package gov.nih.ncgc.bard.entity; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A representation of experiment data (ie measurements). * * @author Rajarshi Guha */ public class ExperimentData extends BaseEntity { @BARDJsonRequired String exptDataId; Long cid, sid; Long bardExptId, bardAssayId; Long capExptId, capAssayId; List<Long> capProjId, bardProjId; String resultJson; @JsonIgnore Date updated; String runset = "default"; int outcome, score; Integer classification; Float potency; List<FitModel> readouts; /** * Reperesents the context of <code>bard_experiment_data.json_data_array</code>. */ @JsonIgnore DataResultObject[] results; /** * Reperesents the context of <code>bard_experiment_data.json_dose_response</code>. */ @JsonIgnore DoseResponseResultObject[] dr = null; @JsonIgnore AssayDefinitionObject[] ado; public ExperimentData() { } public List<Long> getBardProjId() { return bardProjId; } public void setBardProjId(List<Long> bardProjId) { this.bardProjId = bardProjId; } public List<Long> getCapProjId() { return capProjId; } public void setCapProjId(List<Long> capProjId) { this.capProjId = capProjId; } public Long getBardAssayId() { return bardAssayId; } public void setBardAssayId(Long bardAssayId) { this.bardAssayId = bardAssayId; } public Long getCapExptId() { return capExptId; } public void setCapExptId(Long capExptId) { this.capExptId = capExptId; } public Long getCapAssayId() { return capAssayId; } public void setCapAssayId(Long capAssayId) { this.capAssayId = capAssayId; } public String getResultJson() { return resultJson; } public void setResultJson(String resultJson) { this.resultJson = resultJson; } /** * Convert the internal representation to a custom form, suitable for JSON output. */ public void transform() { readouts = new ArrayList<FitModel>(); if (dr != null) { // we have one or CRC layers for (DoseResponseResultObject dro : dr) { FitModel model = new FitModel("dose response", dro.getZeroAct(), dro.getInfAct(), dro.getHillCoef(), dro.getAc50()); Double[][] cr = new Double[dro.getDose().length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < dro.getDose().length; i++) { cr[i][0] = dro.getDose()[i]; cr[i][1] = dro.getResponse()[i]; } model.setCr(cr); model.setName(dro.getLabel()); model.setDescription(dro.getDescription()); //model.setConcUnit(dro.getConcUnit()); model.setConcUnit("M"); // force Molar if (model.unfitted()) { model.setS0(null); model.setAc50(null); model.setsInf(null); model.setHill(null); } readouts.add(model); } } else { // probably a single point for (DataResultObject o : results) { // we're going to force all non-PubChem TID's into individual readouts. // ideally we should recognize relevant readouts, but that's not happening soon if (o.getTid() == -1) continue; FitModel model = new FitModel(); model.setDescription("single point"); model.setName(o.getResultName()); Double[][] cr = new Double[1][2]; cr[0][0] = null; cr[0][1] = null; String val = (String) o.getValue(); Double dval = null; try { if (val != null) { cr[0][1] = Double.parseDouble(val); String[] concAndUnit = getConcAndUnitsFromTitle(o.getResultName()); if (concAndUnit[0] != null) { cr[0][0] = Double.parseDouble(concAndUnit[0]); model.setConcUnit(concAndUnit[1]); } else { // try pulling it from the result type definition for (AssayDefinitionObject ao : ado) { if (o.getTid() == Integer.parseInt(ao.getTid())) { if (ao.getTestConcUnit() != null && !ao.getTestConcUnit().equals("none")) model.setConcUnit(ao.getTestConcUnit()); if (ao.getTestConcentration() != null && ao.getTestConcentration().length > 0) { cr[0][0] = (double) ao.getTestConcentration()[0]; } } } } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } model.setCr(cr); readouts.add(model); } } } String[] getConcAndUnitsFromTitle(String title) { String conc = null, unit = null; Pattern uM = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\.?\\d+?\\s?)uM"); Pattern nM = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\.?\\d+?\\s?)nM"); Pattern M = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\.?\\d+?\\s?)M"); Matcher matcher = uM.matcher(title); if (matcher.find()) { conc =; unit = "uM"; } if (conc == null) { matcher = nM.matcher(title); if (matcher.find()) { conc =; unit = "nM"; } } if (conc == null) { matcher = M.matcher(title); if (matcher.find()) { conc =; unit = "M"; } } return new String[]{conc, unit}; } public DoseResponseResultObject[] getDr() { return dr; } public void setDr(DoseResponseResultObject[] dr) { this.dr = dr; } public List<FitModel> getReadouts() { return readouts; } public void setReadouts(List<FitModel> readouts) { this.readouts = readouts; } /** * Reperesents the context of <code>bard_experiment_data.json_data_array</code>. * * @return */ public DataResultObject[] getResults() { return results; } public void setResults(DataResultObject[] results) { this.results = results; } @JsonIgnore public AssayDefinitionObject[] getDefs() { return ado; } @JsonIgnore public void setDefs(AssayDefinitionObject[] ado) { this.ado = ado; } public int getOutcome() { return outcome; } public void setOutcome(int outcome) { this.outcome = outcome; } public int getScore() { return score; } public void setScore(int score) { this.score = score; } public Float getPotency() { return potency; } public void setPotency(Float potency) { this.potency = potency; } public String getExptDataId() { return exptDataId; } public void setExptDataId(String exptDataId) { this.exptDataId = exptDataId; if (exptDataId != null && exptDataId.contains(".")) { String[] toks = exptDataId.split("\\."); if (toks.length == 2) { bardExptId = Long.parseLong(toks[0]); sid = Long.parseLong(toks[1]); } } } public Long getBardExptId() { return bardExptId; } public void setBardExptId(Long bardExptId) { this.bardExptId = bardExptId; } public Long getCid() { return cid; } public void setCid(Long cid) { this.cid = cid; } public Long getSid() { return sid; } public void setSid(Long sid) { this.sid = sid; } public Integer getClassification() { return classification; } public void setClassification(Integer classification) { this.classification = classification; } public Date getUpdated() { return updated; } public void setUpdated(Date updated) { this.updated = updated; } public String getRunset() { return runset; } public void setRunset(String runset) { this.runset = runset; } public String toString() { return "ExperimentData[" + exptDataId + ", outcome=" + outcome + ", score=" + score + ", potency=" + potency + "]"; } /** * Return the path for this resource in the REST API. * <p/> * The actual resource can be accessed by prepending the hostname of the server * hosting the REST API. * * @return The path to this resource. <code>null</code> if the object is not meant * to be publically available via the REST API */ public String getResourcePath() { return BARDConstants.API_BASE + "/exptdata/" + bardExptId + "." + sid; } /** * Set the resource path. * <p/> * In most cases, this can be an empty function as its primary purpose * is to allow Jackson to deserialize a JSON entity to the relevant Java * entity. * * @param resourcePath the resource path for this entity */ public void setResourcePath(String resourcePath) { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } }