package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Queue; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.database.BaseDao; import org.openlca.core.database.CategorizedEntityDao; import org.openlca.core.database.CategoryDao; import org.openlca.core.model.CategorizedEntity; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.CategorizedDescriptor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class CopyPaste { private enum Action { NONE, COPY, CUT; } private static INavigationElement<?>[] cache = null; private static Action currentAction = Action.NONE; public static void copy(Collection<INavigationElement<?>> elements) { copy(elements.toArray(new INavigationElement<?>[elements.size()])); } public static void copy(INavigationElement<?>[] elements) { if (!isSupported(elements)) return; initialize(Action.COPY, elements); } public static void cut(Collection<INavigationElement<?>> elements) { cut(elements.toArray(new INavigationElement<?>[elements.size()])); } private static void cut(INavigationElement<?>[] elements) { if (!isSupported(elements)) return; initialize(Action.CUT, elements); for (INavigationElement<?> element : cache) { element.getParent().getChildren().remove(element); Navigator.getInstance().getCommonViewer() .refresh(element.getParent()); } } public static boolean isSupported(INavigationElement<?> element) { return element instanceof ModelElement || element instanceof CategoryElement; } public static boolean isSupported(Collection<INavigationElement<?>> elements) { if (elements == null) return false; return isSupported(elements.toArray(new INavigationElement[elements .size()])); } public static boolean isSupported(INavigationElement<?>[] elements) { if (elements == null || elements.length == 0) return false; ModelType modelType = null; for (INavigationElement<?> element : elements) { if (!isSupported(element)) return false; ModelType currentModelType = getModelType(element); if (modelType == null) modelType = currentModelType; else if (currentModelType != modelType) return false; } return true; } private static ModelType getModelType(INavigationElement<?> element) { if (element instanceof ModelElement) return ((ModelElement) element).getContent().getModelType(); if (element instanceof CategoryElement) return ((CategoryElement) element).getContent().getModelType(); if (element instanceof ModelTypeElement) return ((ModelTypeElement) element).getContent(); return ModelType.UNKNOWN; } private static void initialize(Action action, INavigationElement<?>[] elements) { if (action == Action.CUT && currentAction == Action.CUT) { extendCache(elements); return; } if (currentAction == Action.CUT) restore(); cache = elements; currentAction = action; } private static void extendCache(INavigationElement<?>[] elements) { if (elements == null || elements.length == 0) return; if (cacheIsEmpty()) { cache = elements; return; } INavigationElement<?>[] newCache = new INavigationElement<?>[cache.length + elements.length]; System.arraycopy(cache, 0, newCache, 0, cache.length); System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newCache, cache.length, elements.length); cache = newCache; } private static void restore() { if (cacheIsEmpty()) return; for (INavigationElement<?> element : cache) { paste(element, element.getParent()); INavigationElement<?> root = Navigator .findElement(getModelType(element)); Navigator.refresh(root); } } public static void pasteTo(INavigationElement<?> categoryElement) { if (cacheIsEmpty()) return; if (!canPasteTo(categoryElement)) return; boolean started = false; try { Database.getIndexUpdater().beginTransaction(); started = true; for (INavigationElement<?> element : cache) paste(element, categoryElement); } finally { if (started) Database.getIndexUpdater().endTransaction(); clearCache(); } } public static void clearCache() { cache = null; currentAction = Action.NONE; INavigationElement<?> root = Navigator.findElement(Database .getActiveConfiguration()); Navigator.refresh(root); } public static boolean canMove(Collection<INavigationElement<?>> elements, INavigationElement<?> target) { return canMove( elements.toArray(new INavigationElement[elements.size()]), target); } private static boolean canMove(INavigationElement<?>[] elements, INavigationElement<?> target) { if (!isSupported(elements)) return false; if (!(target instanceof CategoryElement || target instanceof ModelTypeElement)) return false; return getModelType(target) == getModelType(elements[0]); } public static boolean canPasteTo(INavigationElement<?> element) { if (cacheIsEmpty()) return false; if (!(element instanceof CategoryElement || element instanceof ModelTypeElement)) return false; return getModelType(element) == getModelType(cache[0]); } private static void paste(INavigationElement<?> element, INavigationElement<?> category) { if (currentAction == Action.CUT) { if (element instanceof CategoryElement) move((CategoryElement) element, category); else if (element instanceof ModelElement) move((ModelElement) element, category); } else if (currentAction == Action.COPY) { if (element instanceof CategoryElement) copy((CategoryElement) element, category); else if (element instanceof ModelElement) copy((ModelElement) element, category); } } private static void copy(ModelElement element, INavigationElement<?> categoryElement) { CategorizedEntity copy = copy(element); if (copy == null) return; Category category = getCategory(categoryElement); copy.setCategory(category); copy = insert(copy); } private static Category getCategory(INavigationElement<?> element) { return element instanceof CategoryElement ? ((CategoryElement) element) .getContent() : null; } private static void move(CategoryElement element, INavigationElement<?> categoryElement) { Category newParent = getCategory(categoryElement); Category oldParent = getCategory(element.getParent()); Category category = element.getContent(); if (Objects.equals(category, newParent)) return; if (isChild(newParent, category)) return; // do not create category cycles if (oldParent != null) oldParent.getChildCategories().remove(category); if (newParent != null) newParent.getChildCategories().add(category); category.setCategory(newParent); CategoryDao dao = new CategoryDao(Database.get()); if (oldParent != null) oldParent = dao.update(oldParent); if (newParent != null) newParent = dao.update(newParent); category = dao.update(category); } private static boolean isChild(Category category, Category parent) { if (category == null || parent == null) return false; Category p = category.getCategory(); while (p != null) { if (Objects.equals(p, parent)) return true; p = p.getCategory(); } return false; } private static void move(ModelElement element, INavigationElement<?> categoryElement) { CategorizedDescriptor entity = element.getContent(); Category category = getCategory(categoryElement); Optional<Category> parent = Optional.fromNullable(category); Database.createCategorizedDao(entity.getModelType()).updateCategory(entity, parent); // need to notifiy index updater manually here Dataset dataset = CloudUtil.toDataset(entity, category); Database.getIndexUpdater().update(dataset); } private static void copy(CategoryElement element, INavigationElement<?> category) { Category parent = getCategory(category); Queue<CategoryElement> elements = new LinkedList<>(); elements.add(element); while (!elements.isEmpty()) { CategoryElement current = elements.poll(); Category copy = current.getContent().clone(); copy.getChildCategories().clear(); copy.setCategory(parent); if (parent == null) copy = new CategoryDao(Database.get()).insert(copy); else { parent.getChildCategories().add(copy); copy = new CategoryDao(Database.get()).update(parent); } for (INavigationElement<?> child : current.getChildren()) if (child instanceof CategoryElement) elements.add((CategoryElement) child); else { CategorizedEntity modelCopy = copy((ModelElement) child); modelCopy.setCategory(copy); modelCopy = insert(modelCopy); } parent = copy; } } private static CategorizedEntity copy(ModelElement element) { CategorizedDescriptor descriptor = element.getContent(); CategorizedEntityDao<?, ?> dao = Database.createCategorizedDao(descriptor .getModelType()); CategorizedEntity entity = dao.getForId(descriptor.getId()); CategorizedEntity copy = cloneIt(entity); if (copy != null) copy.setName(copy.getName() + " (copy)"); return copy; } private static CategorizedEntity cloneIt(CategorizedEntity entity) { try { CategorizedEntity clone = (CategorizedEntity) entity.clone(); DatabaseDir.copyDir(entity, clone); return clone; } catch (Exception e) { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CopyPaste.class); log.error("failed to clone " + entity, e); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends CategorizedEntity> T insert(T entity) { BaseDao<T> dao = (BaseDao<T>) Database.get().createDao( entity.getClass()); return dao.insert(entity); } public static boolean cacheIsEmpty() { return cache == null || cache.length == 0; } }