package com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryException; import com.github.rholder.retry.Retryer; import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryerBuilder; import com.github.rholder.retry.StopStrategies; import com.github.rholder.retry.WaitStrategies; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.coordination.CoordinationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.FlowStateException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.StateMachineException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.StateMachineHelper; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.collectors.OutputCollector; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.collectors.coordinated.CoordinatedOutputCollector; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.config.OperationConfig; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.error.strategies.FakeLocalException; import; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.universe.Config; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.universe.Universe; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Log4jWrapper; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.MeteredLog; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.SerializableMonitor; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Utils; public abstract class Source extends Operation { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7524716847415516317L; private Log4jWrapper _log = Log4jWrapper.create(Source.class, this); public static final double PROGRESS_RATE_LIMIT = 0.5; // Per second private static final long PERMISSION_DENIED_WAIT = 1000L * 2; private static final long SOURCE_IDLE_WAIT = 1000L * 1; private AtomicInteger _cycles = new AtomicInteger(0); private double _progress = -1; protected SourceState _state = SourceState.INITIAL; // private transient Object _stateSem; final Serializable prepareMonitor = new SerializableMonitor(); // Used to make sure any initialization in prepare only happens once. /*** * * @param operationName */ public Source(String operationName) { super(operationName); } public Source(String name, OperationConfig config) { super(name, config); } @Override public int getMaxParallelism() { return 1; } /*** * */ @Override protected void updateMiscStats(Map<String, Object> stats) { super.updateMiscStats(stats); if (_progress >= 0) { stats.put("progress", _progress); } } /*** * Asks the FlowInstance for permission to start emitting * @throws OperationException * @throws InterruptedException */ protected boolean askForPermissionToEmit() throws CoordinationException, OperationException, InterruptedException { // Init final long timeout = Config.getOrDefault("state.streams.emit_permission.timeout", 1000L * 5); final int numTries = Config.getOrDefault("state.streams.emit_permission.tries", 3); RetryerBuilder<Boolean> builder = RetryerBuilder.newBuilder(); // Build the retryer builder.retryIfExceptionOfType(TimeoutException.class); builder.retryIfExceptionOfType(CoordinationException.class); builder.withStopStrategy(StopStrategies.stopAfterAttempt(numTries)); builder.withWaitStrategy(WaitStrategies.randomWait(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Retryer<Boolean> retryer =; // Get permission? try { return Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { /*** * Ask the FlowInstance for permission to start emitting. Note that in normal * circumstances, this should always return true or false. Only when redis/network * issues are afoot will it throw the exception. */ return (Boolean) Universe.instance().state().ask(_executor, flowStateKey() + "/emit_permission", Boolean.FALSE, timeout); } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // Some other error... propagate. throw (OperationException) new OperationException(Source.this, e).setUserMessage("An error occurred in the source while it was asking for permission to start emitting.").adviseRetry(); } catch (RetryException e) { /*** * If we get a timeout error here, then it is likey because of a redis/network/gamma ray * issue. We choose to propagate the exception and kill the operation because we * don't want operations waiting around, thinking they're forever stuck in STARTED. * Instead, just die and let a new operation take its place. */ throw (OperationException) new OperationException(Source.this).setAllMessages("Source operation failed to get a response from master while asking for emit permission.").adviseRetry(); } } /**** * Called before the next cycle starts * @throws InterruptedException * @throws OperationException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws StateMachineException * @throws CoordinationException */ public void onBeginCycle(OutputCollector output) throws InterruptedException, OperationException, CoordinationException, StateMachineException, TimeoutException { // We want this transition to be transactional because if we fail to communicate, then // we want this operation to error out; otherwise the flow will hang transitionToState(SourceState.EMITTING.toString(), true); _cycles.incrementAndGet(); this._progress = -1; if (output instanceof CoordinatedOutputCollector) { ((CoordinatedOutputCollector)output).setCurrentBatch(Integer.valueOf(this._cycles.get())); // sources will not have sub-batches (always 0) } } /*** * Called when the cycle ends * @throws InterruptedException * @throws OperationException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws StateMachineException * @throws CoordinationException */ public void onEndCycle(OutputCollector output) throws InterruptedException, OperationException, CoordinationException, StateMachineException, TimeoutException { //"onEndCycle: " + output); transitionToState(SourceState.EMIT_COMPLETE.toString(), true); try { handleStats_ThreadUnsafe(); } catch (CoordinationException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } if (output instanceof CoordinatedOutputCollector) { ((CoordinatedOutputCollector)output).explicitlyCompleteBatch(Utils.valueOf(this._cycles.get())); } } /*** * Returns TRUE if we should continue the cycle, or FALSE if we should end it. * @param output * @throws InterruptedException */ protected abstract boolean nextTuple(OutputCollector output) throws OperationException, InterruptedException; /**** * * @return */ public int getNumberOfCycles() { return _cycles.get(); } /*** * This is called by the main loop. The purpose of this method is to act like * the gate-keeper to the lower 'emitCycle' * @param output * @throws InterruptedException * @throws OperationException * @throws OperationDeadException */ public void handleNextTuple(final OutputCollector output) throws InterruptedException, OperationException, OperationDeadException { try { if (_sleeper.isShouldSleep()) { // System.err.println("sleep"); heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); return; } final SourceState currentState = _state; switch(currentState) { case WAITING_FOR_NEXT_CYCLE: // fall through case STARTED: heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); // We've finished our prep phase, but haven't received the green light // to start processing. We need permission from FlowInstance. Wait until // we get that permission from API (via FlowInstance), "asking for permission to start next cycle...(f" + topFlowId() + "-" + instanceName() + ") (" + _state + ")"); if (askForPermissionToEmit() == false) {, "permission denied"); // Wait a bit so we don't hammer the network... _sleeper.sleepFor(PERMISSION_DENIED_WAIT); return; }"permission granted...(f" + topFlowId() + "-" + instanceName() + ")");"beginning next cycle...(f" + topFlowId() + "-" + instanceName() + ")"); onBeginCycle(output); return; case SUSPECT: // When we're in loop_error, we might as well keep consuming...restarting the instance will likely just produce more loop errors anyway case EMITTING: heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); // Ensure we're alive.. if (isAlive() == false) { throw new OperationException(Source.this, "The operation is not alive."); } // Already in EMITTING state, go ahead and emit the next cycle, output.resetCounter(); incLoop(); markBeginActivity(); boolean continueCycle = true; try { continueCycle = nextTuple(output); } catch(OperationException e) { handleLoopError(e); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Continue processing... } catch(Throwable e) { handleFatalError(e); } finally { markEndActivity(); } incEmit(output.getCounter()); if (continueCycle) { // Do nothing... } else { onEndCycle(output); } // Done return; case IDLE: // only RPC sources should ever be in idle heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); if(nextTupleDetected()) { onBeginCycle(output); } else { _sleeper.sleepFor(SOURCE_IDLE_WAIT); } return; case EMIT_COMPLETE: case EMIT_COMPLETE_ACKED: case STARTING: case INITIAL: case PAUSING: case PAUSED: // All these states, we're just waiting for somebody to change us... heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); return; case KILLING: case KILLED: case ERROR: // New: Do nothing, this will trigger the flow to kill us return; default: // This should never be reached. throw new FlowStateException(Source.this, "don't know how to handle state: " + currentState); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { handleLoopError(e); } catch (MotherbrainException e) { handleFatalError(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } catch(FakeLocalException e) { e.printAndWait(); } finally { } return; } /**** * Called when there's been no activity for a while... */ @Override public void handleIdleDetected() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { // A source doesn't go into an idle state, so do nothing } /*** * Sets progress of the source. Note that this is purely optional, and is really intended * just to give the user a sense of things progressing. Since most sources will actually * be SourceFromRelation, the user doesn't need to explicitly call this. * @param p */ public void setProgress(Double p) { _progress = Math.min(p.doubleValue(), 1.0); } public boolean nextTupleDetected() { // Only RPC sources should be able to get here, if a normal source gets here. return true; } /*** * * @return * @throws OperationException */ public boolean isPaused() throws OperationException { return (this._state == SourceState.PAUSED); } /*** * * @param command * @throws OperationException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws CoordinationException */ @Override protected void handleFlowCommand(String command) throws Exception { super.handleFlowCommand(command); if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("cycle_acknowledged")) { // emit_complete has been acknowledged.. transition.. try { transitionToState(SourceState.WAITING_FOR_NEXT_CYCLE.toString(), true); _sleeper.sleepFor(PERMISSION_DENIED_WAIT); // don't be too eager! } catch (StateMachineException | TimeoutException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } } } /*** * */ @Override public void prePrepare() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { try { transitionToState(SourceState.STARTING.toString(), true); } catch (StateMachineException | TimeoutException | CoordinationException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } } /*** * */ @Override public void postPrepare() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { try { transitionToState(SourceState.STARTED, true); } catch (StateMachineException | TimeoutException | CoordinationException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } } /*** * */ @Override public String type() { return "source"; } /*** * */ public void activate() { } /*** * */ public void deactivate(){ } /** * @param msgId Message ID */ public void ack(Object msgId) { } /** * @param msgId Message ID */ public void fail(Object msgId) { } /*** * * @param newState * @param transactional * @throws CoordinationException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws StateMachineException */ public synchronized void transitionToState(SourceState newState, boolean transactional) throws CoordinationException, TimeoutException, StateMachineException { SourceState oldState = _state; _state = StateMachineHelper.transition(_state, newState); if(_state != oldState) notifyOfNewState(newState.toString(), transactional); } @Override public synchronized void transitionToState(String newState, boolean transactional) throws CoordinationException, TimeoutException, StateMachineException { transitionToState(SourceState.valueOf(newState), transactional); } @Override public String getState() { return _state.toString(); } }