package com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.multilang; //import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.CLibrary; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableBoolean; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; //import com.sun.jna.LastErrorException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.benchmarking.Benchmark; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.OperationLogger; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.universe.Config; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.universe.Universe; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.JSONUtil; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Utils; /**** * MultiLangProcess should be considered the lowest-level abstraction on top of * the multilangs. It's only purpose is to queue up input & output messages, and * to pass basic logging messages back to the caller. * * Instead of adding different use-case logic to this class, consider creating a * new MultiLangObserver, which is essentially a wrapper around this and makes * it easier to reason about the underlying mechanics * * @author jake */ public class MultiLangProcess { public static enum State { INITIAL, RUNNING, PAUSED, DEAD } static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(MultiLangProcess.class); public final int SUSPEND_LIMIT = Config.getOrDefault("multilang.suspend.limit", Utils.valueOf(2500)).intValue(); // The number of tuples to collect before going into PAUSE public static final long SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME_MS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); public static final long HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT_MS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(25, TimeUnit.SECONDS); public static final long PROCESS_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); static final String EOF_SIGNAL = new String(); private static final long MAX_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS); private static final long SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000L * 30; private InputStream _stdout; private InputStream _stderr; private Future<?> _outputWatcher = null; BufferedReader _inputReader; LinkedBlockingQueue<String> _messagesToProcess; LinkedBlockingQueue<String> _messagesFromProcess; Process _process; Writer _outputWriter; private Future<?> _inputWatcher = null; BufferedReader _stdoutBuffer; BufferedReader _stderrBuffer; private Future<?> _stderrThread; private Future<?> _stdoutThread; String _pid = null; private Future<?> _emitThread; List<MultiLangMessageHandler> _messageListeners = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); List<MultiLangLogHandler> _logListeners = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); List<MultiLangErrorHandler> _errorListeners = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); private Future<?> _messageListenerThread = null; final AtomicReference<State> _state = new AtomicReference<>(State.INITIAL); Object _stateSemaphore = new Object(); private ProcessBuilder _processBuilder; private Future<Integer> _processWrapper; private ServerSocket _serverSocket = null; private Socket _socket = null; private Benchmark _benchmark = Universe.instance().benchmarkFactory().create(); /*** * * @param pb * @param inputPipe * @param outputPipe * @throws MultiLangException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @throws MultiLangProcessException */ public MultiLangProcess(final ProcessBuilder pb, ServerSocket socket) throws MultiLangProcessException { _processBuilder = pb; _serverSocket = socket; _messagesToProcess = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); _messagesFromProcess = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); } /*** * * @return * @throws MultiLangProcessException */ public MultiLangProcess start() throws MultiLangProcessException { try { // Start the actual process.. _benchmark.begin("multilang.process.start"); handleStartProcess(_processBuilder); ensureAlive(); // watched named inputs... if (_serverSocket != null) { _inputWatcher = createInputMessageThread(); _outputWatcher = createOutputMessageThread(); } } catch(IOException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("An error occurred while starting up the multilang process.").adviseRetry(); } finally { _benchmark.end("multilang.process.start"); } return this; } /**** * * @param pb * @throws IOException * @throws MultiLangException */ private void handleStartProcess(final ProcessBuilder pb) throws IOException, MultiLangProcessException { // Init"starting the process: " + pb.command() + " in " +; final MutableBoolean socketRunning = new MutableBoolean(false); if (_state.compareAndSet(State.INITIAL, State.RUNNING)) { // Start the server... Future<Socket> socketFuture = null; if (this._serverSocket != null) { socketFuture = Callable<Socket>() { public Socket call() throws MultiLangProcessException { _benchmark.begin("multilang.process.socket.init"); try { _serverSocket.setPerformancePreferences(0, 2, 1); socketRunning.setValue(true); Socket socket = _serverSocket.accept(); return socket; } catch(Exception e) { _log.error("error in socket connection: \n" + ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(MultiLangProcess.this, e).setUserMessage("An error occurred during socket initialization.").adviseRetry(); } finally { _benchmark.end("multilang.process.socket.init"); } } }); // Make sure the socket listener starts up... while(socketRunning.isFalse()) { // Note: we purposely don't use .wait here because we don't want the above // chunk of code to context switch. Utils.sleep(10); } } // Run _benchmark.begin("multilang.process.start.actual"); _process = pb.start(); // observe stdin and stdout _stdout = _process.getInputStream(); _stderr = _process.getErrorStream(); _stdoutBuffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_stdout)); _stderrBuffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_stderr)); _stderrThread = createStderrThread(); _stdoutThread = createStdoutThread(); _benchmark.end("multilang.process.start.actual"); // Wrap it around a thread so we know exactly when it finishes. _processWrapper = Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() { // Wait until the process is done try { _process.