package com.bradmcevoy.http;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public interface Request {
enum Depth {
enum CacheControlRequest {
NO_CACHE( "no-cache" ),
NO_STORE( "no-store" ),
MAX_AGE( "max-age" ), // =delta-seconds
MAX_STALE( "max-stale" ), // =delta-seconds
MIN_FRESH( "min-fresh" ), // =delta-seconds
NO_TRANSFORM( "no-transform" ),
ONLY_IF_CACHED( "only-if-cached" ),
CACHE_EXT( "cache-extension" );
public String code;
CacheControlRequest( String code ) {
this.code = code;
enum Header {
CACHE_CONTROL( "Cache-Control" ),
WWW_AUTHENTICATE( "WWW-Authenticate" ),
IF( "If" ),
IF_MODIFIED( "If-Modified-Since" ),
IF_NOT_MODIFIED( "If-Unmodified-Since" ),
CONTENT_LENGTH( "Content-Length" ),
CONTENT_TYPE( "Content-Type" ),
CONTENT_RANGE( "Content-Range" ),
DEPTH( "Depth" ),
HOST( "Host" ),
DESTINATION( "Destination" ),
REFERER( "Referer" ),
ACCEPT( "Accept" ),
RANGE( "Range" ),
ACCEPT_ENCODING( "Accept-Encoding" ),
TIMEOUT( "Timeout" ),
LOCK_TOKEN( "Lock-Token" ),
EXPECT( "Expect" ),
OVERWRITE( "Overwrite" ),
* For compatibility with macOS finder from 10.5.3
X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH( "X-Expected-Entity-Length" ),
AUTHORIZATION( "Authorization" );
public String code;
Header( String code ) {
this.code = code;
enum Method {
HEAD( "HEAD", false ),
MKCOL( "MKCOL", true ),
COPY( "COPY", true ),
MOVE( "MOVE", true ),
LOCK( "LOCK", true ),
UNLOCK( "UNLOCK", true ),
DELETE( "DELETE", true ),
GET( "GET", false ),
OPTIONS( "OPTIONS", false ),
POST( "POST", true ),
PUT( "PUT", true ),
TRACE( "TRACE", false ),
ACL( "ACL", true ),
REPORT( "REPORT", false );
public String code;
public boolean isWrite;
Method( String code, boolean isWrite ) {
this.code = code;
this.isWrite = isWrite;
public Map<String, String> getHeaders();
public String getFromAddress();
public String getLockTokenHeader();
public String getRequestHeader( Request.Header header );
public Method getMethod();
public Auth getAuthorization();
public String getRefererHeader();
public String getTimeoutHeader();
public String getIfHeader();
Date getIfModifiedHeader();
int getDepthHeader();
/** Return the complete URL, including protocol, host and port (if specified)
* and path
String getAbsoluteUrl();
/** Return the path portion of the url. This is everything following the
* host and port. Will always begin with a leading slash
String getAbsolutePath();
String getHostHeader();
String getDestinationHeader();
String getExpectHeader();
InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
void parseRequestParameters( Map<String, String> params, Map<String, FileItem> files ) throws RequestParseException;
String getContentTypeHeader();
Long getContentLengthHeader();
String getAcceptHeader();
String getAcceptEncodingHeader();
* @return a range header, for partial gets
String getRangeHeader();
* Used for partial PUTs
* @return
public String getContentRangeHeader();
* Used for MOVE method. If true it indicates that any existing resource
* should be deleted before the move.
* @return - null if no value, true indicates that any existing resource
* should be deleted
Boolean getOverwriteHeader();
* Return a writable map of arbitrary values to be associated with the request
* @return a writable map of arbitrary values to be associated with the request
Map<String,Object> getAttributes();
* Note to implementors: the parameters will be created by the core handler
* classes and added to the attributes map. If you're extending AbstractRequest
* this method will already be implemented for you by returning that attribute
* If you are not extending AbstractRequest you should return implement this as: return attributes.get( "_params");
* @return - map of querystring or POST parameters, keyed by name
Map<String, String> getParams();
* Note to implementors: the parameters will be created by the core handler
* classes and added to the attributes map. If you're extending AbstractRequest
* this method will already be implemented for you by returning that attribute
* If you are not extending AbstractRequest you should return implement this as: return attributes.get( "_files");
* @return - a map of files from an upload request, keyed by file name
Map<String, FileItem> getFiles();
* This is used to acquire a cookie using the name of that cookie.
* If the cookie exists within the HTTP header then it is returned
* as a <code>Cookie</code> object. Otherwise this method will
* return null. Each cookie object will contain the name, value
* and path of the cookie as well as the optional domain part.
* @param name this is the name of the cookie object to acquire
* @return this returns a cookie object from the header or null
public Cookie getCookie(String name);
* This is used to acquire all cookies that were sent in the header.
* If any cookies exists within the HTTP header they are returned
* as <code>Cookie</code> objects. Otherwise this method will an
* empty list. Each cookie object will contain the name, value and
* path of the cookie as well as the optional domain part.
* @return this returns all cookie objects from the HTTP header
public List<Cookie> getCookies();