package com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.graph; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault; import org.javatuples.Pair; import; import; import; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.Flow; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.FlowCompilationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.Operation; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.Sink; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.Source; @NonNullByDefault @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final class FlowGraph implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1340686782939393035L; private Collection<Connection> _arcs; private Map<String, Operation> _idMap; /**** * * @param flow */ public FlowGraph() { _arcs = new ArrayList<>(); _idMap = new HashMap<>(); } /*** * * @param source */ public boolean contains(String source, String dest) { for(Connection c : _arcs) { if (c.sourceId().equals(source) && c.destId().equals(dest)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean contains(Operation source, Operation dest) { return contains(source.namespaceName(), dest.namespaceName()); } public boolean isLoopBack(String source, String dest) { for(Connection c : _arcs) { if (c.sourceId().equals(source) && c.destId().equals(dest) && c.loopBack()) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isLoopBack(String stream) { for(Connection c : _arcs) { if(c.streamName().equals(stream) && c.loopBack()) return true; } return false; } /*** * * @param source * @param dest * @return */ public Connection connect(Operation source, Operation dest, String name, Boolean loopBack, Integer maxIter) throws FlowCompilationException { if (contains(source, dest)) throw (FlowCompilationException) new FlowCompilationException().setAllMessages("Connection already exists: " + source.operationId() + " -> " + dest.operationId()); if (source.namespaceName().equals(dest.namespaceName()) && !loopBack) throw (FlowCompilationException) new FlowCompilationException().setAllMessages("Cannot connect operation to itself unless it is a loopback: " + source + " -> " + dest + "."); Connection c = new Connection(this, source, dest, name, loopBack, maxIter); _arcs.add(c); _idMap.put(source.namespaceName(), source); _idMap.put(dest.namespaceName(), dest); return c; } public Connection connect(Operation source, Operation dest, String name) throws FlowCompilationException { return connect(source, dest, name, false, 0); } public Set<String> operationsBetween(final Operation source, final Operation dest) { return operationsBetween(source.namespaceName(), dest.namespaceName()); } public Set<String> operationsBetween(final String source, final String dest) { // This queue will track the operation as well as all previous seen operations in the path in the Set ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Pair<String, Set<String>>> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Pair<String, Set<String>>>(); queue.add(new Pair<String, Set<String>>(source, new HashSet<String>())); Set<String> opsBetween = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, LinkedList<Set<String>>> searchEndOperation = Maps.newHashMap(); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Pair<String, Set<String>> opPair = queue.remove(); String op = opPair.getValue0(); Set<String> opList = opPair.getValue1(); if(opList.contains(op)) { // If the previously seen operations already contains this operation, then we're going to start going down the same path we // previous went down. if(source.equals(dest)) { // In the case where source == dest, we need to add all of the seen operations to the final list before we move on (the // source is put in the list first, so the next time we see it, it should be in the list already). opsBetween.addAll(opList); } else { // If the source != dest, we need to account for the possibility that the end-operation is somehow connected to the dest // somewhere further down. We add the current seen operations to a linked list and store the end operation-linked list // pair in a hashmap (note that the linked list is just a list of the parents of the end-operation). Later we see if any // of the end-operations in the hashmap are linked to the dest. LinkedList<Set<String>> otherEndLists; if(searchEndOperation.containsKey(op)) { otherEndLists = searchEndOperation.get(op); } else { otherEndLists = Lists.newLinkedList(); } otherEndLists.add(opList); searchEndOperation.put(op, Lists.newLinkedList(otherEndLists)); } continue; } else if (op.equals(dest) && !source.equals(dest)) { // If we have not already seen the operation and the source and dest are different, then we have also arrived at an end-point // and should add all of the seen operations to the final list. Note that the condition source != dest is necessary because on // the first iteration in the source == dest case, the first condition is satisfied, but we do not want to move to the next // element in this case (we want to explore the graph!). opsBetween.addAll(opList); continue; } else { // Otherwise, we add the operation to the seen list and move on. opList.add(op); } // Add next connections to the queue. for(Connection c : connectionsFrom(op)) { queue.add(new Pair<String, Set<String>>(c.dest().namespaceName(), Sets.newHashSet(opList))); } } // Check to see if any of the end-operations are somehow linked to the dest. If they are, we need to also add all operations in // the parents of the end-operation to opsBetween. for(String op : searchEndOperation.keySet()) { if(opsBetween.contains(op)) { for(Set<String> so : searchEndOperation.get(op)) { opsBetween.addAll(so); } } } // Don't include the destination itself. if(source.equals(dest)) opsBetween.remove(source); return opsBetween; } /*** * * @param source */ public List<Connection> loopConnectionsFrom(final String source) { List<Connection> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.source().namespaceName().equals(source) && c.loopBack()) { list.add(c); } } return list; } /*** * * @param source */ public List<Connection> nonLoopConnectionsFrom(final String