package com.auth0.json.mgmt.tenants; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Class that represents an Auth0 Tenant Settings object. Related to the {@link com.auth0.client.mgmt.TenantsEntity} entity. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"}) @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) public class Tenant { @JsonProperty("change_password") private PageCustomization changePassword; @JsonProperty("guardian_mfa_page") private PageCustomization guardianMFAPage; @JsonProperty("default_audience") private String defaultAudience; @JsonProperty("default_directory") private String defaultDirectory; @JsonProperty("error_page") private ErrorPageCustomization errorPage; @JsonProperty("flags") private Map<String, Boolean> flags; @JsonProperty("friendly_name") private String friendlyName; @JsonProperty("picture_url") private String pictureUrl; @JsonProperty("support_email") private String supportEmail; @JsonProperty("support_url") private String supportUrl; @JsonProperty("allowed_logout_urls") private List<String> allowedLogoutUrls; @JsonProperty("session_lifetime") private Integer sessionLifetime; /** * Getter for the change password page customization. * * @return the page customization. */ @JsonProperty("change_password") public PageCustomization getChangePasswordPage() { return changePassword; } /** * Setter for the change password customization. * * @param changePassword the page customization to set. */ @JsonProperty("change_password") public void setChangePasswordPage(PageCustomization changePassword) { this.changePassword = changePassword; } /** * Getter for the guardian MFA page customization. * * @return the page customization. */ @JsonProperty("guardian_mfa_page") public PageCustomization getGuardianMFAPage() { return guardianMFAPage; } /** * Setter for the guardian MFA page customization. * * @param guardianMFAPage the page customization to set. */ @JsonProperty("guardian_mfa_page") public void setGuardianMFAPage(PageCustomization guardianMFAPage) { this.guardianMFAPage = guardianMFAPage; } /** * Getter for the default audience used for API Authorization. * * @return the default audience. */ @JsonProperty("default_audience") public String getDefaultAudience() { return defaultAudience; } /** * Setter for the default audience used for API Authorization. * * @param defaultAudience the default audience to set. */ @JsonProperty("default_audience") public void setDefaultAudience(String defaultAudience) { this.defaultAudience = defaultAudience; } /** * Getter for the name of the connection that will be used for password grants at the token endpoint. Only the following connection types are supported: LDAP, AD, Database Connections, Passwordless, Windows Azure Active Directory, ADFS. * * @return the default directory. */ @JsonProperty("default_directory") public String getDefaultDirectory() { return defaultDirectory; } /** * Setter for the name of the connection that will be used for password grants at the token endpoint. Only the following connection types are supported: LDAP, AD, Database Connections, Passwordless, Windows Azure Active Directory, ADFS. * * @param defaultDirectory the default directory to set. */ @JsonProperty("default_directory") public void setDefaultDirectory(String defaultDirectory) { this.defaultDirectory = defaultDirectory; } /** * Getter for the error page customization. * * @return the page customization. */ @JsonProperty("error_page") public ErrorPageCustomization getErrorPage() { return errorPage; } /** * Setter for the error page customization. * * @param errorPage the page customization to set. */ @JsonProperty("error_page") public void setErrorPage(ErrorPageCustomization errorPage) { this.errorPage = errorPage; } /** * Getter for the tenant flags. Some flags are 'change_pwd_flow_v1', 'enable_apis_section', 'disable_impersonation', 'enable_client_connections', 'enable_pipeline2'. * * @return the tenant flags. */ @JsonProperty("flags") public Map<String, Boolean> getFlags() { return flags; } /** * Setter for the tenant flags. Some flags are 'change_pwd_flow_v1', 'enable_apis_section', 'disable_impersonation', 'enable_client_connections', 'enable_pipeline2'. * * @param flags the flags to set. */ @JsonProperty("flags") public void setFlags(Map<String, Boolean> flags) { this.flags = flags; } /** * Getter for the friendly name of the tenant. * * @return the friendly name. */ @JsonProperty("friendly_name") public String getFriendlyName() { return friendlyName; } /** * Setter for the friendly name of the tenant. * * @param friendlyName the friendly name to set. */ @JsonProperty("friendly_name") public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName) { this.friendlyName = friendlyName; } /** * Getter for the url of the tenant picture. * * @return the tenant picture url. */ @JsonProperty("picture_url") public String getPictureUrl() { return pictureUrl; } /** * Setter for the tenant picture url. An image with size 150x150 is recommended. * * @param pictureUrl the picture url to set. */ @JsonProperty("picture_url") public void setPictureUrl(String pictureUrl) { this.pictureUrl = pictureUrl; } /** * Getter for the user support email. * * @return the support email. */ @JsonProperty("support_email") public String getSupportEmail() { return supportEmail; } /** * Setter for the user support email. * * @param supportEmail the support email to set. */ @JsonProperty("support_email") public void setSupportEmail(String supportEmail) { this.supportEmail = supportEmail; } /** * Getter for the user support url. * * @return the support url. */ @JsonProperty("support_url") public String getSupportUrl() { return supportUrl; } /** * Setter for the user support url. * * @param supportUrl the support url to set. */ @JsonProperty("support_url") public void setSupportUrl(String supportUrl) { this.supportUrl = supportUrl; } /** * Getter for the tenant list of URLs that are valid to redirect to after logout from Auth0. * * @return the list of logout urls. */ @JsonProperty("allowed_logout_urls") public List<String> getAllowedLogoutUrls() { return allowedLogoutUrls; } /** * Setter for the tenant list of URLs that are valid to redirect to after logout from Auth0. * * @param allowedLogoutUrls the allowed logout urls to set. */ @JsonProperty("allowed_logout_urls") public void setAllowedLogoutUrls(List<String> allowedLogoutUrls) { this.allowedLogoutUrls = allowedLogoutUrls; } /** * Getter for the login session lifetime. This is how long the session will stay valid. Value is in hours. * * @return the session life time in hours. */ @JsonProperty("session_lifetime") public Integer getSessionLifetime() { return sessionLifetime; } /** * Setter for the login session lifetime. This is how long the session will stay valid. Value is in hours. * * @param sessionLifetime the session life time in hours to set. */ @JsonProperty("session_lifetime") public void setSessionLifetime(Integer sessionLifetime) { this.sessionLifetime = sessionLifetime; } }