package org.knowm.xchange.campbx;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.dto.CampBXResponse;
import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.dto.account.MyFunds;
import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.dto.marketdata.CampBXOrderBook;
import org.knowm.xchange.campbx.dto.marketdata.CampBXTicker;
* @author Matija Mazi
public interface CampBX {
public CampBXOrderBook getOrderBook() throws IOException;
public CampBXTicker getTicker() throws IOException;
* An API call to obtain list pending orders for an account can be made in following format: POST: user=USERNAME
* pass=PASSWORD Result is a JSON object with two arrays: Buy and Sell. Each array includes a sub-array of open Buy or Sell orders.
public MyOpenOrders getOpenOrders(@FormParam("user") String user, @FormParam("pass") String password) throws IOException;
* An API call to obtain latest account balances can be made in following format: POST: user=USERNAME
* pass=PASSWORD Result is a JSON object with six members. First two members show Total USD and BTC balances for a given account, provided the login
* credentials are correct. Next two members show Liquid USD and BTC balances not tied up in open orders on the order book. Last two members show
* Margin Account USD and BTC balances. When you open or close a margin position, CampBX transparently moves funds in and out of the Margin Account;
* hence, no explicit funds-transfer is required.
public MyFunds getMyFunds(@FormParam("user") String user, @FormParam("pass") String password) throws IOException;
* An API call to placing an order can be made in following format:
* <p>
* POST: user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD TradeMode=QuickBuy Quantity=DECIMAL Price=DECIMAL
* </p>
* <p>
* OR
* </p>
* <p>
* POST: user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD TradeMode=QuickSell Quantity=DECIMAL Price=DECIMAL Please note that the
* parameters listed below are case-sensitive. The TradeMode parameter refers to the type of the order, and permitted values are QuickBuy or
* QuickSell. Quick orders are described in more detail on the FAQ page; essentially they are limit-price orders that stay open on CampBX order book
* for up to 31 days. Quantity and Price are decimal values that must follow all rules / limits set by CampBX. Minimum quantity to place an order is
* 0.1 Bitcoins.
* </p>
* <p>
* Return Values: If your entire order is executed immediately, the return value will be '0' in JSON format: {"Success":"0"}
* </p>
* <p>
* In case the order was not filled entirely, the return value would be corresponding Order ID in our Order Book.
* </p>
public CampBXResponse tradeEnter(@FormParam("user") String user, @FormParam("pass") String password, @FormParam("TradeMode") TradeMode mode,
@FormParam("Quantity") BigDecimal quantity, @FormParam("Price") BigDecimal price) throws IOException;
* An API call to place an advanced order can be made in following format:
* <p>
* </p>
* <p>
* POST Mandatory fields: user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD TradeMode=AdvancedBuy OR TradeMode=AdvancedSell Price=DECIMAL OR Price=Market Quantity=DECIMAL
* </p>
* <p>
* Optional Fields: FillType=Incremental OR FillType=AON OR FillType=FOK (If omitted, default Fill Type is Incremental)
* </p>
* <p>
* DarkPool=No OR DarkPool=Yes (Default is No Darkpool)
* </p>
* <p>
* Expiry=YYYY/MM/DD (Allowed range is 1 Hour through 31 Days) (Many additional formats are supported as well, including relative values! Please
* contact our helpdesk if you would like additional information about time/date formats.)
* </p>
* <p>
* Please note that all parameters are case-sensitive. We highly recommend executing small trades and experimenting with all of the possible
* parameter values before implementing them in your strategy. Expiry date field allows using many relative and absolute values and offers a lot of
* flexibility. If this is something that you rely on heavily in your strategy, please contact us for details about additional formats. Return
* Values: If your entire order is executed immediately, the return value will be '0' in JSON format: {"Success":"0"}
* </p>
* <p>
* In case the order was not filled entirely, the return value would be corresponding Order ID in our Order Book.
* </p>
public CampBXResponse tradeAdvancedEnter(@Nonnull @FormParam("user") String user, @Nonnull @FormParam("pass") String password,
@Nonnull @FormParam("TradeMode") AdvTradeMode mode, @Nonnull @FormParam("Quantity") BigDecimal quantity,
@Nonnull @FormParam("Price") BigDecimal price, @FormParam("FillType") FillType fillType, @FormParam("DarkPool") DarkPool darkPool,
@FormParam("Expiry") String expiry) throws IOException;
public CampBXResponse tradeAdvancedMarketEnter(@Nonnull @FormParam("user") String user, @Nonnull @FormParam("pass") String password,
@Nonnull @FormParam("TradeMode") AdvTradeMode mode, @Nonnull @FormParam("Quantity") BigDecimal quantity,
@Nonnull @FormParam("Price") MarketPrice market, @FormParam("FillType") FillType fillType, @FormParam("DarkPool") DarkPool darkPool,
@FormParam("Expiry") String expiry) throws IOException;
* An API call to cancel an open order can be made in following format: <blockquote> POST: user=USERNAME
* pass=PASSWORD Type=Buy OrderID=NUMERIC_ID </blockquote> OR <blockquote> POST: user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD
* Type=Sell OrderID=NUMERIC_ID </blockquote> Please note that the parameters for this call are case-sensitive. Type and OrderID parameters must
* match the exact information provided by myorders.php call outlined in the previous section. The "Type" parameter refers to the type of order;
* permitted values are Buy or Sell. "OrderID" must be a numeric value corresponding to the order that you are attempting to cancel.
public CampBXResponse tradeCancel(@FormParam("user") String user, @FormParam("pass") String password, @FormParam("Type") OrderType type,
@FormParam("OrderID") Long orderId) throws IOException;
* An API call to get Bitcoin deposit address for your account can be made in following format: <blockquote>
* POST: user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD </blockquote>
* <p>
* Please note that the parameters are case-sensitive. API call returns "Success" and the Bitcoin Address if request is successful. An address
* generated through this method is your dedicated address, and can be used to make deposits as long as you would like.
* </p>
public CampBXResponse getDepositAddress(@FormParam("user") String user, @FormParam("pass") String password) throws IOException;
* An API call to send Bitcoins to an address can be made in following format: <blockquote> POST: user=USERNAME
* <p>
* Please note that the parameters listed below are case-sensitive. The BTCTo parameter must be a valid Bitcoin address, while BTCAmt must be a
* decimal value less than your account balance. API call returns "Success" and the TX_ID if transfer is successful. The default withdrawal limit is
* 500 Bitcoins per 24 hours, and this limit can be raised by submitting a ticket to the helpdesk.
* </p>
public CampBXResponse withdrawBtc(@FormParam("user") String user, @FormParam("pass") String password, @FormParam("BTCTo") String btcToAddress,
@FormParam("BTCAmt") BigDecimal amount) throws IOException;
public static enum TradeMode {
QuickBuy, QuickSell
public static enum OrderType {
Buy, Sell
public static enum AdvTradeMode {
AdvancedBuy, AdvancedSell
public static enum FillType {
Incremental, AON, FOK
public static enum DarkPool {
Yes, No
public static enum MarketPrice {