package com.bradmcevoy.http.quota; import com.bradmcevoy.common.Path; import com.bradmcevoy.http.CollectionResource; import com.bradmcevoy.http.GetableResource; import com.bradmcevoy.http.QuotaResource; import com.bradmcevoy.http.Request; import com.bradmcevoy.http.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Default storage checking mechanism checks to see if the nearest parent * resource implements QuotaResource, and if so uses the available bytes * property from that to determine whether to allow a PUT * * Note that there is not always information available giving the size of new content, * and in the case of replacing an existing resource, we might not have that resource's * size. In these cases we cant determine perfectly whether we should allow or reject * a PUT request. So we allow these requests if the available storage is greater then * zero, but disallow if less then or equal to zero. * * @author brad */ public class DefaultStorageChecker implements StorageChecker { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DefaultStorageChecker.class ); public StorageErrorReason checkStorageOnReplace( Request request, CollectionResource parent, Resource replaced, String host ) { if( parent instanceof QuotaResource ) { QuotaResource qr = (QuotaResource) parent; Long llAvail = qr.getQuotaAvailable(); if( llAvail == null ) { log.debug( "no quota data available" ); return null; } if( llAvail <= 0 ) { // new content length must be less then existing Long newContentLength = request.getContentLengthHeader(); if( newContentLength == null ) { log.debug( "new content length is not available, cant check quota, reject" ); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } if( replaced instanceof GetableResource ) { GetableResource gr = (GetableResource) replaced; Long existingLength = gr.getContentLength(); if( existingLength == null ) { log.debug( "existing content length cant be determined, cant check quota, reject"); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } else { long diff = existingLength - newContentLength; if( diff > 0 ) { return null; } else { log.debug( "new content is larger then existing content, but no quota is available, reject"); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } } } else { log.debug( "existing content length cant be determined, cant check quota, reject"); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } } else { // difference of new content to existing must be less then available, but if in doubt allow Long newContentLength = request.getContentLengthHeader(); if( newContentLength == null ) { log.debug( "new content length is not available, cant check quota, allow" ); return null; } if( replaced instanceof GetableResource ) { GetableResource gr = (GetableResource) replaced; Long existingLength = gr.getContentLength(); if( existingLength == null ) { log.debug( "existing content length cant be determined, cant check quota, allow"); return null; } else { long diff = newContentLength - existingLength; // this is the amount extra needed if( diff <= llAvail ) { return null; } else { log.debug( "new content is larger then existing content, but no quota is available, reject"); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } } } else { log.debug( "existing content length cant be determined, cant check quota, allow"); return null; } } // if difference between new content and existing is less then available, then ok } else { return null; } } public StorageErrorReason checkStorageOnAdd( Request request, CollectionResource nearestParent, Path parentPath, String host ) { if( nearestParent instanceof QuotaResource ) { QuotaResource qr = (QuotaResource) nearestParent; Long llAvail = qr.getQuotaAvailable(); if( llAvail == null ) { log.debug( "no quota data available" ); return null; } if( llAvail <= 0 ) { log.debug( "no quota available, reject" ); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } else { // new content must be less then that available Long newContentLength = request.getContentLengthHeader(); if( newContentLength == null ) { log.debug( "new content length is not available, cant check quota, allow" ); return null; } if( newContentLength < llAvail ) { return null; } else { log.debug( "new content length is greater then available storage, reject"); return StorageErrorReason.SER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } } } else { return null; } } }