package com.auth0.json.mgmt.tenants; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"}) @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) public class ErrorPageCustomization extends PageCustomization { @JsonProperty("show_log_link") private Boolean showLogLink; @JsonProperty("url") private String url; /** * Whether the error page will show a link to the log or not. * * @return true if the error page will show a link to the log, false otherwise. */ @JsonProperty("show_log_link") public Boolean willShowLogLink() { return showLogLink; } /** * Sets if the error page will show a link to the log or not. * * @param showLogLink whether the error page will show a link to the log or not. */ @JsonProperty("show_log_link") public void setShowLogLink(Boolean showLogLink) { this.showLogLink = showLogLink; } /** * Getter for the url to redirect to instead of showing the default error page. * * @return the url to redirect to. */ @JsonProperty("url") public String getUrl() { return url; } /** * Setter for the url to redirect to instead of showing the default error page. * * @param url the url to redirect to. */ @JsonProperty("url") public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } }