package gov.nih.ncgc.bard.capextract;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* The CAP dictionary represented as a directed graph.
* <p/>
* Each node is a {@link CAPDictionaryElement} and has two sets of edges,
* incoming (analogous to parent relationships) and outgoing (analogous to
* child relationships). A node is considered a <i>leaf</i> if it has no
* outgoing edges.
* @author Rajarshi Guha
public class CAPDictionary implements Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID = 5435103181432997247L;
Set<CAPDictionaryElement> nodes;
Set<Edge> inEdges, outEdges;
public CAPDictionary() {
nodes = new HashSet<CAPDictionaryElement>();
outEdges = new HashSet<Edge>();
inEdges = new HashSet<Edge>();
public void addNode(CAPDictionaryElement node) {
* Create an edge in the graph.
* @param parent a node (analogous to parent). If node does not exists in the node list, it is added.
* @param child a node (analogous to child). If node does not exists in the node list, it is added.
* @param data arbitrary data to be associated with the outgoing edge
public void addOutgoingEdge(CAPDictionaryElement parent, CAPDictionaryElement child, Object data) {
if (!nodes.contains(parent)) addNode(parent);
if (!nodes.contains(child)) addNode(child);
outEdges.add(new Edge(parent, child, data));
public void addIncomingEdge(CAPDictionaryElement child, CAPDictionaryElement parent, Object data) {
if (!nodes.contains(child)) addNode(child);
if (!nodes.contains(parent)) addNode(parent);
inEdges.add(new Edge(child, parent, data));
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getNodes() {
return nodes;
public CAPDictionaryElement getNode(String label) {
for (CAPDictionaryElement node : nodes) {
if (node.getLabel().equals(label)) return node;
return null;
public CAPDictionaryElement getNode(BigInteger id) {
if (nodes == null || id == null) return null;
for (CAPDictionaryElement node : nodes) {
if (node.getElementId() != null && node.getElementId().equals(id)) return node;
return null;
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getChildren(BigInteger nodeId) {
return getChildren(getNode(nodeId));
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getChildren(String label) {
return getChildren(getNode(label));
* Is this a lead node (i.e., no child nodes).
* @param node the node in question
* @return true if a lead node, false otherwise
public boolean isLeaf(CAPDictionaryElement node) {
return getChildren(node).size() == 0;
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getChildren(CAPDictionaryElement node) {
// just look at the outgoing edges
Set<CAPDictionaryElement> children = new HashSet<CAPDictionaryElement>();
for (Edge e : outEdges) {
if (e.from.equals(node)) children.add(;
return children;
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getParents(String label) {
return getParents(getNode(label));
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getParents(BigInteger nodeId) {
return getParents(getNode(nodeId));
public Set<CAPDictionaryElement> getParents(CAPDictionaryElement node) {
// just look at the outgoing edges
Set<CAPDictionaryElement> parents = new HashSet<CAPDictionaryElement>();
for (Edge e : inEdges) {
if (e.from.equals(node)) parents.add(;
return parents;
public int size() {
return nodes.size();
class Edge implements Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID = -964324348571286627L;
CAPDictionaryElement from, to;
Object data;
Edge(CAPDictionaryElement from, CAPDictionaryElement to) {
this.from = from; = to;
data = null;
Edge(CAPDictionaryElement from, CAPDictionaryElement to, Object data) {
this.from = from; = to; = data;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Edge)) return false;
Edge e = (Edge) o;
return e.from == from && == to && == data;