package com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.local; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.javatuples.Pair; import; import; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.App; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.FlowInstance; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.MapTuple; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.graph.Connection; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.graph.FlowGraph; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.flow.operations.Operation; import com.zillabyte.motherbrain.utils.Utils; public class LocalFlowController { private FlowInstance _flowInstance; private App _flow; private ArrayListMultimap<String, LocalOperationSlot> _operationInstanceMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private final int _maxParallelism = 1; private boolean _exitOnError = true; private boolean _running = false; private static Logger _log = Utils.getLogger(LocalFlowController.class); public LocalFlowController(FlowInstance inst) { _flowInstance = inst; _flow = inst.flow(); } public synchronized void start() { buildSlots(); for(LocalOperationSlot o : _operationInstanceMap.values()) { o.prepare(); } for(LocalOperationSlot o : _operationInstanceMap.values()) { o.start(); } _running = true; } public synchronized void stop() { _running = false; for(LocalOperationSlot o : _operationInstanceMap.values()) { o.stop(); } _operationInstanceMap.clear(); } public Collection<LocalOperationSlot> getSlotsFor(Operation op) { return _operationInstanceMap.get(op.namespaceName()); } public LocalOperationSlot getOneSlotFor(Operation op) { List<LocalOperationSlot> c = _operationInstanceMap.get(op.namespaceName()); if (c.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected number of slots"); return c.get(0); } public Collection<Pair<Connection, LocalOperationSlot>> getDownstreamSlots(LocalOperationSlot origin) { List<Connection> cs = graph().connectionsFrom(origin.operation()); List<Pair<Connection, LocalOperationSlot>> slots = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : cs) { slots.add(new Pair<>(c, getOneSlotFor(c.dest()))); } return slots; } public Collection<Pair<Connection, LocalOperationSlot>> getUpstreamSlots(LocalOperationSlot origin) { List<Connection> cs = graph().connectionsTo(origin.operation()); List<Pair<Connection, LocalOperationSlot>> slots = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection c : cs) { slots.add(new Pair<>(c, getOneSlotFor(c.source()))); } return slots; } public List<Integer> emitToStream(String streamName, MapTuple tuple, Integer sourceTask) { // Find the operation this stream goes to.. List<Connection> connections = graph().getConnectionByStream(streamName); if (connections == null || connections.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Stream not found: " + streamName); List<Integer> ret = Lists.newLinkedList(); for(Connection connection : connections) { String destOpId = connection.destId(); // Find all the instances of the dest.. List<LocalOperationSlot> slots = _operationInstanceMap.get(destOpId); if (slots.size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("no slots for operation: " + destOpId); // How shall we route this tuple? if (slots.size() == 1) { LocalOperationSlot slot = slots.get(0); slot.enqueueTuple(sourceTask, streamName, tuple); ret.add(slot.task()); } else { Utils.TODO("implement round-robin and hash-based routing"); } } return ret; // TODO: return list of tasks } private FlowGraph graph() { return this._flow.graph(); } private void buildSlots() { // Build the slots... Collection<Operation> ops = _flow.graph().allOperations(); int count = 0; for(Operation original : ops) { // Parallelism... int parallelism = Math.min(_maxParallelism, original.getMaxParallelism()); original.setActualParallelism(parallelism); // Clone it... byte[] serialized = Utils.serialize(original); // create an instance for each parallel for (int i=0;i<parallelism;i++) { Operation cloned = (Operation)Utils.deserialize(serialized); LocalOperationSlot slot = new LocalOperationSlot(cloned, count++, this); _operationInstanceMap.put(original.namespaceName(), slot); } } } public FlowInstance flowInstance() { return this._flowInstance; } public Collection<LocalOperationSlot> allSlots() { return this._operationInstanceMap.values(); } void handleSlotError(LocalOperationSlot slot, Exception e) { if (this._exitOnError) { e.printStackTrace(); _log.error("Exiting because _exitOnError is set. Slot '" + slot + "' had exception: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } else { Utils.TODO("how to handle error?"); } } public LocalOperationSlot getSlotByTask(Integer task) { for(LocalOperationSlot o : _operationInstanceMap.values()) { if (o.task() == task) { return o; } } return null; } public void emitDirect(Integer sourceTask, Integer destTask, String stream, Object tuple) { if (_running) { LocalOperationSlot slot = getSlotByTask(destTask); if (slot == null) throw new NullPointerException("could not find slot " + destTask); slot.enqueueTuple(sourceTask, stream, tuple); } else { // maybe we're just shutting down... _log.warn("tuple emitted while slot is not running: " + tuple); } } }