (processKey != null) { final ProcessFigure figure = figures.get(processKey); if (figure != null) { figure.getProcessNode().setXyLayoutConstraints( new Rectangle(xPosition, yPosition + additionalHeight, figure .getSize().width, figure.getSize().height)); newAdditionalHeight = Math.max( newAdditionalHeight, yPosition + additionalHeight + figure.getSize().height); } } } } additionalHeight = newAdditionalHeight + GraphLayoutManager.verticalSpacing; } containing.clear(); locations.clear(); } private void applyLayout(final Node node, int addition, final int actualDepth, final int maximalDepth) { int y = maximalDepth - actualDepth + 3; final int x = node.getSize() / 2 + addition; while (locations.get(new Point(x, y)) != null) { y++; addition++; } locations.put(new Point(x, y), node.processId); for (int i = 0; i < node.leftChildren.size(); i++) { final Node child = node.leftChildren.get(i); int sizeAddition = 0; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { sizeAddition += node.leftChildren.get(j).getSize(); } applyLayout(child, addition + sizeAddition, actualDepth - 1, maximalDepth); } for (int i = 0; i < node.rightChildren.size(); i++) { final Node child = node.rightChildren.get(i); int sizeAddition = 0; for (int a = 0; a < node.leftChildren.size(); a++) { sizeAddition += node.leftChildren.get(a).getSize(); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { sizeAddition += node.rightChildren.get(j).getSize(); } applyLayout(child, addition + sizeAddition, actualDepth + 1, maximalDepth); } } private Node build(final ProductSystem productSystem) { final Node node = new Node(); node.processId = productSystem.getReferenceProcess().getId(); build(productSystem, new Node[] { node }); return node; } private void build(ProductSystem system, Node[] nodes) { List<Node> childs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node node : nodes) { long processId = node.processId; for (ProcessLink link : linkSearchMap.getLinks(processId)) { if (link.processId == processId) { if (!containing.contains(link.providerId) && paintedProcesses.contains(link.providerId)) { Node child = new Node(); child.processId = link.providerId; node.leftChildren.add(child); containing.add(child.processId); childs.add(child); } } } } if (childs.size() > 0) { build(system, childs.toArray(new Node[childs.size()])); } childs.clear(); for (Node node : nodes) { long providerId = node.processId; for (ProcessLink link : linkSearchMap.getLinks(providerId)) { if (link.providerId != providerId) continue; if (!containing.contains(link.processId) && paintedProcesses.contains(link.processId)) { Node child = new Node(); child.processId = link.processId; node.rightChildren.add(child); containing.add(child.processId); childs.add(child); } } } if (childs.size() > 0) { build(system, childs.toArray(new Node[childs.size()])); } } private void prepare(final ProductSystemNode productSystemNode) { for (final Object node : productSystemNode.getChildrenArray()) { if (node instanceof ProcessNode) { final ProcessNode processNode = (ProcessNode) node; paintedProcesses.add(processNode.process.getId()); processNode.setXyLayoutConstraints(new Rectangle(0, 0, processNode.figure.getSize().width, processNode.figure.getSize().height)); } } } class Node { List<Node> leftChildren = new ArrayList<>(); long processId; List<Node> rightChildren = new ArrayList<>(); int getLeftDepth() { int depth = 0; if (leftChildren.size() > 0) { depth = 1; int depthAdd = 0; for (int i = 0; i < leftChildren.size(); i++) { depthAdd = Math.max(depthAdd, leftChildren.get(i) .getLeftDepth()); } depth += depthAdd; } return depth; } int getSize() { int size = 0; if (rightChildren.size() == 0 && leftChildren.size() == 0) { size = 1; } else { for (int i = 0; i < rightChildren.size(); i++) { size += rightChildren.get(i).getSize(); } for (int i = 0; i < leftChildren.size(); i++) { size += leftChildren.get(i).getSize(); } } return size; } void sort() { final List<Node> temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.addAll(leftChildren); Collections.sort(temp, new Comparator<Node>() { @Override public int compare(final Node o1, final Node o2) { return ((Integer) o2.getSize()).compareTo(o1.getSize()); } }); leftChildren.clear(); int count = 0; int i = 0; while (count < temp.size()) { leftChildren.add(temp.get(i)); count++; if (count < temp.size()) { leftChildren.add(temp.get(temp.size() - i - 1)); count++; } i++; } } } }