package com.auth0.client.mgmt; import com.auth0.client.mgmt.filter.ConnectionFilter; import com.auth0.json.mgmt.Connection; import; import; import; import com.auth0.utils.Asserts; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Class that provides an implementation of the Clients methods of the Management API as defined in!/Connections */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class ConnectionsEntity extends BaseManagementEntity { ConnectionsEntity(OkHttpClient client, HttpUrl baseUrl, String apiToken) { super(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Request all the ConnectionsEntity. A token with scope read:connections is needed. * See!/Connections/get_connections * * @param filter the filter to use. Can be null. * @return a Request to execute. */ public Request<List<Connection>> list(ConnectionFilter filter) { HttpUrl.Builder builder = baseUrl .newBuilder() .addPathSegments("api/v2/connections"); if (filter != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : filter.getAsMap().entrySet()) { builder.addQueryParameter(e.getKey(), String.valueOf(e.getValue())); } } String url =; CustomRequest<List<Connection>> request = new CustomRequest<>(client, url, "GET", new TypeReference<List<Connection>>() { }); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken); return request; } /** * Request a Connection. A token with scope read:connections is needed. * See!/Connections/get_connections_by_id * * @param connectionId the id of the connection to retrieve. * @param filter the filter to use. Can be null. * @return a Request to execute. */ public Request<Connection> get(String connectionId, ConnectionFilter filter) { Asserts.assertNotNull(connectionId, "connection id"); HttpUrl.Builder builder = baseUrl .newBuilder() .addPathSegments("api/v2/connections") .addPathSegment(connectionId); if (filter != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : filter.getAsMap().entrySet()) { builder.addQueryParameter(e.getKey(), String.valueOf(e.getValue())); } } String url =; CustomRequest<Connection> request = new CustomRequest<>(client, url, "GET", new TypeReference<Connection>() { }); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken); return request; } /** * Create a Connection. A token with scope create:connections is needed. * See!/Connections/post_connections * * @param connection the connection data to set. * @return a Request to execute. */ public Request<Connection> create(Connection connection) { Asserts.assertNotNull(connection, "connection"); String url = baseUrl .newBuilder() .addPathSegments("api/v2/connections") .build() .toString(); CustomRequest<Connection> request = new CustomRequest<>(this.client, url, "POST", new TypeReference<Connection>() { }); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken); request.setBody(connection); return request; } /** * Delete an existing Connection. A token with scope delete:connections is needed. * See!/Connections/delete_connections_by_id * * @param connectionId the connection id. * @return a Request to execute. */ public Request delete(String connectionId) { Asserts.assertNotNull(connectionId, "connection id"); String url = baseUrl .newBuilder() .addPathSegments("api/v2/connections") .addPathSegment(connectionId) .build() .toString(); VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest(client, url, "DELETE"); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken); return request; } /** * Update an existing Connection. A token with scope update:connections is needed. Note that if the 'options' value is present it will override all the 'options' values that currently exist. * See!/Connections/patch_connections_by_id * * @param connectionId the connection id. * @param connection the connection data to set. It can't include name or strategy. * @return a Request to execute. */ public Request<Connection> update(String connectionId, Connection connection) { Asserts.assertNotNull(connectionId, "connection id"); Asserts.assertNotNull(connection, "connection"); String url = baseUrl .newBuilder() .addPathSegments("api/v2/connections") .addPathSegment(connectionId) .build() .toString(); CustomRequest<Connection> request = new CustomRequest<>(this.client, url, "PATCH", new TypeReference<Connection>() { }); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken); request.setBody(connection); return request; } /** * Delete an existing User from the given Database Connection. A token with scope delete:users is needed. * See!/Connections/delete_users_by_email * * @param connectionId the connection id where the user is stored. * @param email the email of the user to delete. * @return a Request to execute. */ public Request deleteUser(String connectionId, String email) { Asserts.assertNotNull(connectionId, "connection id"); Asserts.assertNotNull(email, "email"); String url = baseUrl .newBuilder() .addPathSegments("api/v2/connections") .addPathSegment(connectionId) .addPathSegment("users") .addQueryParameter("email", email) .build() .toString(); VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest(this.client, url, "DELETE"); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken); return request; } }