package com.bradmcevoy.http.webdav; import com.bradmcevoy.http.Resource; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; /** * Assists in determining the logical type of a given resource, for the * purpose of the protocol * * @author brad */ public interface ResourceTypeHelper { /** * Get the resource types for a PROPFIND request. E.g. collection, calendar, etc * * @param r * @return - a list of QName's where the URI determines the namespace (E.g. DAV, * and the name is the name of the resource type * E.g. collection, calendar */ List<QName> getResourceTypes(Resource r); /** * Gets the list of supported level names for a resource. This is to populate * the DAV header, E.g. 1, access-control, calendar-access * * Typically, this list is determined by the type of the resource. Eg, if the * resource supports locking then it returns 1, 2. Note that should **NOTE** be * sensitive to authorisation or state. Ie a resource should have supported levels * of 1,2 if it supports locking, regardless of whether or not the current user * has permission to do so, and regardless of whether the resource can be locked in * its current state. * * @param r - the resource * @return - the list of supported level identifiers supported by the given resource */ List<String> getSupportedLevels(Resource r); }