package com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import; import; import; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.coordination.CoordinationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.Fields; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.FlowStateException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.MapTuple; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.StateMachineException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.StateMachineHelper; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.aggregation.AggregationException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.aggregation.AggregationKey; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.collectors.OutputCollector; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.collectors.coordinated.BatchedTuple; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.collectors.coordinated.CoordTupleOptions; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.collectors.coordinated.CoordinatedOutputCollector; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.config.OperationConfig; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.error.strategies.FakeLocalException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.multilang.MultiLangException; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.relational.MissingFieldException; import; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.universe.Config; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Log4jWrapper; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Utils; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.backoff.ExponentialBackoffTicker; public abstract class AggregationOperation extends Operation implements ProcessableOperation { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1954979246178124528L; protected final long PING_SLEEP_INTERVAL = Config.getOrDefault("", 5000L); private Log4jWrapper _log = Log4jWrapper.create(AggregationOperation.class, this); protected AggregationState _state = AggregationState.INITIAL; protected ExponentialBackoffTicker _innerAggregateLogBackoff = new ExponentialBackoffTicker(1000); protected ExponentialBackoffTicker _outerAggregateLogBackoff = new ExponentialBackoffTicker(1000); private Map<Object, Boolean> _emitCompleteBatches = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Boolean>(); private Map<Object, Integer> _iterationStoreKeys = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private Boolean _doNotIdle = Boolean.FALSE; private Map<String, Long> _startAggregationTime = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); /*** * * @param name */ public AggregationOperation(String name, OperationConfig config) { super(name, config); } /*** * * @param name */ public AggregationOperation(String name) { this(name, OperationConfig.createEmpty()); } /** * @throws InterruptedException * @throws OperationDeadException * @throws OperationException ** * */ public abstract void handleEmit(Object batch, Integer aggKeyStore) throws InterruptedException, OperationException, OperationDeadException; /*** * * @param t * @param sourceStream * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MissingFieldException */ public abstract void handleConsume(Object batch, MapTuple t, String sourceStream, OutputCollector c) throws MotherbrainException, InterruptedException; /*** * * @param tuple * @throws MissingFieldException */ protected AggregationKey getKey(Fields fields, MapTuple tuple) throws AggregationException { // Extract the grouping key... List<Object> list = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(fields.size()); for(final String s : fields) { if (tuple.containsValueKey(s) == false) { throw (AggregationException) new AggregationException().setAllMessages("The tuple " + tuple.toString() + " does not contain the grouping field: " + s); } list.add(tuple.get(s)); } AggregationKey key = new AggregationKey(list); return key; } public void incrementIterationStoreKey(Object batch) { if(!