source) { List<Connection> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.source().namespaceName().equals(source) && !c.loopBack()) { list.add(c); } } return list; } public List<Connection> nonLoopConnectionsFrom(final Operation source) { return nonLoopConnectionsFrom(source.namespaceName()); } /*** * * @param dest */ public List<Connection> nonLoopConnectionsTo(final String dest) { List<Connection> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.dest().namespaceName().equals(dest) && !c.loopBack()) { list.add(c); } } return list; } public List<Connection> nonLoopConnectionsTo(final Operation dest) { return nonLoopConnectionsTo(dest.namespaceName()); } public List<Connection> connectionsTo(final Operation dest) { return connectionsTo(dest.namespaceName()); } public List<Connection> connectionsTo(final String dest) { List<Connection> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs){ if(c.dest().namespaceName().equals(dest)) { list.add(c); } } return list; } public List<Connection> connectionsFrom(final Operation source) { return connectionsFrom(source.namespaceName()); } public List<Connection> connectionsFrom(final String source) { List<Connection> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs){ if(c.source().namespaceName().equals(source)) { list.add(c); } } return list; } public Collection<Operation> allOperations() { final Collection<Operation> operations = this._idMap.values(); return operations == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : operations; } public Operation getById(String id) { return this._idMap.get(id); } public Operation getById(Operation o) { return getById(o.namespaceName()); } public <T extends Operation> Collection<T> getByTypeAndContainer(Class<T> klass, Flow container) { Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>(); for(Operation o : this._idMap.values()) { if (o.getContainerFlow() == container) { if (klass.isInstance(o)) { ret.add((T)o); } } } return ret; } public <T extends Operation> Collection<T> getByType(Class<T> klass) { Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>(); for(Operation o : this._idMap.values()) { if (klass.isInstance(o)) { ret.add((T)o); } } return ret; } public Set<Operation> operationsTo(Operation op) { Set<Operation> set = new HashSet<>(); for(Connection p : this.connectionsTo(op)) { set.add(this.getById(p.sourceId())); } return set; } public Set<Operation> operationsFrom(Operation op) { Set<Operation> set = new HashSet<>(); for(Connection p : this.connectionsFrom(op)) { set.add(this.getById(p.destId())); } return set; } public Set<Operation> nonLoopOperationsTo(Operation op) { Set<Operation> set = new HashSet<>(); for(Connection p : this.nonLoopConnectionsTo(op)) { set.add(this.getById(p.sourceId())); } return set; } public Set<Operation> nonLoopOperationsFrom(Operation op) { Set<Operation> set = new HashSet<>(); for(Connection p : this.nonLoopConnectionsFrom(op)) { set.add(this.getById(p.destId())); } return set; } public List<String> streamsFrom(String opId) { List<String> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.source().namespaceName().equals(opId)) { list.add(c.streamName()); } } return list; } public List<String> streamsTo(String opId) { List<String> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.dest().namespaceName().equals(opId)) { list.add(c.streamName()); } } return list; } public List<String> streamsFrom(Operation op) { return streamsFrom(op.namespaceName()); } public List<String> streamsTo(Operation op) { return streamsTo(op.namespaceName()); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(Connection c : _arcs) { sb.append(c.sourceId() + " -> " + c.destId() + " (" + c.streamName() + ")\n"); } final String string = sb.toString(); assert (string != null); return string; } public void debug() { System.err.println(this.toString()); } public void inject(String prefix, FlowGraph graph) throws FlowCompilationException { for(Operation o : graph._idMap.values()) { o.addNamespacePrefix(prefix); } for(Connection c : graph._arcs) { // Init Operation s = c.source(); Operation d = c.dest(); String name = c.streamName(); Boolean lb = c.loopBack(); Integer mi = c.maxIterations(); name = prefix + "." + name; // Connect c = connect(s, d, name, lb, mi); } } public Collection<Source> sources() { List<Source> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Operation o : this._idMap.values()) { if (o instanceof Source) { list.add((Source) o); } } return list; } public Collection<Sink> sinks() { List<Sink> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Operation o : this._idMap.values()) { if (o instanceof Sink) { list.add((Sink) o); } } return list; } /*** * Does the graph have any cycles/loopbacks? */ public boolean hasLoopbacks() { for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.loopBack()) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean contains(Operation op) { return this.allOperations().contains(op); } public boolean containsAny(Collection<Operation> allOperations) { for(Operation o : allOperations) { if (contains(o)) return true; } return false; } /*** * Removes an operation and connects the remaining arcs together... */ public void pluck(Operation o) { // Init List<Connection> originalIncoming = this.connectionsTo(o); List<Connection> originalOutgoing = this.connectionsFrom(o); // PLUCK String id = getIdByOperation(o); this._idMap.remove(id); for(Connection c : Lists.newArrayList(this._arcs)) { if (c.destId().equals(id) || c.sourceId().equals(id)) { _arcs.remove(c); } } // Cross connect for(Connection s : originalIncoming) { for(Connection d : originalOutgoing) { Connection n = new Connection(this, s.source(), d.dest(), s.streamName(), d.loopBack(), d.maxIterations()); _arcs.add(n); } } } private String getIdByOperation(Operation o) { for(Entry<String, Operation> e : this._idMap.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() == o) { return e.getKey(); } } return null; } public List<Connection> getConnectionByStream(String streamName) { List<Connection> connections = Lists.newArrayList(); for(Connection c : this._arcs) { if (c.streamName().equals(streamName)) { connections.add(c); } } return connections; } }