package org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.service; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import org.knowm.xchange.Exchange; import org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.BTCEAdapters; import org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.BTCEAuthenticated; import org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.BTCEExchange; import org.knowm.xchange.btce.v3.dto.marketdata.BTCEExchangeInfo; import*; import; import; import org.knowm.xchange.currency.CurrencyPair; import org.knowm.xchange.dto.Order; import; import; import; import; import org.knowm.xchange.exceptions.ExchangeException; import org.knowm.xchange.exceptions.NotAvailableFromExchangeException; import org.knowm.xchange.exceptions.NotYetImplementedForExchangeException; import; import*; import; import org.knowm.xchange.utils.DateUtils; /** * @author Matija Mazi */ public class BTCETradeService extends BTCETradeServiceRaw implements TradeService { /** * Constructor * * @param exchange */ public BTCETradeService(Exchange exchange) { super(exchange); } @Override public OpenOrders getOpenOrders() throws IOException { return getOpenOrders(createOpenOrdersParams()); } @Override public OpenOrders getOpenOrders(OpenOrdersParams params) throws ExchangeException, NotAvailableFromExchangeException, NotYetImplementedForExchangeException, IOException { Map<Long, BTCEOrder> orders = getBTCEActiveOrders(null); return BTCEAdapters.adaptOrders(orders); } /** * Implementation note: this method calls placeLimitOrder with LimitOrder created from passed MarketOrder and either max price in case of BID or min * proce in case of ASK, taken from the remote metadata cached in BTCEExchange */ @Override public String placeMarketOrder(MarketOrder marketOrder) throws IOException { BTCEExchangeInfo btceExchangeInfo = ((BTCEExchange) exchange).getBtceExchangeInfo(); LimitOrder order = BTCEAdapters.createLimitOrder(marketOrder, btceExchangeInfo); return placeLimitOrder(order); } @Override public String placeLimitOrder(LimitOrder limitOrder) throws IOException { BTCEOrder.Type type = limitOrder.getType() == Order.OrderType.BID ? : BTCEOrder.Type.sell; String pair = BTCEAdapters.getPair(limitOrder.getCurrencyPair()); BTCEOrder btceOrder = new BTCEOrder(0, null, limitOrder.getLimitPrice(), limitOrder.getTradableAmount(), type, pair); BTCEPlaceOrderResult result = placeBTCEOrder(btceOrder); return Long.toString(result.getOrderId()); } @Override public boolean cancelOrder(String orderId) throws IOException { BTCECancelOrderResult ret = cancelBTCEOrder(Long.parseLong(orderId)); return (ret != null); } /** * Supported parameters: {@link TradeHistoryParamPaging} {@link TradeHistoryParamsIdSpan} {@link TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan} * {@link TradeHistoryParamCurrencyPair} You can also override sorting order (default is descending) by using {@link BTCETradeHistoryParams} */ @Override public UserTrades getTradeHistory(TradeHistoryParams params) throws ExchangeException, IOException { Long offset = null; Long count = null; Long startId = null; Long endId = null; BTCEAuthenticated.SortOrder sort = BTCEAuthenticated.SortOrder.DESC; Long startTime = null; Long endTime = null; String btcrPair = null; if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamPaging) { TradeHistoryParamPaging pagingParams = (TradeHistoryParamPaging) params; Integer pageLength = pagingParams.getPageLength(); Integer pageNumber = pagingParams.getPageNumber(); if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 0; } if (pageLength != null) { count = pageLength.longValue(); offset = (long) (pageLength * pageNumber); } else { offset = pageNumber.longValue(); } } if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamsIdSpan) { TradeHistoryParamsIdSpan idParams = (TradeHistoryParamsIdSpan) params; startId = nullSafeToLong(idParams.getStartId()); endId = nullSafeToLong(idParams.getEndId()); } if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan) { TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan timeParams = (TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan) params; startTime = nullSafeUnixTime(timeParams.getStartTime()); endTime = nullSafeUnixTime(timeParams.getEndTime()); } if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamCurrencyPair) { CurrencyPair pair = ((TradeHistoryParamCurrencyPair) params).getCurrencyPair(); if (pair != null) { btcrPair = BTCEAdapters.getPair(pair); } } if (params instanceof BTCETransHistoryParams) { sort = ((BTCETransHistoryParams) params).getSortOrder(); } Map<Long, BTCETradeHistoryResult> resultMap = getBTCETradeHistory(offset, count, startId, endId, sort, startTime, endTime, btcrPair); return BTCEAdapters.adaptTradeHistory(resultMap); } private static Long nullSafeToLong(String str) { try { return (str == null || str.isEmpty()) ? null : Long.valueOf(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } private static Long nullSafeUnixTime(Date time) { return time != null ? DateUtils.toUnixTime(time) : null; } @Override public TradeHistoryParams createTradeHistoryParams() { return new BTCETradeHistoryParams(); } @Override public OpenOrdersParams createOpenOrdersParams() { return null; } @Override public Collection<Order> getOrder(String... orderIds) throws ExchangeException, NotAvailableFromExchangeException, NotYetImplementedForExchangeException, IOException { throw new NotYetImplementedForExchangeException(); } /** * Retrieve TransHistory. :TODO: Return could be abstracted in a fashion similar to UserTrades and also used in additional service for BitStamp * exchange. * * @param params * @return Map of transaction id to BTCETransHistoryResult */ public Map<Long, BTCETransHistoryResult> getTransHistory(BTCETransHistoryParams params) throws ExchangeException, IOException { Long offset = null; Long count = null; Long startId = null; Long endId = null; BTCEAuthenticated.SortOrder sort = BTCEAuthenticated.SortOrder.DESC; Long startTime = null; Long endTime = null; if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamPaging) { TradeHistoryParamPaging pagingParams = params; Integer pageLength = pagingParams.getPageLength(); Integer pageNumber = pagingParams.getPageNumber(); if (pageNumber == null) { pageNumber = 0; } if (pageLength != null) { count = pageLength.longValue(); offset = (long) (pageLength * pageNumber); } else { offset = pageNumber.longValue(); } } if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamsIdSpan) { TradeHistoryParamsIdSpan idParams = params; startId = nullSafeToLong(idParams.getStartId()); endId = nullSafeToLong(idParams.getEndId()); } if (params instanceof TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan) { TradeHistoryParamsTimeSpan timeParams = params; startTime = nullSafeUnixTime(timeParams.getStartTime()); endTime = nullSafeUnixTime(timeParams.getEndTime()); } if (params instanceof BTCETransHistoryParams) { sort = params.getSortOrder(); } Map<Long, BTCETransHistoryResult> resultMap = getBTCETransHistory(offset, count, startId, endId, sort, startTime, endTime); return resultMap; } }