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"process '" + pb.command() + "' exited with by interruption"); return Integer.valueOf(0); } // Done"process '" + pb.command() + "' exited with value: " + _process.exitValue()); if (_state.getAndSet(State.DEAD) != State.DEAD) { // Tell listeners to stop if (_messagesFromProcess != null) { _messagesFromProcess.add(EOF_SIGNAL); } if (_messagesToProcess != null) { _messagesToProcess.add(EOF_SIGNAL); } } return Integer.valueOf(_process.exitValue()); } }); // Wait for a connection to the socket... if (this._serverSocket != null) { try { _socket = socketFuture.get(SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { String extraInfo = ""; if (_processWrapper.isDone()) { extraInfo = " The process is done;"; } else { extraInfo = " The process is NOT done;"; } cleanup(); throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("Could not connect with multilang socket: " + _serverSocket.getLocalPort() + ". " + extraInfo + ".").adviseRetry(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { cleanup(); throw new IOException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Do nothing... } } } } /*** * Helper to make sure process is running * @throws InterruptedException */ void ensureAlive() throws MultiLangProcessException { if (isAlive() == false) { // We're dead. If the process has any errors, rethrow them here.. assert(this._processWrapper.isDone()); try { this._processWrapper.get(); } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setUserMessage("The multilang process died!"); } // Otherwise, no errors.. just throw the dead exception... throw new MultiLangProcessDiedUnexpectedlyException(this); } } public void handleHandshake() throws MultiLangProcessException { // First, we tell it where the pid dir is... Utils.sleep(1000); ensureAlive(); writeMessage("{\"pidDir\": \"/tmp\"}"); writeMessage("end"); ensureAlive(); // Then it tells us it's pid (and other potential stuff) String firstLine = getNextMessage(60000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); String secondLine = getNextMessage(60000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (firstLine == null || secondLine == null) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(MultiLangProcess.this) .setInternalMessage("handshake timeout!: " + firstLine) .setUserMessage("unable to handshake with process"); } if (secondLine.equalsIgnoreCase("end")) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONUtil.parseObj(firstLine); this._pid = obj.getString("pid"); } else { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(MultiLangProcess.this) .setInternalMessage("invalid handshake, bad json: " + firstLine) .setUserMessage("process returned invalid handshake"); } } /*** * * @param outputPipe */ private Future<?> createOutputMessageThread() { return Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws MultiLangProcessException, IOException { _outputWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(_socket.getOutputStream()); //"writer created."); try { while (isAlive() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { // Get the next message. final String line; try { line = _messagesToProcess.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } if (line == EOF_SIGNAL) { // quit thread return null; } if (line != null) { debug("sending message: " + line); _outputWriter.write(line + "\n"); _outputWriter.flush(); } } } finally { //"writer dead"); _outputWriter.close(); } return null; } }); } /*** * */ public boolean isAlive() { return this._state.get() != State.DEAD; } /**** * */ public Process getProcess() { return _process; } /*** * */ public ProcessBuilder getProcessBuilder() { return _processBuilder; } /*** * * @param inputPipe */ private Future<?> createInputMessageThread() { return Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws MultiLangProcessException, IOException, MultiLangException { _inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_socket.getInputStream())); //"reader created."); try { while (isAlive() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { // Get the next message. final String line; //Benchmark.markBegin("multilang.process.input_reader"); try { line = _inputReader.readLine(); } catch(IOException e) { try { throw Utils.handleInterruptible(e); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { return null; } } finally { //Benchmark.markEnd("multilang.process.input_reader"); } if (line != null) { debug("received line: " + line); _messagesFromProcess.add(line); } // Are we being overrun??? If so, pause the process until we catch up.. if (_messagesFromProcess.size() > SUSPEND_LIMIT) { if (_pid != null) { pause(); try { // Spin wait until the buffer subsides do { ensureAlive(); _log.warn("process suspended until message queue is consumed: " + _messagesFromProcess.size()); for(MultiLangLogHandler l : _logListeners) { l.onSystemError("process suspended while downstream operations catch up", _log); } Thread.sleep(SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME_MS); } while(_messagesFromProcess.size() > 0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* * Swallow, thread boundary. */ return null; } finally { resume(); } } else { _log.warn("process is being overrun and we can't suspend the child process!"); } } } } finally { //"reader dead"); _inputReader.close(); } return null; } }); } /*** * */ private Future<?