_iterationStoreKeys.containsKey(batch)) { _iterationStoreKeys.put(batch, 0); } else { _iterationStoreKeys.put(batch, _iterationStoreKeys.get(batch) + 1); }"INCREMENTING ("+instanceName()+") AGG STORE KEY FOR "+batch+" to "+_iterationStoreKeys.get(batch)); } public Integer getIterationStoreKey(Object batch) { return _iterationStoreKeys.get(batch); } public String iterationStoreKeyPrefix(Object batch, Integer key) { return batch+"_"+key+"_"; } public String storeKeyPrefix(Object batch) { return iterationStoreKeyPrefix(batch, getIterationStoreKey(batch)); } /*** * * @param key * @throws OperationException */ protected MapTuple buildTupleFromKey(Fields fields, AggregationKey key) throws OperationException { // Init MapTuple t = new MapTuple(); if (fields.size() != key.groupValueSize()) { throw (OperationException) new OperationException(this).setAllMessages("The aggregation key size did not match the fields size!"); } for(int i=0;i<key.groupValueSize();i++) { t.put(fields.get(i), key.getGroupValue(i)); } // done return t; } // // /**** // * // * @throws InterruptedException // * @throws OperationException // */ // protected final void startEmittingNormal() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { // synchronized (emitMonitor) { // // // Already running? // if (_emittingFuture != null) { // if (!_emittingFuture.isDone()) { // _log.warn("emittingFuture is already running"); // return; // } else { // throw new OperationException(this, "begin_emit received after the emittingFuture has finished, the current state is " + _state); // } //// try { //// _emittingFuture.get(); //// } catch (ExecutionException e) { //// throw new OperationException(this, e); //// } // } // // // Start the aggregation phase // _emittingFuture = Callable<Void>() { // // @Override // public Void call() throws OperationException, FakeLocalException { // try { // // // Transition // transitionToState(AggregationState.EMITTING.toString(), true); // // // Do some emitting... // incLoop(); // markBeginActivity(); // try { // handleEmit(AggregationStore.DEFAULT_BATCH); // } finally { // markEndActivity(); // } // // // Done // transitionToState(AggregationState.EMITTING_DONE.toString(), true); // return null; // // } catch(MotherbrainException | TimeoutException ex) { // // Report stuff going wrong... // handleFatalError(ex); // return null; // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // Swallow, thread boundary // return null; // } // } // }); // } // } /*** * * @param t * @param c * @throws FakeLocalException * @throws OperationDeadException */ public void handleProcess(final MapTuple t, final String sourceStream, final OutputCollector c) throws InterruptedException, OperationException, FakeLocalException { try { switch(_state) { case STARTED: // tuple received when we were idle or finished starting.. transition to active // TRICKLE case SUSPECT: // When we're in loop_error, we might as well keep consuming...restarting the instance will likely just produce more loop errors anyway case IDLE: transitionToState(AggregationState.ACTIVE.toString(), true); // TRICKLE case ACTIVE: heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); // Init incLoop(); incConsumed(); markBeginActivity(); try { // Logging if (_ipcLogBackoff.tick()) { _operationLogger.writeLog("[sampled #" + _ipcLogBackoff.counter() +"] receiving tuple: " + t, OperationLogger.LogPriority.IPC); } // Make sure we're alive.. if (isAlive() == false) { throw new OperationException(AggregationOperation.this, "The operation is not alive."); } // process c.resetCounter(); // Let the aggregator consume this.. Object batch; if (t instanceof BatchedTuple) { batch = ((BatchedTuple)t).batchId(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("expected BatchedTuple"); } c.resetCounter(); //"consuming batch="+batch + " subBatch="+ subBatch + " tuple:" +t); handleConsume(batch, t, sourceStream, c); } catch(OperationException e) { handleLoopError(e); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Continue processing... } catch(Throwable e) { handleFatalError(e); } finally { markEndActivity(); } incEmit(c.getCounter()); return; case STARTING: case INITIAL: // All these states, we're just waiting for somebody to change us... heartbeatErrorCheck_ThreadUnsafe(); return; case KILLING: case KILLED: case ERROR: // New: Do nothing, this will trigger the flow to kill us return; default: // This should never be reached. throw new FlowStateException(AggregationOperation.this, "don't know how to handle state: " + _state); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { handleLoopError(e); } catch (MotherbrainException e) { handleFatalError(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } catch(FakeLocalException e) { e.printAndWait(); } } /*** * * @param t * @param c * @throws InterruptedException * @throws OperationDeadException */ public void handleProcess(MapTuple t, OutputCollector c) throws InterruptedException, OperationException { handleProcess(t, "", c); } /*** * */ @Override public void handleIdleDetected() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { if(_doNotIdle) return; try { if (_state == AggregationState.STARTED || _state == AggregationState.ACTIVE || _state == AggregationState.SUSPECT) { transitionToState(FunctionState.IDLE.toString(), true); } } catch (StateMachineException | TimeoutException | CoordinationException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } } /*** * */ @Override public void prePrepare() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { try { transitionToState(AggregationState.STARTING.toString(), true); } catch (StateMachineException | TimeoutException | CoordinationException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } } /*** * */ @Override public final void postPrepare() throws InterruptedException, OperationException { try { watchForAggregationCommands(); transitionToState(AggregationState.STARTED.toString(), true); } catch (StateMachineException | TimeoutException | CoordinationException e) { throw new OperationException(this, e); } } /** * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MultiLangException */ protected void aggregationCleanup() throws InterruptedException, MultiLangException { /* noop */ } /*** * */ @Override public void cleanup() throws InterruptedException, OperationException, MultiLangException { super.cleanup(); this.aggregationCleanup(); } /*** * * @throws InterruptedException * @throws CoordinationException */ private final void watchForAggregationCommands() throws InterruptedException, CoordinationException { } public final void startAggregationThread(final Object batchId) { // Initialize the aggregation store key for this batch and this loop-back. (This initializes the store key to 0) incrementIterationStoreKey(batchId); _doNotIdle = Boolean.TRUE; // Run async, as this can take a long time.. Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { try { CoordinatedOutputCollector c = (CoordinatedOutputCollector) _collector; // On the first iteration, we need to check if all upstream (Sources to us) operations have finished. If so, we can start aggregating. // On subsequent iterations, we only need to check with operations on our loopback path (i.e. from ourself and ourself). Set<String> pingOperations = opsFromSourcesToSelf();; while(pingOperations.size() > 0) { // We need to save the current store key since while we are emitting, the operation can also consume new tuples (i.e. from loop- // backs). These newly consumed tuples need to be stored under a new store key (see the incrementing below). Integer currentIterationStoreKey = getIterationStoreKey(batchId); String currentIterationStorePrefix = iterationStoreKeyPrefix(batchId, currentIterationStoreKey); // We ping all upstream operations to see whether they are processing any tuples, if not, then we can start aggregating. while(true) { c.sendPingTuplesUpStream(batchId, pingOperations, "agg_safe","agg_store_key", currentIterationStoreKey)); while(!c.pongRepliesReceived(batchId, pingOperations, "agg_safe", currentIterationStoreKey)); if(!c.aggregationSafe(batchId, pingOperations, currentIterationStoreKey)) { Utils.sleep(PING_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } else { break; } } // Increment the store key for newly consumed tuples. incrementIterationStoreKey(batchId); if(!_startAggregationTime.containsKey(currentIterationStorePrefix)) _startAggregationTime.put(currentIterationStorePrefix, System.currentTimeMillis()); // Do the emitting, then mark that we are done aggregating. handleEmit(batchId, currentIterationStoreKey); c.handleChecks(); // We can also update the pingOperations for the next iteration. If there are any iterations at all, we will only need to check // operations on our loop-back path after the first pass-through. pingOperations = opsFromSelfToSelf(); if(pingOperations.size() == 0) { // The permission_to_agg ping tells all following operations that this operation is done aggregating and they may begin // aggregating (if they are aggregators, if not this command is ignored -- in theory we only need to notify downstream // aggregators, but I am too lazy to do that right now). The downstream aggregators will still need to pass the "agg_safe" // test (see above) to ensure that upstream eaches and sources also do not have any more tuple activity. c.sendPingTuplesDownStream(batchId, opsFromSelfToSinks(), "permission_to_agg",; break; // The no loop-back case. } // If we're done aggregating, it could be that we don't emit anything else upstream, but our siblings might. They may still be // executing and might emit more, so we need to wait for them to be all done this iteration as well before we can determine for // sure that they won't