package org.knowm.xchange.ripple.service; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.knowm.xchange.Exchange; import org.knowm.xchange.currency.CurrencyPair; import org.knowm.xchange.dto.Order.OrderType; import org.knowm.xchange.exceptions.ExchangeException; import org.knowm.xchange.ripple.RippleExchange; import org.knowm.xchange.ripple.dto.RippleAmount; import org.knowm.xchange.ripple.dto.RippleException; import org.knowm.xchange.ripple.dto.account.ITransferFeeSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.knowm.xchange.ripple.service.params.RippleTradeHistoryCount; import org.knowm.xchange.ripple.service.params.RippleTradeHistoryHashLimit; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class RippleTradeServiceRaw extends RippleBaseService { private static final Boolean EXCLUDE_FAILED = true; private static final Boolean EARLIEST_FIRST = false; private static final Long START_LEDGER = null; private static final Long END_LEDGER = null; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final Map<String, Map<String, IRippleTradeTransaction>> rawTradeStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, IRippleTradeTransaction>>(); public RippleTradeServiceRaw(final Exchange exchange) { super(exchange); } public String placeOrder(final RippleLimitOrder order, final boolean validate) throws RippleException, IOException { final RippleOrderEntryRequest entry = new RippleOrderEntryRequest(); entry.setSecret(exchange.getExchangeSpecification().getSecretKey()); final RippleOrderEntryRequestBody request = entry.getOrder(); final RippleAmount baseAmount; final RippleAmount counterAmount; if (order.getType() == OrderType.BID) { request.setType("buy"); // buying: we receive base and pay with counter, taker receives counter and pays with base counterAmount = request.getTakerGets(); baseAmount = request.getTakerPays(); } else { request.setType("sell"); // selling: we receive counter and pay with base, taker receives base and pays with counter baseAmount = request.getTakerGets(); counterAmount = request.getTakerPays(); } baseAmount.setCurrency(order.getCurrencyPair().base.getCurrencyCode()); baseAmount.setValue(order.getTradableAmount()); if (baseAmount.getCurrency().equals("XRP") == false) { // not XRP - need a counterparty for this currency final String counterparty = order.getBaseCounterparty(); if (counterparty.isEmpty()) { throw new ExchangeException(String.format("base counterparty must be populated for currency %s", baseAmount.getCurrency())); } baseAmount.setCounterparty(counterparty.toString()); } counterAmount.setCurrency(order.getCurrencyPair().counter.getCurrencyCode()); counterAmount.setValue(order.getTradableAmount().multiply(order.getLimitPrice())); if (counterAmount.getCurrency().equals("XRP") == false) { // not XRP - need a counterparty for this currency final String counterparty = order.getCounterCounterparty(); if (counterparty.isEmpty()) { throw new ExchangeException(String.format("counter counterparty must be populated for currency %s", counterAmount.getCurrency())); } counterAmount.setCounterparty(counterparty.toString()); } final RippleOrderEntryResponse response = rippleAuthenticated.orderEntry(exchange.getExchangeSpecification().getApiKey(), validate, entry); return Long.toString(response.getOrder().getSequence()); } public boolean cancelOrder(final String orderId, final boolean validate) throws RippleException, IOException { final RippleOrderCancelRequest cancel = new RippleOrderCancelRequest(); cancel.setSecret(exchange.getExchangeSpecification().getSecretKey()); final RippleOrderCancelResponse response = rippleAuthenticated.orderCancel(exchange.getExchangeSpecification().getApiKey(), Long.valueOf(orderId), validate, cancel); return response.isSuccess(); } public RippleAccountOrders getOpenAccountOrders() throws RippleException, IOException { return ripplePublic.openAccountOrders(exchange.getExchangeSpecification().getApiKey()); } public RippleNotifications getNotifications(final String account, final Boolean excludeFailed, final Boolean earliestFirst, final Integer resultsPerPage, final Integer page, final Long startLedger, final Long endLedger) throws RippleException, IOException { return ripplePublic.notifications(account, excludeFailed, earliestFirst, resultsPerPage, page, startLedger, endLedger); } /** * Retrieve order details from local store if they have been previously stored otherwise query external server. */ public IRippleTradeTransaction getTrade(final String account, final RippleNotification notification) throws RippleException, IOException { final RippleExchange ripple = (RippleExchange) exchange; if (ripple.isStoreTradeTransactionDetails()) { Map<String, IRippleTradeTransaction> cache = rawTradeStore.get(account); if (cache == null) { cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, IRippleTradeTransaction>(); rawTradeStore.put(account, cache); } if (cache.containsKey(notification.getHash())) { return cache.get(notification.getHash()); } } final IRippleTradeTransaction trade; try { if (notification.getType().equals("order")) { trade = ripplePublic.orderTransaction(account, notification.getHash()); } else if (notification.getType().equals("payment")) { trade = ripplePublic.paymentTransaction(account, notification.getHash()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("unexpected notification %s type for transaction[%s] and account[%s]", notification.getType(), notification.getHash(), notification.getAccount())); } } catch (final RippleException e) { if (e.getHttpStatusCode() == 500 && e.getErrorType().equals("transaction")) { // Do not let an individual transaction parsing bug in the Ripple REST service cause a total trade // history failure. See as an example of this situation. logger.error("exception reading {} transaction[{}] for account[{}]", notification.getType(), notification.getHash(), account, e); return null; } else { throw e; } } if (ripple.isStoreTradeTransactionDetails()) { rawTradeStore.get(account).put(notification.getHash(), trade); } return trade; } public List<IRippleTradeTransaction> getTradesForAccount(final TradeHistoryParams params, final String account) throws RippleException, IOException { final Integer pageLength; final Integer pageNumber; if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamPaging) { final TradeHistoryParamPaging pagingParams = (TradeHistoryParamPaging) params; pageLength = pagingParams.getPageLength(); pageNumber = pagingParams.getPageNumber(); } else { pageLength = pageNumber = null; } final Collection<String> currencyFilter = new HashSet<String>(); if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamCurrencyPair) { final CurrencyPair pair = ((TradeHistoryParamCurrencyPair) params).getCurrencyPair(); if (pair != null) { currencyFilter.add(pair.base.getCurrencyCode()); currencyFilter.add(pair.counter.getCurrencyCode()); } } final Date startTime, endTime; if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan) { final TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan timeSpanParams = (TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan) params; // return all trades between start time (oldest) and end time (most recent) startTime = timeSpanParams.getStartTime(); endTime = timeSpanParams.getEndTime(); } else { startTime = endTime = null; } final RippleTradeHistoryCount rippleCount; if (params instanceof RippleTradeHistoryCount) { rippleCount = (RippleTradeHistoryCount) params; } else { rippleCount = null; } final String hashLimit; if (params instanceof RippleTradeHistoryHashLimit) { hashLimit = ((RippleTradeHistoryHashLimit) params).getHashLimit(); } else { hashLimit = null; } final List<IRippleTradeTransaction> trades = new ArrayList<IRippleTradeTransaction>(); final RippleNotifications notifications = ripplePublic.notifications(account, EXCLUDE_FAILED, EARLIEST_FIRST, pageLength, pageNumber, START_LEDGER, END_LEDGER); if (rippleCount != null) { rippleCount.incrementApiCallCount(); } if (notifications.getNotifications().isEmpty()) { return trades; } // Notifications are returned with the most recent at bottom of the result page. Therefore, // in order to consider the most recent first, loop through using a reverse order iterator. final ListIterator<RippleNotification> iterator = notifications.getNotifications().listIterator(notifications.getNotifications().size()); while (iterator.hasPrevious()) { if (rippleCount != null) { if (rippleCount.getTradeCountLimit() > 0 && rippleCount.getTradeCount() >= rippleCount.getTradeCountLimit()) { return trades; // found enough trades } if (rippleCount.getApiCallCountLimit() > 0 && rippleCount.getApiCallCount() >= rippleCount.getApiCallCountLimit()) { return trades; // reached the query limit } } final RippleNotification notification = iterator.previous(); if ((endTime != null) && notification.getTimestamp().after(endTime)) { // this trade is more recent than the end time - ignore it continue; } if ((startTime != null) && notification.getTimestamp().before(startTime)) { // this trade is older than the start time - stop searching return trades; } if (notification.getType().equals("order")) { // standard on single order book trade } else if (notification.getType().equals("payment") && notification.getDirection().equals("passthrough")) { // indirect trade passing through this order book } else { continue; // not a trade related notification } final IRippleTradeTransaction trade = getTrade(account, notification); if (rippleCount != null) { rippleCount.incrementApiCallCount(); } if (trade == null) { continue; } final List<RippleAmount> balanceChanges = trade.getBalanceChanges(); if (balanceChanges.size() < 2 || balanceChanges.size() > 3) { continue; // this is not a trade - a trade will change 2 or 3 (including XRP fee) currency balances } if (currencyFilter.isEmpty() || (currencyFilter.contains(balanceChanges.get(0).getCurrency()) && currencyFilter.contains(balanceChanges.get(1).getCurrency()))) { // no currency filter has been applied || currency filter match trades.add(trade); if (rippleCount != null) { rippleCount.incrementTradeCount(); } } if (trade.getHash().equals(hashLimit)) { return trades; // found the last required trade - stop searching } } if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamPaging && (hashLimit != null || startTime != null)) { // Still looking for trades, if query was complete it would have returned in the // loop above. Increment the page number and search next set of notifications. final TradeHistoryParamPaging pagingParams = (TradeHistoryParamPaging) params; final int currentPage; if (pagingParams.getPageNumber() == null) { currentPage = 1; } else { currentPage = pagingParams.getPageNumber(); } pagingParams.setPageNumber(currentPage + 1); trades.addAll(getTradesForAccount(params, account)); } return trades; } /** * The Ripple network transaction fee varies depending on how busy the network is as described * <a href="">here</a>. * * @return current network transaction fee in units of XRP */ public BigDecimal getTransactionFee() { return ripplePublic.getTransactionFee().getFee().stripTrailingZeros(); } /** * @return transfer fee for the base leg of the order in the base currency */ public BigDecimal getExpectedBaseTransferFee(final RippleLimitOrder order) throws IOException { final ITransferFeeSource transferFeeSource = (ITransferFeeSource) exchange.getAccountService(); final String counterparty = order.getBaseCounterparty(); final String currency = order.getCurrencyPair().base.getCurrencyCode(); final BigDecimal quantity = order.getTradableAmount(); final OrderType type = order.getType(); return getExpectedTransferFee(transferFeeSource, counterparty, currency, quantity, type); } /** * @return transfer fee for the counter leg of the order in the counter currency */ public BigDecimal getExpectedCounterTransferFee(final RippleLimitOrder order) throws IOException { final ITransferFeeSource transferFeeSource = (ITransferFeeSource) exchange.getAccountService(); final String counterparty = order.getCounterCounterparty(); final String currency = order.getCurrencyPair().counter.getCurrencyCode(); final BigDecimal quantity = order.getTradableAmount().multiply(order.getLimitPrice()); final OrderType type; if (order.getType() == OrderType.BID) { type = OrderType.ASK; } else { type = OrderType.BID; } return getExpectedTransferFee(transferFeeSource, counterparty, currency, quantity, type); } /** * The expected counterparty transfer fee for an order that results in a transfer of the supplied amount of currency. The fee rate is payable when * sending the currency (not receiving it) and it set by the issuing counterparty. The rate may be zero. Transfer fees are not applicable to sending * XRP. More details can be found <a href="">here</a>. * * @return transfer fee of the supplied currency */ public static BigDecimal getExpectedTransferFee(final ITransferFeeSource transferFeeSource, final String counterparty, final String currency, final BigDecimal quantity, final OrderType type) throws IOException { if (currency.equals("XRP")) { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } if (counterparty.isEmpty()) { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } final BigDecimal transferFeeRate = transferFeeSource.getTransferFeeRate(counterparty); if ((transferFeeRate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) && (type == OrderType.ASK)) { // selling/sending the base currency so will incur a transaction fee on it return quantity.multiply(transferFeeRate).abs(); } else { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } } /** * Clear any stored order details to allow memory to be released. */ public void clearOrderDetailsStore() { for (final Map<String, IRippleTradeTransaction> cache : rawTradeStore.values()) { cache.clear(); } rawTradeStore.clear(); } }