package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; /** * Class that represents a Guardian's push-notification Factor Provider for Amazon's Simple Notification Service (SNS). * Related to the {@link com.auth0.client.mgmt.GuardianEntity} entity. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"}) @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) public class SNSFactorProvider { @JsonProperty("aws_access_key_id") private String awsAccessKeyId; @JsonProperty("aws_secret_access_key") private String awsSecretAccessKey; @JsonProperty("aws_region") private String awsRegion; @JsonProperty("sns_apns_platform_application_arn") private String snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn; @JsonProperty("sns_gcm_platform_application_arn") private String snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn; /** * Creates an empty SNS settings object * * @deprecated use the full constructor instead */ @Deprecated public SNSFactorProvider() { } /** * Creates a SNS settings object * * @param awsAccessKeyId the Amazon Web Services access key id. * @param awsSecretAccessKey the Amazon Web Services secret access key. * @param awsRegion the Amazon Web Services region. * @param snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn the Apple Push Notification Service platform application Amazon Resource Name. * @param snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn the Google Cloud Messaging platform application Amazon Resource Name. */ @JsonCreator public SNSFactorProvider(@JsonProperty("aws_access_key_id") String awsAccessKeyId, @JsonProperty("aws_secret_access_key") String awsSecretAccessKey, @JsonProperty("aws_region") String awsRegion, @JsonProperty("sns_apns_platform_application_arn") String snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn, @JsonProperty("sns_gcm_platform_application_arn") String snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn) { this.awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId; this.awsSecretAccessKey = awsSecretAccessKey; this.awsRegion = awsRegion; this.snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn = snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn; this.snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn = snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn; } /** * Getter for the Amazon Web Services access key id. * * @return the AWS access key id. */ @JsonProperty("aws_access_key_id") public String getAWSAccessKeyId() { return awsAccessKeyId; } /** * Setter for the Amazon Web Services access key id. * * @param awsAccessKeyId the AWS access key id to set. * @deprecated use the constructor instead */ @Deprecated @JsonProperty("aws_access_key_id") public void setAWSAccessKeyId(String awsAccessKeyId) { this.awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId; } /** * Getter for the Amazon Web Services secret access key. * * @return the AWS secret access key. */ @JsonProperty("aws_secret_access_key") public String getAWSSecretAccessKey() { return awsSecretAccessKey; } /** * Setter for the Amazon Web Services secret access key. * * @param awsSecretAccessKey the AWS secret access key to set. * @deprecated use the constructor instead */ @Deprecated @JsonProperty("aws_secret_access_key") public void setAWSSecretAccessKey(String awsSecretAccessKey) { this.awsSecretAccessKey = awsSecretAccessKey; } /** * Getter for the Amazon Web Services region. * * @return the AWS region. */ @JsonProperty("aws_region") public String getAWSRegion() { return awsRegion; } /** * Setter for the Amazon Web Services region. * * @param awsRegion the AWS region to set. * @deprecated use the constructor instead */ @Deprecated @JsonProperty("aws_region") public void setAWSRegion(String awsRegion) { this.awsRegion = awsRegion; } /** * Getter for the Simple Notification Service Apple Push Notification service platform application Amazon Resource Name. * * @return the SNS APNs ARN. */ @JsonProperty("sns_apns_platform_application_arn") public String getSNSAPNSPlatformApplicationARN() { return snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn; } /** * Setter for the Simple Notification Service Apple Push Notification service platform application Amazon Resource Name. * * @param apnARN the SNS APNs ARN to set. * @deprecated use the constructor instead */ @Deprecated @JsonProperty("sns_apns_platform_application_arn") public void setSNSAPNSPlatformApplicationARN(String apnARN) { this.snsAPNSPlatformApplicationArn = apnARN; } /** * Getter for the Simple Notification Service Google Cloud Messaging platform application Amazon Resource Name. * * @return the SNS GCM ARN. */ @JsonProperty("sns_gcm_platform_application_arn") public String getSNSGCMPlatformApplicationARN() { return snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn; } /** * Setter for the Simple Notification Service Google Cloud Messaging platform application Amazon Resource Name. * * @param gcmARN the SNS GCM ARN to set. * @deprecated use the constructor instead */ @Deprecated @JsonProperty("sns_gcm_platform_application_arn") public void setSNSGCMPlatformApplicationARN(String gcmARN) { this.snsGCMPlatformApplicationArn = gcmARN; } }