package com.bradmcevoy.http.webdav;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* Decorator for PropFindRequestFieldParser's.
* Calls getRequestedFields on the wrapped object. If no fields were requested
* this class adds the default ones expected
* by windows clients. This is because windows clients generally do not
* specify a PROPFIND body and expect the server to return these fields.
* Note that failing to return exactly the fields expected in the exact order
* can break webdav on windows.
* @author brad
public class MsPropFindRequestFieldParser implements PropFindRequestFieldParser{
private final PropFindRequestFieldParser wrapped;
public MsPropFindRequestFieldParser( PropFindRequestFieldParser wrapped ) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public ParseResult getRequestedFields( InputStream in ) {
ParseResult result = wrapped.getRequestedFields( in );
if( result.isAllProp() ) return result;
if( result.getNames().size() == 0 ) {
add( result.getNames(), "creationdate" );
add( result.getNames(),"getlastmodified" );
add( result.getNames(),"displayname" );
add( result.getNames(),"resourcetype" );
add( result.getNames(),"getcontenttype" );
add( result.getNames(),"getcontentlength" );
add( result.getNames(),"getetag" );
return result;
private void add( Set<QName> set, String name ) {
QName qname = new QName( WebDavProtocol.NS_DAV, name);
set.add( qname );