package; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.entity.BardLinkedEntity; import gov.nih.ncgc.bard.entity.Publication; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Prototype of MLBD REST resources. * <p/> * This is mainly to explore the use of Jersey for presenting REST * services for the MLBD * * @author Rajarshi Guha */ @Path("/documents") public class BARDDocumentResource extends BARDResource<Publication> { public static final String DATE_FORMAT_NOW = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; static final String VERSION = "1.0"; public Class<Publication> getEntityClass () { return Publication.class; } public String getResourceBase () { return BARDConstants.API_BASE+"/documents"; } @GET @Produces("text/plain") @Path("/_info") public String info() { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Returns publication information\n\nAvailable resources:\n"); List<String> paths = Util.getResourcePaths(this.getClass()); for (String path : paths) msg.append(path).append("\n"); msg.append("/documents/" + BARDConstants.API_EXTRA_PARAM_SPEC + "\n"); return msg.toString(); } @GET public Response getResources(@QueryParam("filter") String filter, @QueryParam("expand") String expand, @QueryParam("skip") Integer skip, @QueryParam("top") Integer top) { // validate skip/top if (skip == null && top != null) { skip = 0; } else if (skip == null) { skip = -1; top = -1; } Response response = null; try { String linkString = null; if (filter == null) { if ((top == -1)) { // top was not specified, so we start from the beginning top = getDefaultEntityCount(); } if (skip == -1) skip = 0; String expandClause = "expand=false"; if (expandEntries(expand)) expandClause = "expand=true"; if (skip + top <= db.getEntityCount(Publication.class)) linkString = BARDConstants.API_BASE + "/documents?skip=" + (skip + top) + "&top=" + top + "&" + expandClause; if (countRequested) { int n = db.getEntityCount(Publication.class); db.closeConnection(); return Response.ok(String.valueOf(n), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build(); } } List<Publication> publications = db.searchForEntity(filter, skip, top, Publication.class); if (countRequested) response = Response.ok(String.valueOf(publications.size()), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build(); else { if (expandEntries(expand)) { BardLinkedEntity linkedEntity = new BardLinkedEntity(publications, linkString); response = Response.ok(Util.toJson(linkedEntity), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } else { List<String> links = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Publication a : publications) links.add(a.getResourcePath()); BardLinkedEntity linkedEntity = new BardLinkedEntity(links, linkString); response = Response.ok(Util.toJson(linkedEntity), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } } db.closeConnection(); return response; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e, 500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e, 500); } } @GET @Path("/{pmid}") public Response getResources(@PathParam("pmid") String resourceId, @QueryParam("filter") String filter, @QueryParam("expand") String expand) { // check that we have a valid pmid (must be a number) try { Long.parseLong(resourceId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(400); } try { Publication p = db.getPublicationByPmid(Long.parseLong(resourceId)); if (countRequested && p != null) return Response.ok("1", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build(); String json = Util.toJson(p); return Response.ok(json, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(500); } } @GET @Path("/doi/{doi}") public Response getResourcesByDoi(@PathParam("doi") String resourceId, @QueryParam("filter") String filter, @QueryParam("expand") String expand) { try { Publication p = db.getPublicationByDoi(resourceId); if (countRequested && p != null) return Response.ok("1", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build(); String json = Util.toJson(p); return Response.ok(json, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(500); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(500); } } }