package gov.nih.ncgc.bard.capextract;
import jdistlib.disttest.NormalityTest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author Rajarshi Guha
public class ResultHistogram {
protected Logger log;
final Float MAX_VALUE = 1e38f;
Long currentEid = -1l;
public ResultHistogram() {
log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
public void generateHistogram(Long bardExptId) throws SQLException {
boolean useLog = false;
currentEid = bardExptId;
Connection conn = CAPUtil.connectToBARD(CAPConstants.getBardDBJDBCUrl());
// first pull result types for this experiment
PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement("select distinct display_name from exploded_results where bard_expt_id = ?");
pst.setLong(1, bardExptId);
List<String> resultTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
while ( resultTypes.add(rs.getString(1));
// for each result type, delete pre-existing histogram, make new histogram and insert it
for (String resultType : resultTypes) {
pst = conn.prepareStatement("select value from exploded_results where bard_expt_id = ? and display_name = ?");
pst.setLong(1, bardExptId);
pst.setString(2, resultType);
rs = pst.executeQuery();
List<Float> values = new ArrayList<Float>();
while ( values.add(rs.getFloat(1));
// get the log10 version of the values - we remove
// values <= 0 since they would not allow us to
// consider the data as a lognormal distribution
List<Float> vals = new ArrayList<Float>();
for (Float value : values) {
if (value > 0) vals.add((float) Math.log10(value));
double[] dvals = new double[vals.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) dvals[i] = vals.get(i);
double statistic = NormalityTest.anderson_darling_statistic(dvals);
double pvalue = NormalityTest.anderson_darling_pvalue(statistic, dvals.length);
if (Double.isNaN(pvalue) || pvalue > 0.05) { // log10 data is normal, so replace original values with the log10 values"BARD experiment id " + bardExptId + "/" + resultType + " is lognormal. Histogramming log10 values");
values = vals;
useLog = true;
List<HBin> bins = calculateHistogram(values);
// get rid of pre-existing histogram
pst = conn.prepareStatement("delete from exploded_histograms where bard_expt_id = ? and display_name = ?");
pst.setLong(1, bardExptId);
pst.setString(2, resultType);
// put in new histogram
pst = conn.prepareStatement("insert into exploded_histograms (bard_expt_id, display_name, l, u, n) values (?,?,?,?,?)");
for (HBin bin : bins) {
pst.setLong(1, bardExptId);
pst.setString(2, resultType);
if (useLog) {
pst.setFloat(3, (float) Math.pow(10, bin.l));
pst.setFloat(4, (float) Math.pow(10, bin.u));
} else {
pst.setFloat(3, bin.l);
pst.setFloat(4, bin.u);
pst.setInt(5, bin.c);
List<HBin> calculateHistogram(List<Float> values) {
List<HBin> bins = new ArrayList<HBin>();
if (values.size() < 3) return bins;
float sd =;
if (sd == 0) return bins;
// currently we use Scotts method to get optimal bin width/bin count
float h = (float) (3.5 * sd / Math.pow((double) values.size(), 1.0 / 3.0)); // bin width
float maxval = Float.MIN_VALUE;
float minval = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for (Float v : values) {
if (v > maxval) maxval = v;
if (v < minval) minval = v;
float k = (maxval - minval) / h; // number of bins"EID " + currentEid + ": sd = " + sd + ", h = " + h + ", k = " + k + " (will use " + (int) Math.ceil(k) + " bins)");
// given the number of bins from the bin width algo, we make a set of pretty breaks
// based on pretty.R and pretty.c from R 3.0.1
double[] prettyBounds = pretty(minval, maxval, (int) Math.ceil(k), 1, true);
minval = (float) prettyBounds[0];
maxval = (float) prettyBounds[1];
// recalculate h based on pretty bounds
h = (float) ((maxval - minval) / (prettyBounds[2]));
float lower = minval;
int nbin = (int) prettyBounds[2] + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= nbin; i++) {
HBin bin = new HBin(lower, lower + h, 0);
lower += h;
// raw breaks - not pretty
// float lower = minval;
// for (int i = 1; i <= Math.floor(k)+1; i++) {
// HBin bin = new HBin(lower, lower + h, 0);
// bins.add(bin);
// lower += h;
// }
for (Float v : values) {
for (HBin bin : bins) {
if (v >= bin.l && v < bin.u) {
// remove empty bins from the tail of the distribution
List<Integer> removeIdx = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = bins.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (bins.get(i).c > 0) break;
else removeIdx.add(i);
List<HBin> cleanBins = new ArrayList<HBin>();
for (int i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++) {
if (!removeIdx.contains(i)) cleanBins.add(bins.get(i));
return cleanBins;
class HBin {
float l, u;
int c;
HBin(float l, float u, int c) {
this.l = l;
this.u = u;
this.c = c;
private static float calculateMachineEpsilonFloat() {
float machEps = 1.0f;
machEps /= 2.0f;
while ((float) (1.0 + (machEps / 2.0)) != 1.0);
return machEps;
double[] pretty(double lo, double up, int ndiv, int min_n, boolean return_bounds) {
double dx, cell, unit, base, U;
double ns, nu;
int k;
boolean i_small;
double shrink_sml = 0.75;
double h = 1.5;
double h5 = .5 + 1.5 * h;
int eps_correction = 0;
double rounding_eps = 1e-7;
double DBL_EPSILON = calculateMachineEpsilonFloat();
dx = up - lo;
if (dx == 0 && up == 0) { /* up == lo == 0 */
cell = 1;
i_small = true;
} else {
cell = Math.max(Math.abs(lo), Math.abs(up));
/* U = upper bound on cell/unit */
// U = (1 + (h5 >= 1.5*h+.5)) ? 1/(1+h) : 1.5/(1+h5);
U = 1 / (1 + h);
/* added times 3, as several calculations here */
i_small = dx < cell * U * Math.max(1, ndiv) * DBL_EPSILON * 3;
if (i_small) {
if (cell > 10)
cell = 9 + cell / 10;
cell *= shrink_sml;
if (min_n > 1) cell /= min_n;
} else {
cell = dx;
if (ndiv > 1) cell /= ndiv;
if (cell < 20 * Double.MIN_VALUE) {
cell = 20 * Double.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (cell * 10 > Double.MAX_VALUE) {
cell = .1 * Double.MAX_VALUE;
base = Math.pow(10., Math.floor(Math.log10(cell))); /* base <= cell < 10*base */
unit = base;
if ((U = 2 * base) - cell < h * (cell - unit)) {
unit = U;
if ((U = 5 * base) - cell < h5 * (cell - unit)) {
unit = U;
if ((U = 10 * base) - cell < h * (cell - unit)) unit = U;
ns = Math.floor(lo / unit + rounding_eps);
nu = Math.ceil(up / unit - rounding_eps);
if (eps_correction == 1 && (eps_correction > 1 || !i_small)) {
if (lo != 0) lo *= (1 - DBL_EPSILON);
else lo = -Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (up != 0) up *= (1 + DBL_EPSILON);
else up = +Double.MIN_VALUE;
while (ns * unit > lo + rounding_eps * unit) ns--;
while (nu * unit < up - rounding_eps * unit) nu++;
k = (int) (0.5 + nu - ns);
if (k < min_n) {
k = min_n - k;
if (ns >= 0.) {
nu += k / 2;
ns -= k / 2 + k % 2;/* ==> nu-ns = old(nu-ns) + min_n -k = min_n */
} else {
ns -= k / 2;
nu += k / 2 + k % 2;
ndiv = min_n;
} else {
ndiv = k;
if (return_bounds) { /* if()'s to ensure that result covers original range */
if (ns * unit < lo) lo = ns * unit;
if (nu * unit > up) up = nu * unit;
} else {
lo = ns;
up = nu;
return new double[]{lo, up, ndiv};
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
ResultHistogram r = new ResultHistogram();
// Connection conn = CAPUtil.connectToBARD(CAPConstants.getBardDBJDBCUrl());
// PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement("select distinct bard_expt_id from exploded_results");
// ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
// while ( r.generateHistogram(rs.getLong(1));
// conn.close();