package com.auth0.client.mgmt; import; import com.auth0.utils.Asserts; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor; import okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level; /** * Class that provides an implementation of the Management API methods defined in * To begin create an instance of {@link #ManagementAPI(String, String)} using the tenant domain and API token. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class ManagementAPI { private final HttpUrl baseUrl; private final String apiToken; private final OkHttpClient client; private final TelemetryInterceptor telemetry; private final HttpLoggingInterceptor logging; /** * Create an instance with the given tenant's domain and API token. * * @param domain the tenant's domain. * @param apiToken the token to authenticate the calls with. See the "Getting an API token" section to learn how to obtain a token. */ public ManagementAPI(String domain, String apiToken) { Asserts.assertNotNull(domain, "domain"); Asserts.assertNotNull(apiToken, "api token"); this.baseUrl = createBaseUrl(domain); if (baseUrl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The domain had an invalid format and couldn't be parsed as an URL."); } this.apiToken = apiToken; telemetry = new TelemetryInterceptor(); logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor(); logging.setLevel(Level.NONE); client = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .addInterceptor(logging) .addInterceptor(telemetry) .build(); } /** * Avoid sending Telemetry data in every request to the Auth0 servers. */ public void doNotSendTelemetry() { telemetry.setEnabled(false); } /** * Whether to enable or not the current HTTP Logger for every Request, Response and other sensitive information. * * @param enabled whether to enable the HTTP logger or not. */ public void setLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled) { logging.setLevel(enabled ? Level.BODY : Level.NONE); } //Visible for testing OkHttpClient getClient() { return client; } //Visible for testing HttpUrl getBaseUrl() { return baseUrl; } private HttpUrl createBaseUrl(String domain) { String url = domain; if (!domain.startsWith("https://") && !domain.startsWith("http://")) { url = "https://" + domain; } return HttpUrl.parse(url); } /** * Getter for the Client Grants entity. * * @return the Client Grants entity. */ public ClientGrantsEntity clientGrants() { return new ClientGrantsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Clients entity. * * @return the Clients entity. */ public ClientsEntity clients() { return new ClientsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Connections entity. * * @return the Connections entity. */ public ConnectionsEntity connections() { return new ConnectionsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Device Credentials entity. * * @return the Device Credentials entity. */ public DeviceCredentialsEntity deviceCredentials() { return new DeviceCredentialsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Log Events entity. * * @return the Log Events entity. */ public LogEventsEntity logEvents() { return new LogEventsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Rules entity. * * @return the Rules entity. */ public RulesEntity rules() { return new RulesEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the User Blocks entity. * * @return the User Blocks entity. */ public UserBlocksEntity userBlocks() { return new UserBlocksEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Users entity. * * @return the Users entity. */ public UsersEntity users() { return new UsersEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Blacklists entity. * * @return the Blacklists entity. */ public BlacklistsEntity blacklists() { return new BlacklistsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Email Provider entity. * * @return the Email Provider entity. */ public EmailProviderEntity emailProvider() { return new EmailProviderEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Guardian entity. * * @return the Guardian entity. */ public GuardianEntity guardian() { return new GuardianEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Stats entity. * * @return the Stats entity. */ public StatsEntity stats() { return new StatsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Tenants entity. * * @return the Tenants entity. */ public TenantsEntity tenants() { return new TenantsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } /** * Getter for the Tickets entity. * * @return the Tickets entity. */ public TicketsEntity tickets() { return new TicketsEntity(client, baseUrl, apiToken); } }