package com.bradmcevoy.http; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * Lightweight XML generation. Gives the programmer fine grained control * of the generated xml, including whitespace. * <P/> * The XML is not guaranteed to be parseable. * * @author brad */ public class XmlWriter { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlWriter.class); public enum Type { OPENING, CLOSING, NO_CONTENT }; protected final Writer writer; public XmlWriter(OutputStream out) { this.writer = new PrintWriter(out, true); } /** * Append the given raw String to the ouput. No encoding is applied * * @param value */ private void append(String value) { try { writer.write(value); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * Append the given character to the output. No encoding is applied * * @param c */ private void append(char c) { try { writer.write((int) c); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * Convenience method to write a single element containing a piece of text * * * @param namespace - optional, namespace prefix * @param namespaceInfo - optional, namespace url * @param name - the local name of the element to create * @param value - the raw text to insert into the element */ public void writeProperty(String namespace, String namespaceInfo, String name, String value) { writeElement(namespace, namespaceInfo, name, Type.OPENING); append(value); writeElement(namespace, namespaceInfo, name, Type.CLOSING); } public void writeProperty(String namespace, String name, String value) { if (value == null) { writeProperty(namespace, name); } else { writeElement(namespace, name, Type.OPENING); append(value); writeElement(namespace, name, Type.CLOSING); } } public void writeProperty(String namespace, String name) { writeElement(namespace, name, Type.NO_CONTENT); } public void writeProperty(String name) { writeElement(null, name, Type.NO_CONTENT); } public void writeElement(String namespace, String name, Type type) { writeElement(namespace, null, name, type); } /** * Write an opening tag * * @param namespace * @param name */ public void open(String namespace, String name) { writeElement(namespace, name, Type.OPENING); } /** * Write a closing tag, Eg </name> * * @param namespace * @param name */ public void close(String namespace, String name) { writeElement(namespace, name, Type.CLOSING); } /** * Write an opening tag * * @param name */ public void open(String name) { writeElement(null, name, Type.OPENING); } /** * Write a closing tag for the given name * * @param name */ public void close(String name) { writeElement(null, name, Type.CLOSING); } /** * Represents an element which is currently being written * */ public class Element { private final Element parent; private final String nsPrefix; private final String name; private boolean openEnded; /** * Create the element and write the first part of the opening tag * * Eg <name * * @param name */ Element(Element parent, String name) { this(parent, null, name); } /** * Create the element and write the first part of the opening tag * * Eg <name * * @param nsPrefix * @param name */ Element(Element parent, String nsPrefix, String name) { this.parent = parent; = name; this.nsPrefix = nsPrefix; append("<"); if (nsPrefix != null) { append(nsPrefix); append(":"); } append(name); } /** * Write a name/value attribute pair * * @param name * @param value * @return */ public Element writeAtt(String name, String value) { append(" "); append(name); append("="); append((char) 34); append(value); append((char) 34); return this; } /** * Write the text into the element. Will finish the opening tag if required * * @param text * @return */ public Element writeText(String text) { return writeText(text, true); } public Element writeText(String text, boolean newline) { if (!openEnded) { open(newline); } append(text); return this; } /** * Completes the opening tag which is started in the constructor. And * writes a new line * * Eg > * * @return */ public Element open() { return open(true); } public Element open(boolean newline) { openEnded = true; append(">"); if (newline) { append("\n"); } return this; } /** * Closes the tag by determining its current state. Can close with a no-content * tag </name> if no content has been written, or with write a close tag * * @return - the parent element */ public Element close() { return close(false); } public Element close(boolean newline) { if (openEnded) { if (nsPrefix != null) { append("</" + nsPrefix + ":" + name + ">\n"); } else { append("</" + name + ">\n"); } if (newline) { append("\n"); } return parent; } else { if (newline) { append("\n"); } return noContent(); } } /** * Write a self closing tag, eg /> * * @return - the parent element */ public Element noContent() { append("/>\n"); return parent; } /** * Start a new element, completing the open tag if required * * @param name * @return */ public Element begin(String name) { return begin(null, name); } public Element begin(String prefix, String name) { if (!openEnded) { open(); } Element el = new Element(this, prefix, name); return el; } /** * Write a property element like - * <name>value</name> * * @param name * @param value * @return */ public Element prop(String name, String value) { begin(name).writeText(value,false).close(true); return this; } public Element prop(String name, Integer value) { if (value != null) { prop(name, value.toString()); } else { begin(name).noContent(); } return this; } } public Element begin(String name) { Element el = new Element(null, name); return el; } public Element begin(String nsPrefix, String name) { Element el = new Element(null, nsPrefix, name); return el; } public void writeElement(String nsPrefix, String nsUrl, String name, Type type) { if ((nsPrefix != null) && (nsPrefix.length() > 0)) { switch (type) { case OPENING: if (nsUrl != null) { append("<" + nsPrefix + ":" + name + " xmlns:" + nsPrefix + "=\"" + nsUrl + "\">"); } else { append("<" + nsPrefix + ":" + name + ">"); } break; case CLOSING: append("</" + nsPrefix + ":" + name + ">\n"); break; case NO_CONTENT: default: if (nsUrl != null) { append("<" + nsPrefix + ":" + name + " xmlns:" + nsPrefix + "=\"" + nsUrl + "\"/>"); } else { append("<" + nsPrefix + ":" + name + "/>"); } break; } } else { switch (type) { case OPENING: append("<" + name + ">"); break; case CLOSING: append("</" + name + ">\n"); break; case NO_CONTENT: default: append("<" + name + "/>"); break; } } } /** * Append plain text. * * @param text Text to append */ public void writeText(String text) { append(text); } /** * Write a CDATA segment. * * @param data Data to append */ public void writeData(String data) { append("<![CDATA[" + data + "]]>"); } public void writeXMLHeader() { append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"); } /** * Send data and reinitializes buffer. */ public void flush() { try { writer.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public void sample(InputStream in) { log.debug("outputting sample"); try { ByteArrayOutputStream out = FileUtils.readIn(in); writer.write(out.toString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { log.error("", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("", ex); } finally { FileUtils.close(in); } } public void newLine() { append("\n"); } }