send anything else upstream. Set<Integer> siblings = c.getTaskOperationMap().get(namespaceName()); for(Integer task : siblings) { if(task == c.getTaskId()) continue; // don't send message to self // Ping siblings to let them know we are done. We also send the aggregation start time of this instance since we want to use // the EARLIEST start time out of all instances when we determine whether or not tuples are sent back upstream (see // seen_new_tuples below). c.sendPingTupleUpStream(batchId, task, "done_agg","agg_store_key", currentIterationStoreKey).addOpt("agg_start_time", _startAggregationTime.get(currentIterationStorePrefix))); } if (hasSiblingInstances()) { while(!c.siblingsDoneAggregating(batchId, currentIterationStoreKey)) { Utils.sleep(100); } } // Now that all of our siblings are done and finished emitting, we can check if anything was emitted back upstream. We do this by // checking if upstream operations received anything between the time we started aggregating to now. c.sendPingTuplesUpStream(batchId, pingOperations, "seen_new_tuples","agg_store_key", currentIterationStoreKey).addOpt("agg_start_time", _startAggregationTime.get(currentIterationStorePrefix))); // Wait for responses from all upstream ops... while(!c.pongRepliesReceived(batchId, pingOperations, "seen_new_tuples", currentIterationStoreKey)); if(!c.upStreamReceivedNewTuples(batchId, currentIterationStoreKey)) { // No new tuples received upstream...we are done! Send permission_to_agg to all downstream operations. c.sendPingTuplesDownStream(batchId, opsFromSelfToSinks(), "permission_to_agg",; break; } else { // Received new tuples, we might need to iterate again, so...repeat! Send permission_to_agg through the loop-back path // of this operation. // NOTE: We MUST explicitly tell subsequent operations that they may begin aggregating because if we do not (i.e. we use // the standard "agg_safe" pings/pongs), we may end up in the following race condition: Agg1 finishes emitting, it sets // some flag to indicate that it is done emitting, Agg2 is continuously polling Agg1 because it wants to start aggregating // when Agg1 is done, however, due to the sleep in the agg_safe check, if Agg1 makes it back to the beginning of the while // loop fast enough (where it resets the "I'm done" flag to false), Agg2 might never detect that Agg1 is done. // Unfortunately I can't think of a way to get rid of that sleep (i.e. we do have to continuously poll at least the eaches // for whether or not they contain tuples as they do not track loop-back "batches" -- there is no way to get an each to // automatically notify an aggregation that it has no more tuples since it does not know when it will have no more tuples). c.sendPingTuplesUpStream(batchId, pingOperations, "permission_to_agg",; continue; } } // Mark the batch as complete once we are sure that upstream operations do not and will not ever have new tuples. _emitCompleteBatches.put(batchId, Boolean.TRUE); _doNotIdle = Boolean.FALSE; c.maybeCompleteBatch(batchId); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Throwables.propagate(e); } return null; } }); } public void setStartAggTime(Object batchId, Integer aggStoreKey, Long start) { synchronized(_startAggregationTime) { + " change agg start time to "+ start); _startAggregationTime.put(iterationStoreKeyPrefix(batchId, aggStoreKey), start); } } public Long getStartAggTime(Object batchId, Integer aggStoreKey) { synchronized(_startAggregationTime) { return _startAggregationTime.get(iterationStoreKeyPrefix(batchId, aggStoreKey)); } } @Override public boolean permissionToCompleteBatch(Object batchId) { if (_emitCompleteBatches.containsKey(batchId)) { return _emitCompleteBatches.get(batchId); } return false; } /*** * * @param newState * @param transactional * @throws CoordinationException * @throws TimeoutException * @throws StateMachineException */ public synchronized void transitionToState(final AggregationState newState, final boolean transactional) throws CoordinationException, TimeoutException, StateMachineException { AggregationState oldState = _state; _state = StateMachineHelper.transition(_state, newState); if(_state != oldState) notifyOfNewState(newState.toString(), transactional); } @Override public synchronized void transitionToState(String newState, boolean transactional) throws CoordinationException, TimeoutException, StateMachineException { transitionToState(AggregationState.valueOf(newState), transactional); } @Override public String getState() { return _state.toString(); } @Override public String type() { return "aggregator"; } }