package org.knowm.xchange.ccex.dto.ticker; import javax.annotation.Generated; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) @Generated("org.jsonschema2pojo") @JsonPropertyOrder({ "high", "low", "avg", "lastbuy", "lastsell", "buy", "sell", "lastprice", "buysupport", "updated" }) public class Ticker { @JsonProperty("high") private Double high; @JsonProperty("low") private Double low; @JsonProperty("avg") private Double avg; @JsonProperty("lastbuy") private Double lastbuy; @JsonProperty("lastsell") private Double lastsell; @JsonProperty("buy") private Double buy; @JsonProperty("sell") private Double sell; @JsonProperty("lastprice") private Double lastprice; @JsonProperty("buysupport") private Double buysupport; @JsonProperty("updated") private Integer updated; /** * No args constructor for use in serialization * */ public Ticker() { } /** * * @param lastbuy * @param buysupport * @param lastprice * @param updated * @param sell * @param buy * @param lastsell * @param high * @param avg * @param low */ public Ticker(Double high, Double low, Double avg, Double lastbuy, Double lastsell, Double buy, Double sell, Double lastprice, Double buysupport, Integer updated) { this.high = high; this.low = low; this.avg = avg; this.lastbuy = lastbuy; this.lastsell = lastsell; = buy; this.sell = sell; this.lastprice = lastprice; this.buysupport = buysupport; this.updated = updated; } /** * * @return The high */ @JsonProperty("high") public Double getHigh() { return high; } /** * * @param high * The high */ @JsonProperty("high") public void setHigh(Double high) { this.high = high; } public Ticker withHigh(Double high) { this.high = high; return this; } /** * * @return The low */ @JsonProperty("low") public Double getLow() { return low; } /** * * @param low * The low */ @JsonProperty("low") public void setLow(Double low) { this.low = low; } public Ticker withLow(Double low) { this.low = low; return this; } /** * * @return The avg */ @JsonProperty("avg") public Double getAvg() { return avg; } /** * * @param avg * The avg */ @JsonProperty("avg") public void setAvg(Double avg) { this.avg = avg; } public Ticker withAvg(Double avg) { this.avg = avg; return this; } /** * * @return The lastbuy */ @JsonProperty("lastbuy") public Double getLastbuy() { return lastbuy; } /** * * @param lastbuy * The lastbuy */ @JsonProperty("lastbuy") public void setLastbuy(Double lastbuy) { this.lastbuy = lastbuy; } public Ticker withLastbuy(Double lastbuy) { this.lastbuy = lastbuy; return this; } /** * * @return The lastsell */ @JsonProperty("lastsell") public Double getLastsell() { return lastsell; } /** * * @param lastsell * The lastsell */ @JsonProperty("lastsell") public void setLastsell(Double lastsell) { this.lastsell = lastsell; } public Ticker withLastsell(Double lastsell) { this.lastsell = lastsell; return this; } /** * * @return The buy */ @JsonProperty("buy") public Double getBuy() { return buy; } /** * * @param buy * The buy */ @JsonProperty("buy") public void setBuy(Double buy) { = buy; } public Ticker withBuy(Double buy) { = buy; return this; } /** * * @return The sell */ @JsonProperty("sell") public Double getSell() { return sell; } /** * * @param sell * The sell */ @JsonProperty("sell") public void setSell(Double sell) { this.sell = sell; } public Ticker withSell(Double sell) { this.sell = sell; return this; } /** * * @return The lastprice */ @JsonProperty("lastprice") public Double getLastprice() { return lastprice; } /** * * @param lastprice * The lastprice */ @JsonProperty("lastprice") public void setLastprice(Double lastprice) { this.lastprice = lastprice; } public Ticker withLastprice(Double lastprice) { this.lastprice = lastprice; return this; } /** * * @return The buysupport */ @JsonProperty("buysupport") public Double getBuysupport() { return buysupport; } /** * * @param buysupport * The buysupport */ @JsonProperty("buysupport") public void setBuysupport(Double buysupport) { this.buysupport = buysupport; } public Ticker withBuysupport(Double buysupport) { this.buysupport = buysupport; return this; } /** * * @return The updated */ @JsonProperty("updated") public Integer getUpdated() { return updated; } /** * * @param updated * The updated */ @JsonProperty("updated") public void setUpdated(Integer updated) { this.updated = updated; } public Ticker withUpdated(Integer updated) { this.updated = updated; return this; } }