package com.auth0.client; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher; import java.util.Arrays; public class UrlMatcher extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<String> { private static final int BASE_URL = 0; private static final int QUERY_PARAMETER = 1; private static final int ENCODED_QUERY = 2; private final int checkingOption; private String encodedQueryContains; private String scheme; private String host; private String path; private String paramKey; private String paramValue; private UrlMatcher(String scheme, String host, String path) { this.checkingOption = BASE_URL; this.scheme = scheme; = host; this.path = path; } private UrlMatcher(String paramKey, String paramValue) { this.checkingOption = QUERY_PARAMETER; this.paramKey = paramKey; this.paramValue = paramValue; } private UrlMatcher(String encodedQueryContains) { this.checkingOption = ENCODED_QUERY; this.encodedQueryContains = encodedQueryContains; } @Override protected boolean matchesSafely(String item, Description mismatchDescription) { if (item == null) { mismatchDescription.appendText("was null"); return false; } HttpUrl url = HttpUrl.parse(item); if (url == null) { mismatchDescription.appendText("was not a valid url"); return false; } switch (checkingOption) { default: case BASE_URL: return matchesBaseUrl(url, mismatchDescription); case QUERY_PARAMETER: return matchesParameter(url, mismatchDescription); case ENCODED_QUERY: return matchesEncodedQuery(url, mismatchDescription); } } private boolean matchesEncodedQuery(HttpUrl url, Description mismatchDescription) { if (!url.encodedQuery().contains(encodedQueryContains)) { mismatchDescription.appendText("encoded query was ").appendValue(url.encodedQuery()); return false; } return true; } private boolean matchesBaseUrl(HttpUrl url, Description mismatchDescription) { if (!url.scheme().equals(scheme)) { mismatchDescription.appendText("scheme was ").appendValue(url.scheme()); return false; } if (! { mismatchDescription.appendText("host was ").appendValue(; return false; } if (path == null) { return true; } if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1, path.length()); } if (path.endsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } if (!url.pathSegments().equals(Arrays.asList(path.split("/")))) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String p : url.pathSegments()) { sb.append(p).append("/"); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); mismatchDescription.appendText("path was ").appendValue(sb.toString()); return false; } return true; } private boolean matchesParameter(HttpUrl url, Description mismatchDescription) { String value = url.queryParameter(paramKey); if (value != null && !value.equals(paramValue) || value == null && paramValue != null) { mismatchDescription.appendText("value was ").appendValue(value); return false; } return true; } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { switch (checkingOption) { default: case BASE_URL: description.appendText("An url with scheme ") .appendValue(scheme) .appendText(", host ") .appendValue(host) .appendText("and path ") .appendValue(path); break; case QUERY_PARAMETER: description.appendText("An url with the query parameter ") .appendValue(paramKey) .appendText(" with value ") .appendValue(paramValue); break; case ENCODED_QUERY: description.appendText("An url with encoded query containing ") .appendValue(encodedQueryContains); break; } } public static UrlMatcher isUrl(String scheme, String host, String path) { return new UrlMatcher(scheme, host, path); } public static UrlMatcher isUrl(String scheme, String host) { return new UrlMatcher(scheme, host, null); } public static UrlMatcher hasQueryParameter(String key, String value) { return new UrlMatcher(key, value); } public static UrlMatcher encodedQueryContains(String text) { return new UrlMatcher(text); } }