package gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.extresource.go.BardGoAssociationLoader; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.extresource.kegg.BardKeggLoader; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.extresource.pubchem.BardCompoundPubchemExtrasLoader; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.extresource.pubchem.PubchemSubstanceLoader; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.extresource.pubchem.PubchemCompoundLoader; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.extresource.uniprot.BardUniprotProteinTargetLoader; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.precomp.BardCompoundTestStatsWorker; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.resourcemgr.util.BardResourceFetch; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Logger; @Deprecated public class BardDBManager { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BardDBManager.class.getName()); private static Properties managerProps; private Vector <String> args; public static int COMPOUND_DAILY = 100; public static int COMPOUND_WEEKLY = 101; public static int COMPOUND_MONTHLY = 102; public static int SUBSTANCE_DAILY = 200; public static int SUBSTANCE_WEEKLY = 201; public static int SUBSTANCE_MONTHLY = 202; public static String COMPOUND_DAILY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-DAILY-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_WEEKLY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-WEEKLY-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_MONTHLY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-MONTHLY-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_SPECIFIC_FTP_RESOURCE_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-SPECIFIC-FTP-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_CID_SID_MAPPING_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-CIDSID-MAPPING-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_CREATE_DATE_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-CREATE-DATE-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_SYNONYMS_SID_MAPPING_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-SYNONYMS-SID-MAPPING-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_RANK_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-RANK-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_TEST_STATUS_UPDATE_COMMAND = "COMPOUND-TEST-STATUS-UPDATE"; public static String SUBSTANCE_DAILY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "SUBSTANCE-DAILY-UPDATE"; public static String SUBSTANCE_WEEKLY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "SUBSTANCE-WEEKLY-UPDATE"; public static String SUBSTANCE_MONTHLY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "SUBSTANCE-MONTHLY-UPDATE"; public static String SUBSTANCE_SPECIFIC_FTP_RESOURCE_UPDATED_COMMAND = "SUBSTANCE-SPECIFIC-FTP-UPDATE"; public static String COMPOUND_DATE_FILE_FETCH = "COMPOUND-DATE-FILE-FETCH"; public static String KEGG_DISEASE_UPDATE_COMMAND = "KEGG-DISEASE-UPDATE"; public static String KEGG_DISEASE_TO_ASSAY_ANN = "KEGG-DISEASE-TO-ASSAY-ANN"; public static String UNIPROT_UPDATE_COMMAND = "UNIPROT-PROTEIN-TARGET-UPDATE"; public static String GO_ASSOCIATION_UPDATE_COMMAND = "GO-ASSOCIATION-UPDATE"; public static String GO_ONTOLOGY_TERM_UPDATE_COMMAND = "GO-ONTOLOGY-TERM-UPDATE"; public static String MLPCN_ASSAY_UPDATE_COMMAND = "MLPCN-ASSAY-UPDATE"; public static String ASSAY_ANNOTATION_UPDATE_FROM_ASSAY_TABLE = "ASSAY-ANNOTATION-TABLE-UPDATED-FROM-ASSAY-TABLE"; public static String PUBCHEM_ASSAY_UPDATE_FROM_AID_LIST_COMMAND = "UPDATE-PUBCHEM-STAGING-TABLE-FROM-AID-LIST"; public BardDBManager() { args = new Vector <String>();} public static String getProperty(String key) { return managerProps.getProperty(key); } public boolean configure(String confFile) { try { managerProps = new Properties(); managerProps.load(new FileReader(confFile)); logger.addHandler(new FileHandler(managerProps.getProperty("db.manager.log"), true));"======================================================");"Bard DB Manager Launch and Configuration is Successful."); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public void execute(String command) { long processID = System.currentTimeMillis();"DB Manager Excecuting: " + command + " with ProcessID: [" + processID + "]\n" + "Process specific logs will capture process output."); long dbLogId; boolean haveFiles = false; long newCmpdCnt = 0; long updateCnt = 0; if(command.equals(COMPOUND_MONTHLY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { //fetch files dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchLatestCompoundResources(managerProps, COMPOUND_MONTHLY); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); //start update dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); PubchemCompoundLoader compoundLoader = new PubchemCompoundLoader (); newCmpdCnt = compoundLoader.batchReplaceCompounds(managerProps); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Compound Update. New Compound Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); } else {"FAILED to update compound due to file retrieve error."); } } else if (command.equals(COMPOUND_WEEKLY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { //fetch files dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchLatestCompoundResources(managerProps, COMPOUND_WEEKLY); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); PubchemCompoundLoader compoundLoader = new PubchemCompoundLoader (); //start update dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); newCmpdCnt = compoundLoader.batchReplaceCompounds(managerProps); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Compound Update. New Compound Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); } else {"FAILED to update compound due to file retrieve error."); } } else if (command.equals(COMPOUND_DAILY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); //fetch files BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchLatestCompoundResources(managerProps, COMPOUND_DAILY); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); PubchemCompoundLoader compoundLoader = new