> createStdoutThread() { return Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() { String line; try { while( (line=_stdoutBuffer.readLine()) != null ) { // Process the line... for(MultiLangLogHandler l : _logListeners) { l.onStdOut(line, _log); } } } catch(IOException e) { _log.warn("IOException in Stdout reader, probably just a dead process: " + e); } return null; } }); } /*** * */ private Future<?> createStderrThread() { return Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws IOException { String line; try { while( (line=_stderrBuffer.readLine()) != null ) { // Process the line... for(MultiLangLogHandler l : _logListeners) { l.onStdErr(line, _log); } } } catch(IOException e) { _log.warn("IOException in Stderr reader, probably just a dead process: " + e); } return null; } }); } /*** * * @param wait * @param unit * @throws MultiLangProcessException * @throws InterruptedException */ public String getNextMessage(long wait, TimeUnit unit) throws MultiLangProcessException { try { // INIT ensureAlive(); String m = _messagesFromProcess.poll(wait, unit); if (m == EOF_SIGNAL) { try { _processWrapper.get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("An error occurred reading from the multilang process.").adviseRetry(); } return null; } // DONE return m; } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("An error occurred reading from the multilang process.").adviseRetry(); } } /*** * * @param wait * @return * @throws MultiLangProcessException */ public String getNextMessage(long wait) throws MultiLangProcessException { return getNextMessage(wait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /*** * * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangProcessException */ public String getNextMessage() throws InterruptedException, MultiLangProcessException { return getNextMessage(MAX_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /*** * * @param line * @throws MultiLangProcessException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangProcessDeadException */ public void writeMessage(String line) throws MultiLangProcessException { ensureAlive(); _messagesToProcess.add(line); } /*** * * @throws MultiLangException */ public static String getKillCommand(String pidString) { int pid = Integer.parseInt(pidString); return "kill " + pid; } public String getPid() { return this._pid; } public void cleanup() {"beginning cleanup"); //"deleting pipes..."); try { if (_serverSocket != null) { _serverSocket.close(); if (_socket != null) { _socket.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (_stderrThread != null) { _stderrThread.cancel(true); } if (_stdoutThread != null) { _stdoutThread.cancel(true); } if (_emitThread != null) { _emitThread.cancel(true); } if (_messageListenerThread != null) { _messageListenerThread.cancel(true); } if (_outputWatcher != null) { _outputWatcher.cancel(true); } if (_inputWatcher != null) { _inputWatcher.cancel(true); } //"Cleaned Up"); } /** * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangException * @throws MultiLangProcessException * */ public void destroy() throws MultiLangProcessException { if (_state.get() == State.DEAD) { // Already dead, or already in the process of killing? cleanup(); return; } // Kill!"Beginning destroy " + this._pid + " (" + this._processBuilder.command() + ")"); if (_pid != null) { Process p; try { final String killCommand = getKillCommand(_pid); _log.error(killCommand); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(killCommand); p.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("Failed to kill the multilang process. In most cases this probably shouldn't matter."); }"Process " + _pid + " killed with exit status: " + p.exitValue()); } // Will the `kill` command do it? try { this.waitForExit(PROCESS_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException e) { // Timeout.. force kill this dude"Process did not die after 'kill' command. Forcing kill"); this._process.destroy(); }"Killed."); } /*** * Pauses the multilang * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangException */ public void pause() throws MultiLangProcessException { if (_state.compareAndSet(State.RUNNING, State.PAUSED)) {"sending kill -SIGSTOP to " + _pid); try {"kill -SIGSTOP " + _pid); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("An error occurred while pausing the multilang process.").adviseRetry(); } } else { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this).setAllMessages("Attempted to pause a multilang process (PID=" + _pid + ") that was not running!"); } } /*** * Resumes the multilang * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangException */ public void resume() throws MultiLangProcessException { if (_state.compareAndSet(State.PAUSED, State.RUNNING)) {"sending kill -SIGCONT to " + _pid); try {"kill -SIGCONT " + _pid); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("An error occurred while resuming a multilang process."); } } else { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this).setAllMessages("Attempted to resume a multilang process (PID=" + _pid + ") that was not paused!"); } } public boolean isPaused() { return _state.get() == State.PAUSED; } public MultiLangProcess waitForExit() throws InterruptedException { try { _process.waitFor(); } finally { cleanup(); } return this; } public void waitForExit(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, MultiLangProcessException { // Start running it... Future<?