package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import nu.xom.Builder; import nu.xom.Document; import nu.xom.Element; import nu.xom.Node; import nu.xom.Nodes; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientResponse; /** * A one line summary. * * @author Rajarshi Guha */ public abstract class SolrSearch implements ISolrSearch { protected static DBUtils db; protected String query = null; protected int numHit = -1; protected List<Facet> facets; protected SearchResult results = null; protected String CORE_NAME = null; protected String solrURL = "http://localhost:8090/solr"; public static void setDb(DBUtils db) { SolrSearch.db = db; } protected SolrSearch(String query) { this.query = query; } public List<Facet> getFacets() { return facets; } public int getHitCount() { return numHit; } public String getQuery() { return query; } public SearchResult getSearchResults() { return results; } public void setSolrURL(String url) { solrURL = url; } public String getSolrURL() { return solrURL; } protected List<SolrDocument> copyRange(List<SolrDocument> docs, Integer skip, Integer top, boolean detailed, String... fields) { List<SolrDocument> ret = new ArrayList<SolrDocument>(); if (top == null) top = 10; if (skip == null) skip = 0; for (int i = skip; i < (skip + top); i++) { if (i >= docs.size()) continue; docs.get(i).removeFields("text"); if (!detailed) { SolrDocument newDoc = new SolrDocument(); for (String field : fields) newDoc.addField(field, docs.get(i).getFieldValue(field)); ret.add(newDoc); } else ret.add(docs.get(i)); } return ret; } public Map<String, List<String>> suggest(SolrField[] fields, String q, Integer n) throws MalformedURLException, SolrServerException { return SearchUtil.getTerms(getSolrURL() + CORE_NAME, fields, q + ".*", n); } /** * Get field names associated with a Solr document. * <p/> * As we store Solr entity documents in different cores, we can identify fields * based on the name of the core. * * @return A list of {@link SolrField} objects. * @throws Exception */ public List<SolrField> getFieldNames() throws Exception { if (CORE_NAME == null) throw new Exception("Must have a valid CORE_NAME"); String lukeUrl = getSolrURL() + CORE_NAME + "admin/luke?numTerms=0"; List<SolrField> fieldNames = new ArrayList<SolrField>(); //Client client = new Client.create(); // New jersey... Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); WebTarget target = + CORE_NAME); Response response = target.request().get(); //WebResource resource = client.resource(lukeUrl); //ClientResponse response = resource.get(ClientResponse.class); int status = response.getStatus(); if (status != 200) { throw new Exception("There was a problem querying " + lukeUrl); } //String xml = response.getEntity(String.class); String xml = (String)response.getEntity(); Document doc = new Builder(false).build(xml, null); Nodes nodes = doc.query("/response/lst[@name='fields']"); if (nodes.size() > 0) { Node node = nodes.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { Node n = node.getChild(i); String name = ((Element) n).getAttribute("name").getValue(); if (name.endsWith("text")) continue; Node sn = n.getChild(0); String type = sn.getValue(); fieldNames.add(new SolrField(name, type)); } } //client.destroy(); client.close(); return fieldNames; } /** * Initiale highlighting. * <p/> * This initialization is pretty much independent of the entity we're searching on, hence * it's placement in the superclass. * * @param solrQuery The query object * @param highlightField which field to highlight on * @return the updated query object */ protected SolrQuery setHighlighting(SolrQuery solrQuery, String highlightField) { solrQuery = solrQuery.setHighlight(true). setHighlightSnippets(1). setHighlightFragsize(300). setHighlightSimplePre("<b>"). setHighlightSimplePost("</b>"); return solrQuery.addHighlightField(highlightField); } /** * Convert user specified field based filters to the Solr form. * * @param solrQuery the query object * @param filter the filter string * @return the updated query object */ protected SolrQuery setFilterQueries(SolrQuery solrQuery, String filter) { if (filter == null) return solrQuery; try { List<SolrField> fields = getFieldNames(); List<String> fnames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SolrField field : fields) fnames.add(field.getName()); Map<String, List<String>> fq = SearchUtil.extractFilterQueries(filter, getFieldNames()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : fq.entrySet()) { String fname = entry.getKey(); List<String> fvalues = entry.getValue(); if (!fnames.contains(fname)) continue; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(fvalues.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < fvalues.size(); i++) { if (fvalues.get(i).contains("[")) sb.append(" OR ").append(fvalues.get(i)); // name + ":" + fvalue else { sb.append(" OR ").append("\"").append(fvalues.get(i).replace("\"", "")).append("\""); sb.append(" OR ").append(fvalues.get(i)); } } if (fvalues.size() == 1) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(fname + ":" + sb.toString()+""); } else solrQuery.addFilterQuery(fname + ":(" + sb.toString()+")"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } return solrQuery; } protected List<SolrDocument> getHighlightedDocuments(QueryResponse response, String primaryKey, String highlightField) { List<SolrDocument> docs = new ArrayList<SolrDocument>(); SolrDocumentList sdl = response.getResults(); for (SolrDocument doc : sdl) { String pkey = (String) doc.getFieldValue(primaryKey); if (response.getHighlighting() != null && highlightField != null) { List<String> hls = response.getHighlighting().get(pkey).get(highlightField); if (hls != null) { doc.addField("highlight", hls.get(0)); } } doc.removeFields("anno_val"); doc.removeFields("anno_key"); docs.add(doc); } return docs; } protected String putEtag(List<Long> ids, Class klass) throws Exception { try { String etag = db.newETag(query, klass.getName()); db.putETag(etag, ids.toArray(new Long[0])); results.setETag(etag); return etag; } finally { try { db.closeConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }