package com.bradmcevoy.http.quota; import com.bradmcevoy.common.Path; import com.bradmcevoy.http.CollectionResource; import com.bradmcevoy.http.Request; import com.bradmcevoy.http.Resource; /** * Implementations will check some aspect of whether or not its allowable * to load some content into the system. This may be whether there is sufficient * disk space, or whether the user's quota is full. * * This is generally called on a PUT, so there are 2 possibilities: * a. the PUT is to an existing resource which will be replaced. Even if a * quota is currently exceeded this might be allowed if the new resource is no * larger then the one it is replacing * * b. the PUT is to create a new resource. In this case it is simply an add, * but the parent folder might or might not exist. * * @author brad */ public interface StorageChecker { public enum StorageErrorReason { SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, SER_DISK_FULL } /** * Check to see if the operation should be allowed, when an existing resource * is to be overwritten or replaced. * * @param request * @param replaced - the resource being replaced * @param host * @return - null if the operation should proceed, otherwise a reason for the error */ StorageErrorReason checkStorageOnReplace(Request request, CollectionResource parent, Resource replaced, String host); /** * Check to see if the operation should be allowed, when there is no existing * resource. The parent collection may or may not exist, so only its path is * provided. * * @param request * @param parentPath - the path to the parent collection. E.g. = /path * @param host * @return - null if the operation should proceed, or the reason for the failure */ StorageErrorReason checkStorageOnAdd(Request request, CollectionResource nearestParent, Path parentPath, String host); }