PubchemCompoundLoader (); newCmpdCnt = compoundLoader.batchReplaceCompounds(managerProps); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Compound Update. New Compound Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); } else {"FAILED to update compound due to file retrieve error."); } } else if (command.equals(KEGG_DISEASE_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchKEGGDiseaseFile(managerProps); // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch for commnad="+command); // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); // BardKeggLoader keggLoader = new BardKeggLoader(); // updateCnt = keggLoader.loadKeggDisease(managerProps.getProperty("bard.loader.scratch.dir")+"/KEGG-Disease/"+managerProps.getProperty("kegg.disease.filename")); // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished KEGG Disease Update. New gene to disease mapping count ="+updateCnt); // } } else if (command.equals(KEGG_DISEASE_TO_ASSAY_ANN)) { // BardAssayAnnotationLoader loader = new BardAssayAnnotationLoader(); // loader.loadKEGGDiseaseToTempAssayAnn(false); } else if (command.equals(UNIPROT_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchUniprotDatFile(managerProps); if(haveFiles) { BardUniprotProteinTargetLoader loader = new BardUniprotProteinTargetLoader(); loader.loadUniprotToProteinTarget(managerProps.getProperty("bard.loader.scratch.dir")+"/Uniprot/"+ managerProps.getProperty(""), managerProps.getProperty("bard.db.connection.url"), managerProps.getProperty("")); } } else if (command.equals(ASSAY_ANNOTATION_UPDATE_FROM_ASSAY_TABLE)) { // BardAssayAnnotationLoader loader = new BardAssayAnnotationLoader(); // loader.updateAssayAnnotationFromAssayFields(); } else if (command.equals(COMPOUND_CREATE_DATE_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchCompoundWeeklyExtraRsources(managerProps); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch (Current Extras)"); //start update dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command+" (updating creation date)"); PubchemCompoundLoader compoundLoader = new PubchemCompoundLoader(); compoundLoader.updateCompoundCreateDate(managerProps); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Create Date Updates"); } } else if (command.equals(COMPOUND_SPECIFIC_FTP_RESOURCE_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { if(args.size() > 2) { dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command+" FTP Dir= "+args.get(2)); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); //the third argument is the ftp location of the resource haveFiles = fetch.fetchSpecificCompoundResources(managerProps, args.get(2)); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch= "+args.get(2)); //start update dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command+" FTP Dir= "+args.get(2)); PubchemCompoundLoader compoundLoader = new PubchemCompoundLoader (); newCmpdCnt = compoundLoader.batchReplaceCompounds(managerProps); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Specific Compound Update ("+args.get(2)+" New Compound Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); } } } else if(command.equals(MLPCN_ASSAY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch MLPCN Assay list for command= "+command); // BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); // boolean haveGoodAssayList = fetch.fetchMLPCNAssayList(managerProps); // // //have equal or more assays than previous list, now get the xml files for processing // if(haveGoodAssayList) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Have Assay list update (net increase or equal assay count, final assay count reported during update log)."); // // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Assay Description ZIP Files for command= "+command); // haveFiles = fetch.fetchAssayDescriptionMetatdataXMLZips(managerProps); // // //if we have the xml files for processing, re-build the mlp_assay staging table // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Have Assay Description List Files for command="+command); // // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update Process command= "+command); // MLBDLoadAssay loader = new MLBDLoadAssay(); // updateCnt = loader.updatePubchemAssayTable(managerProps); // // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Updated MLP_ASSAY ="+command+" Update Count = "+updateCnt); // // } else { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "ERROR: MLP_ASSAY Failed Couldn't fetch Assay Description ZIP files."); // } // } else { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "ERROR: MLP_ASSAY Update Failed Couldn't build mlp assay_id list."); // } } else if (command.equals(PUBCHEM_ASSAY_UPDATE_FROM_AID_LIST_COMMAND)) { // // BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); // // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Assay Description ZIP Files for command= "+command); // haveFiles = fetch.fetchAssayDescriptionMetatdataXMLZips(managerProps); // // //if we have the xml files for processing, re-build the mlp_assay staging table // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Have Assay Description List Files for command="+command); // // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update Process command= "+command); // // MLBDLoadAssay loader = new MLBDLoadAssay(); // updateCnt = loader.updatePubchemAssayTable(managerProps); // // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Updated PUBCHEM_ASSAY ="+command+" Update Count = "+updateCnt); // // } else { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "ERROR: PUBCHEM_ASSAY Failed Couldn't fetch Assay Description ZIP files."); // } } else if(command.equals(SUBSTANCE_MONTHLY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { //fetch files dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchLatestSubstanceResources(managerProps, SUBSTANCE_MONTHLY); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); //start update dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Substance Update. New Substance Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); } else {"FAILED to update substance due to file retrieve error."); } } else