package com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.buffer; import java.util.List; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.api.APIException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.api.RelationsHelper; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.coordination.CoordinationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.Fields; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.FlowCompilationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.MapTuple; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.buffer.mock.LocalBufferProducer; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.config.FlowConfig; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.Operation; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.OperationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.Sink; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.relational.ColumnDef; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.relational.RelationDef; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.universe.Universe; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Utils; public class SinkToBuffer extends Sink { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4920057982004108977L; private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(SinkToBuffer.class); BufferProducer _producer; private String _topicName; private RelationDef _relation; private FlowConfig _config = FlowConfig.createEmpty(); public SinkToBuffer(String id, List<ColumnDef> columns) { super(id); _relation = new RelationDef(id, id, columns); _topicName = id;"Instantiating the sink"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SinkToBuffer(JSONObject node, FlowConfig config) throws FlowCompilationException, InterruptedException { super(node.getString("name")); String relationName = node.containsKey("relation") ? node.getString("relation") : node.getString("name"); if (relationName == null) { throw (FlowCompilationException) new FlowCompilationException().setAllMessages("Could not get relation name from flow meta data: "+node); } _relation = new RelationDef(relationName); _topicName = null; // We don't know it yet _config = config; List<JSONObject> columns = node.getJSONArray("columns"); int index = 0; for(JSONObject col : columns) { String curName = (String) col.keys().next(); String curType = col.getString(curName); ColumnDef cd = new ColumnDef(index++, ColumnDef.convertStringToDataType(curType), curName); _relation.addColumn(cd); } } /*** * * @param command * @throws OperationException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws CoordinationException */ @Override protected void handleFlowCommand(String command) throws Exception { if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("cycle_acknowledged")) { } super.handleFlowCommand(command); } public RelationDef getRelation() { return _relation; } /**** * */ @Override public void onSetExpectedFields() throws OperationException { for(ColumnDef c : this._relation.allColumns()) { for(String s : c.getAliases()) { Fields f = new Fields(s); final String streamName = this.prevNonLoopConnection().streamName(); this.prevNonLoopOperation().addExpectedFields(streamName, f); } } super.onSetExpectedFields(); } @Override protected void process(MapTuple t) throws OperationException, InterruptedException { if(_producer == null) initProducer(); // Sanity check: // The expected fields for each operation are defined based on what the following operation expects. During emit, the // output collector checks if the emitted tuple contains the fields expected by the following operation, however, the // tuple might contain extra fields that the following operation may or may not expect. In the case of a sink, we know // exactly which fields to expect, so we can make an extra sanity check here. for(String field : t.getValueKeys()) { if(field.contains(Operation.COMPONENT_CARRY_FIELD_PREFIX)) continue; // ignore the carry fields Boolean expectField = Boolean.FALSE; for(ColumnDef c : this._relation.allColumns()) { for(String alias: c.getAliases()) { if(alias.equalsIgnoreCase(field)) { expectField = Boolean.TRUE; break; } } if(expectField) break; } if(!expectField) { throw new OperationException(this, "Unexpected field '"+field+"' in tuple '"+t.toString()+"'. Data will not be sunk."); } } _producer.pushTuple(t); } public String getTopicName(){ return _topicName; } @Override public int getMaxParallelism() { if(!Universe.instance().env().isTestOrProd()) { return 1; // Local buffer sinks will overwrite each other otherwise } else { return super.getMaxParallelism(); } } @Override public void onFinalizeDeclare() throws OperationException, InterruptedException { //RelationDefFactory relationFactory = Universe.instance().relationFactory(); JSONObject bufferSettings; try { _config.set("buffer_type", "s3"); // TODO: Generic sink types? JSONObject apiResult = RelationsHelper.instance().postRelationConfigForNextVersion(_config,, _relation.valueColumns()); if(apiResult.containsKey("buffer_settings")){ bufferSettings = apiResult.getJSONObject("buffer_settings"); }else{ throw (OperationException) new OperationException(this, "Did not get bufferSettings json from API: " + apiResult.toString()).setUserMessage("Could not retrieve relation meta data from API. Please delete relations associated with this app, then try re-pushing. If problem persists, please contact"); } } catch (APIException e) { throw (OperationException)new OperationException(this, e).setAllMessages("Could not get relation '" + + "' from API!"); }"Got bufferSettings from API: " + bufferSettings.toString()); JSONObject sourceSettings = bufferSettings.getJSONObject("source"); JSONObject sourceConfig = sourceSettings.getJSONObject("config"); String shardPath = sourceConfig.getString("shard_path"); String shardPrefix = sourceConfig.getString("shard_prefix"); String bucket = sourceConfig.getString("bucket"); //TODO: Credentials String concreteTableName = bufferSettings.getString("topic"); _relation.setConcreteName(concreteTableName);"setting concrete name to : " + concreteTableName); // Have to make the JSON for sending to the sink. // Write to schloss final BufferService bufferService = Universe.instance().bufferService(); _topicName = bufferSettings.getString("topic"); bufferService.sinkBuffer(_topicName, shardPath, shardPrefix, bucket); int waitRetry = 1; while(!bufferService.hasTopic(_topicName)){ waitRetry += 1; if(waitRetry > 30){ throw (OperationException) new OperationException(this, "Kafka topic wasn't created in 30 seconds. It's likely that metamorphosis screwed up.").setUserMessage("Something is wrong with our internal data-writing system. Please report this error to Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!"); }"Waiting for the topic " + _topicName + " to be created. Attempt #" + waitRetry); Utils.sleep(1000); // This is before we deploy the topology to storm. } } private void initProducer() throws OperationException { _producer = Universe.instance().bufferClientFactory().createProducer(this); } @Override public void onThisBatchCompleted(final Object batchId) { super.onThisBatchCompleted(batchId); if(_producer instanceof LocalBufferProducer && Universe.instance().env().isLocal()) { ((LocalBufferProducer) _producer).closeFile(); } } }