> f = Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() { try { waitForExit(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* * Thread boundary, swallow. */ } return null; } }); try { f.get(timeout, unit); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw (MultiLangProcessException) new MultiLangProcessException(this, e).setAllMessages("An error occurred while waiting for a multilang process to exit."); } } public void waitForExit(final long timeout) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, MultiLangProcessException { waitForExit(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void addErrorListener(MultiLangErrorHandler handler) { this._errorListeners.add(handler); } public void removeErrorListener(MultiLangErrorHandler handler) { this._errorListeners.remove(handler); } /*** * * @param handler */ public void addMessageListener(MultiLangMessageHandler handler) { // Add the handler this._messageListeners.add(handler); // Create the listener thread, if not already exists if (_messageListenerThread == null) { this._messageListenerThread = Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() { while(!Utils.isInterrupted()) { final String nextLine; Benchmark.markBegin("multilang.process.message_listener"); try { nextLine = getNextMessage(); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // Thread boundary, die return null; } catch (MultiLangProcessException e) { return null; } finally { Benchmark.markEnd("multilang.process.message_listener"); } for(MultiLangMessageHandler l : _messageListeners) { try { l.handleMessage(nextLine); } catch (Exception e) { if (_errorListeners.size() == 0) { System.err.println("no error listeners!"); e.printStackTrace(); } for(MultiLangErrorHandler h : _errorListeners) { h.handleError(e); } } } } return null; } }); } } public void removeMessageListener(MultiLangMessageHandler handler) { this._messageListeners.remove(handler); } public void addLogListener(MultiLangLogHandler handler) { this._logListeners.add(handler); } public void removeLogListener(MultiLangLogHandler handler) { this._logListeners.remove(handler); } public void writeMessageWithEnd(String string) throws InterruptedException, MultiLangProcessException { writeMessage(string); writeMessage("end"); } public List<MultiLangErrorHandler> getErrorListeners() { return this._errorListeners; } public MultiLangProcess addStdoutListener(final StringBuilder sb) { this.addLogListener(new MultiLangLogHandler() { @Override public void onStdErr(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { sb.append(s); sb.append("\n"); } @Override public void onStdOut(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { sb.append(s); sb.append("\n"); } @Override public void onSystemError(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { sb.append(s); sb.append("\n"); } @Override public void onSystemInfo(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { sb.append(s); sb.append("\n"); } }); return this; } public MultiLangProcess addStdioLogListeners() { this.addLogListener(new MultiLangLogHandler() { @Override public void onStdErr(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { System.err.println("stderr: " + s);; } @Override public void onStdOut(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { System.err.println("stdout: " + s);; } @Override public void onSystemError(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { System.err.println("stderr: " + s);; } @Override public void onSystemInfo(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { System.err.println("stdout: " + s);; } }); return this; } public MultiLangProcess addLogListener(final OperationLogger _logger) { this.addLogListener(new MultiLangLogHandler() { @Override public void onStdErr(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { _logger.error(s); } @Override public void onStdOut(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) {; } @Override public void onSystemError(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) { _logger.error(s); } @Override public void onSystemInfo(String s, Logger fallbackLogger) {; } }); return this; } /** * @param env * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangProcessException ** * */ public static MultiLangProcess create(Map<String, String> env, String[] command, ServerSocket socket) throws InterruptedException, IOException, MultiLangProcessException { // Create named pipes..."executing: " + Arrays.toString(command) + " with socket: " + (socket == null ? "null" : socket.getLocalPort())); // Init: create the process env, ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); pb.environment().putAll(env); // Create multilang process MultiLangProcess mlp = new MultiLangProcess(pb, socket); return mlp; } public MultiLangProcess setWorkingDir(File dir) { _processBuilder =; return this; } /*** * */ public MultiLangProcess debug(String s) { // System.err.println(s); return this; } }