if (command.equals(SUBSTANCE_WEEKLY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { //fetch files dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); haveFiles = fetch.fetchLatestSubstanceResources(managerProps, SUBSTANCE_WEEKLY); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Substance Update. New Substance Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); } else {"FAILED to update substance due to file retrieve error."); } } else if (command.equals(SUBSTANCE_DAILY_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); // //fetch files // BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); // haveFiles = fetch.fetchLatestSubstanceResources(managerProps, SUBSTANCE_DAILY); // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); // PubchemSubstanceLoader loader = new PubchemSubstanceLoader(); // newCmpdCnt = loader.batchUpdateSubstances(managerProps); // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Substance Update. New Substance Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); // } else { //"FAILED to update substance due to file retrieve error."); // } } else if (command.equals(SUBSTANCE_SPECIFIC_FTP_RESOURCE_UPDATED_COMMAND)) { // if(args.size() > 2) { // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command+" FTP Dir= "+args.get(2)); // BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); // //the third argument is the ftp location of the resource // haveFiles = fetch.fetchSpecificSubstanceResources(managerProps, args.get(2)); // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch= "+args.get(2)); // //start update // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command+" FTP Dir= "+args.get(2)); // PubchemSubstanceLoader loader = new PubchemSubstanceLoader (); // newCmpdCnt = loader.batchUpdateSubstances(managerProps); // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Specific Update ("+args.get(2)+" New Substance Cnt ="+newCmpdCnt); // } // } } else if (command.equals(COMPOUND_CID_SID_MAPPING_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); //this pulls the compound-extras files for the latest week haveFiles = fetch.fetchCompoundWeeklyExtraRsources(managerProps); if(haveFiles) { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); //start update dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); BardCompoundPubchemExtrasLoader loader = new BardCompoundPubchemExtrasLoader(); updateCnt = loader.rebuildCIDSIDViaTempLoad(managerProps); BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished CID->SID Update, New Substance Cnt ="+updateCnt); } else { BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "ERROR: FAILED File Fetch for CID-SID mapping update."); } } else if(command.equals(COMPOUND_TEST_STATUS_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { // String dbURL = managerProps.getProperty("bard.db.connection.url"); // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Begin Update Command= "+command, dbURL); // BardCompoundTestStatsWorker compoundTestWorker = new BardCompoundTestStatsWorker(); // compoundTestWorker.updateCompoundTestStatus(managerProps); // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Compound Test Status Update", dbURL); } else if (command.equals(COMPOUND_RANK_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Begin Update Command= "+command); PubchemCompoundLoader loader = new PubchemCompoundLoader(); if(loader.updateCompoundRank(managerProps)) BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished Compound Rank Update"); else BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "Compound Rank Update FAILED. Check log for exceptions or error messages."); } else if (command.equals(GO_ASSOCIATION_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { // // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); // BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); // haveFiles = fetch.fetchGOHTTPAssociationResources(managerProps); // // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); // //start update // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); // // BardGoAssociationLoader loader = new BardGoAssociationLoader(); // updateCnt = loader.loadTempGoAssociation(managerProps); // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished GO Association Update, Update Cnt ="+updateCnt); // } else { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "ERROR: FAILED File Fetch for GO Association Update."); // } } else if (command.equals(GO_ONTOLOGY_TERM_UPDATE_COMMAND)) { // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Fetch Files for command= "+command); // BardResourceFetch fetch = new BardResourceFetch(); // haveFiles = fetch.fetchGOTermDBData(managerProps); // if(haveFiles) { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished File Fetch"); // dbLogId = BardDBUpdateLogger.logStart("Update command= "+command); // BardGoAssociationLoader loader = new BardGoAssociationLoader(); // loader.updateGoTermTables(managerProps); // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 0, "Finished GO Term Database Update"); // } else { // BardDBUpdateLogger.logEnd(dbLogId, 1, "ERROR: Failed File Fetch for GO Term Database Update."); // } }"DB Manager Completed: " + command + "\n ProcessID: [" + processID + "]"); } public void setArgVector(Vector <String> args) { this.args = args; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { BardDBManager dbManager = new BardDBManager(); if(!dbManager.configure(args[0])) { System.err.println("Error setting DBManager Configuration. Either the Conf file or the log file directory is not accessible."); System.exit(1); } Vector <String> argV = new Vector <String> (); for(String arg : args) { argV.add(arg); } dbManager.setArgVector(argV); dbManager.execute(args[1]); System.exit(0); // FtpBean bean = new FtpBean(); // try { // System.out.println("connect to kegg"); // bean.ftpConnect("", "anonymous", ""); // System.out.println(bean.getReply()); // bean.setDirectory("/pubchem/"); // System.out.println(bean.getReply()); // // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (FtpException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } } }